Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 1)

She’s in Darkshore during Warfronts yet doesn’t kill instantly alas…

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My experience every time a new Hearthstone expansion comes out:

I will never get to Legend.

You still paying money on it?

No. I would never support spending money on Hearthstone. That’s part of why I stick with my murlocs.


It’s not so bad the first few expansions, but it gets old fast.

True that. Once the meta settles down I usually drift away until the next expansion.

Weirdly enough I only try playing when there is a meta. I don’t want to craft bad cards.

Even if I played enough to get the maximum amount of gold you could, I don’t think it would be enough to be able to craft all the decks one would need to to keep up with the meta.

Though, frankly, simple reality is I’m also not good enough to play opponents in the way necessary to get through ranks 5 through 1.

As fun as it looks, i have zero interest or passion in building decks. Its why i aviod cards games in general, as well as the stench of gatherings.

I’ll die for you

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Don’t tho.

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Who’s playing classic?

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I reserved a couple of names, but I will only really play Classic on occasion when I feel like it.

Yeah, going Alliance on Herod. Might have a Horde alt on Grobbulus, but will have to see how much energy I have.

Why Herod exactly?

The guild I’m in (mostly old friends) wanted a PvP server. And we are mostly Central or Eastern NA. Ended up just deciding on that to avoid the streamers.

I already played Classic. I don’t have any interest in playing it again. Maybe if they ever make Wrath servers just to be able to walk around the old world before the Cataclysm revamp without actually pulling anything when at level 80.

Edit, speaking of fossils:

Not I. I have no intention of reverting to a primitive state that predates transmog.


Only for the purpose of past/time travel RP.

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