Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 1)

The PTR is up. I haven’t looked at any of it yet, so I don’t know if they’ve confirmed a new warchief yet or if it’s just going to be left hanging there like the racial leader roles for most of the Horde now.


Warchief position has been abolished.


If you’re looking for any of the PTR information I’ve got a thread with the various bits that have been posted.

(The formatting in the preview was ugly as sin so I didn’t post it as a link)


Apparently loyalists meet up with Sylvanas after she flees and get a little tidbit of where she’s going next or some such.

You aren’t getting a singular leader anymore, as Amadis linked the warchief position was decided to be something that largely only brought ruin to the Horde so they’ve ditched it for a council of representatives from each race. Congrats, you now have more autonomy over yourselves than the actual Alliance does. We get God King Anduin and his peacenik, hippy ways.


I’m here to hide from GD.

You cannot escape GD. It is everywhere, it is everything.

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You think you’ll be safe here?

GD has a post attacking the notion of “the furry agenda” so it’s not all bad.

Horde should be fully embracing Vulpera. Who cares about the furry aspect? We’re finally gonna have a race that does FLIPS when you jump! As a complusive space bar spammer, I could not be more excited for Vulpera.


GD has been interesting since that whole hullabaloo about the banned dude. I like the conversation being had. Most people are entrenched in their positions, but if one person was made aware of something they did not know, I think its good.

It is not totally off topic - for GD. Hearthstone is based on Warcraft and Blizzard is their owner. But it would be off topic in the Story section. So this section may be a respite.

We need Wickermen, Naga and Sethrak as Allied Races. As for Armor: Do the same thing for them what was done for Mechagnomes!

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Yeah you can easily tell Hearthstone’s story, such as it is, isn’t canon to wow anyway. What with all four old gods being revived and unleashed and all.

That’s right! You can’t prove anything!

No collusion!

nervous laughter

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I feel like it being foreshadowing to wow’s next expansion is unlikely. How do you resurrect Yshaarj when he has nothing left of him to resurrect?

Ask Derek? I’m sure he can tell us.

So retcons then?

So, I hear China is a great country.

No. Begone from the story forums foul topic! waves hands

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Yes, what a silly notion. What paranoid fool came up with such a ridiculous idea. There is no Furry Agenda. We don’t have some outlandish plans to take over the game. Also, there is no war in Ba Sing Se.


Still, hard not to notice that Vulpera bring the number of furry races up to 4, which is on par with the number of Elf races for the first time since the score was at 1 and 1, way back in Vanilla.

Unless Draenei count as furry? Am I behind the curve on furries, by not counting Draenei?