Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 1)

I recently got Skyrim on the PC for the first time. I always had it on a console before. I wanted to see what all the mods were like, and there are a lot of mods.

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Get the unofficial patch. It fixes a lot of bugs and errors legt in the game. I recommend looking in the top downloads on Nexusmods for a mods that are lore friendly and enhance the experience. The blood moon rising mod for example makes the werewolf leveling system much more interesting. Get Skyrim Sript extender for the big graphics mods.

Learn how to use the command console. It will allow you to fix broken quests and npcs on the spot, and get you out of bugged locations.

When lore doesnā€™t matter anymore, there are someā€¦ interesting mods out there.


Yeah, Iā€™ve been poking around Nexus mods. I got the baseline stuff like script extender and the unofficial patch. Iā€™ve also picked up a patch for armor and magic scaling to fix the wonky scaling in the game.

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Immersive Armors and Immersive weapons opens up the floodgate to lore-friendly gear with balanced stats to liven up the game.

Currently Iā€™m running around in a Tropical Skyrim since its basically a new game with the ALternate Start mod.

I liked the one mod (that I canā€™t remember the name of since itā€™s been years since I played) that completely rebalanced the skill trees. It made it so that even at max sneak I couldnā€™t just crouch and get around everything.

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Reason #394 that Night Elves are superior to everything else: None of this silly diurnal, out in the sun, nonsense.

I spent the weekend camping at the lake with my boyfriend for his birthday. Now Iā€™m sunburnt in places I didnā€™t even know existed.


Always use sunscreen when youā€™re going outside to do stuff.

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I did. Twice during each major outdoor activity.

Blizzard gifted me three days of game time. I got six somehow.

Itā€™s true. Like that small triangle between my shoulder blades. Barely noticed it before. Donā€™t even think I can reach it. The sun found every inch of it.

On the bright side, the Cats trailer was unleashed upon the civilized world well after I had left. So, I otherwise had an enjoyable weekend without that burned into my mindā€™s eye.

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One of the weirdest 2 minutes and 30 seconds of my life.


I know very little about broadway or the actual play.

But I like cats.

I wouldnā€™t pay to see that movie but it was a fun trailer.

Can someone release the Dark Lord of the Night so that he can head to Coruscant and revive Darth Tyranus(his corpse was never staked)?

Lucasfilm was willing to bring back Darth Maul for Clone Wars and Rebels so why canā€™t we bring back Darth Tyranus for another animated TV Series and have him and the Dark Lord of the Night claim Serrano and turn it into a Vampire realm?

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I know it was a really big deal when I was a kid. Enough to get frequently advertised on tv. Even back then, it was a bit in the uncanny valley, even if I didnā€™t know what that was at the time.

This just dove straight into the uncanny valley headfirst. Never looked back. And never apologized for it.

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I remember that, too. Iā€™m not a Broadway person either, but Sarah Brightman (cast member) has an absolutely fantastic voice. Love her singing.

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Iā€™m not big musicals myself, either. But Iā€™ve seen a few. My aunt was a stagehand at the Orpheum, and got tickets from time to time.

I actually skipped out on seeing Cats that way, because of the anthropomorhic-felid, uncanny valley stuff. But I did see The Lion King. I can be fickle like that, sometimes.

Has anyone seen an animated show where a Reptilian-Man(I.E. Sethrak or Saurok) monarch is the calm calculating main villain against a bunch of Human or resembling Human protagonists? We need one!

Iā€™m firmly of the belief that the Sethrakā€™s Eternal Emperor Korthek(who was badly underused despite his great voice) could inspire a great main villain for a Magical Girl Anime!

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Uncut YuYu Hakusho is a trip and Iā€™m here for it.