Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 1)

I am so behind on Star Wars stuff because I have issues giving Disney money.

But everyone is telling me Andor is fantastic so…

It’s amazing. It’s slower paced than what people are used to but it’s darker and grittier. More than makes up for it

I like seeing that kind of style. Part of why I think Rogue One is the best of the Disney Brand of Star Wars.

My friend also said I would really like Kenobi, something about Darth Vader’s role in it, since he is probably my favorite Star Wars character. At least in the movies… My Favorite Star Wars Character of all time is hands down Kreia from KOTOR 2.

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Vader is really menacing the times he shows up in Kenobi. You would love that show

And kreia was amazing on kotor 2. If you download some cut content mods, it really adds more to the story

Oh absolutely. I have played a lot of KOTOR 2.

Really hoping they remaster it alongside the KOTOR 1 remake. Whenever that’ll be, it’s indefinably delayed atm.


I need to watch later today .-.

I liked 2 better than 1 :face_with_peeking_eye:


That is because it’s better!

I mean, it depends what you are after. The first one is classic Hero’s Journey. Classic Star Wars. Has a good twist, has a little bit of nuance, especially with Jolee Bindo. But for the most part, Light is still good, Dark is still bad, and there is not much there other that the adventure itself. Which is great fun, don’t get me wrong.

Kotor 2 is a regressivist take on Star Wars. It was kind of like what the Last Jedi was -trying- but -failed- to be. And I think that is because the people who wrote both the Kotor games, you could tell were legit fans of Star Wars. There is reference to Exar Kun, Nomi Sunrider, the Yuuzhan Vong. The kind of stuff that probably a total unknown to anyone on TLJ writing board. And in Kotor 2, the characters are a lot more nuanced. They are imperfect in rather upsetting ways and they are all kind of… Going through some stuff that is a bit beyond the typical revenge quest and tragic backstory like Carth Onasi. And when you go on to realize that all the characters are more than that, but actually like, literary personifications of broader ideas… It just opens up a whole new thing. A completely different story experience from the first one.

I remember I had my friend play Kotor for the first time because they never had before. And like… They liked the first one a lot more. And pretty much all the parts I liked about Kotor 2 they were like “Meh…”

And I was just like “… Who are you?”


Rian Johnson is a big, big fan of the Star Wars EU. He has an encyclopedic knowledge of the lore and freely can reference very niche topics on it.

Chris Avellone doesn’t like Star Wars and had never seen the movies at the time of writing KotOR 2. I don’t know if he’s more familiar now with both K2 and Fallen Order under his belt.

JJ Abrams is a big fan of Star Wars and has admitted his Star Trek movies were auditions to try and get Star Wars.

The original writer of Rogue One is a huge fan of Star Wars; the reshoot director who turned it into the fantastic movie it is now does not like Star Wars at all.

I agree K2 is better than TLJ and they’re pushing for similar themes.

Kenobi was very uneven but has some amazing moments.

Overall I’d say Star Wars has a problem with it being run by fans, actually. Half of writing something good is a passion for the material; the other half is perspective that can let you communicate those qualities to people outside of your own viewpoint.

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I am not sure I believe that. I mean, if it is true, then props to him for doing his research and delivering a product that elevated the franchise the way that it did.

I am not sure I would have the mental fortitude to get that deep into a franchise that I didn’t like.

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I looked into it to pull the quote I had half-remembered, and it looks like that was a popular misunderstanding of an old comment of his. So actually, strike that one from the list!

From your friendly neighborhood panda :relaxed:


I definitely understand what you’re saying there, KOTOR 2 just felt more real in a way to me, it like made me feel nostalgic even on a first play through as a kid, from the music to the characters to the worlds it just felt more idk.

And yeah I love 1 also but in a completely dif way but if I had to choose I’ll always go w 2


Kotor 2 just felt darker too. And it’s villians were actually scary and pretty cool. Imagine a Sith so powerful he can destroy you mentally just by speaking.

(Nihilus is one of the coolest Sith Lords they ever invented in a game)

Onderon was also my favorite planet and questing / story experience, I was ecstatic when they added Onderon in SWTOR in the onslaught expansion.

Onderon was pretty pretty cool. Reminded me of Coruscant, but not as grand :dragon:

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SWTOR Coruscant is so good imo I love it

There’s this two people idk what their relation is but they have dialogue and talk about how excited they are to start a new life coming from Tattooine and idk I like get all emotional for them I’m like I hope you guys are happy here omg

Edit: they’re right by the spaceport xD so it’s a nice little wholesome moment I think + the view and idk it’s the first thing you see coming out from the space port so perf

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Larry for PM. He has been the most consistent thing at Number 10 for a while now.

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I saw him 1v1 a fox and win.

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That which was Cut would have made both Nihilus and Traya more interesting Characters:

Nihilus would have been the Dark Echo of the Exile while Traya would have been the Dark Echo of Atris.

In the end Kreia would have made Atris realize what happened to her and how she had fallen to Darkness.

Atris would be redeemable while Kreia would arrange her demise at the hands of the Player.

Kreia would take up the Mantle of Darth Traya and revert to a Dark Version of Atris in Sith Robes before being taken down by the Player.

As for why Kreia wanted herself killed by the Exile: No idea.

On the matter of Cut Content making things better: It probably wouldn’t have made Chrono Trigger more nuanced if the Plot was going the way I think it was:

Chrono Trigger was originally going to use the Maps, Areas & Dungeons of Secret of Mana under different names and forms.

The Light, Fire and Moon Palaces were originally just the Sun Palace I would assume and the Palace of Darkness as well as the Water and Earth Palaces were originally the Northern Palace.

Furthermore the Magical Powers come from becoming Walking Paradoxes(as shown by Marle mentioning burning up before disappearing due to the Paradox) with the Seeds in the Palaces being empowered again and again by different Paradoxes warping the Landscape constantly.

For the Sun Palace:

The Light Paradox would have turned the Palace & Forest surrounding it into Gold, The Solar Flare Paradox would have turned the Palace Reddish and reduced the Forest surrounding it into a Desert and The Star & Moon Paradox would have turned the surrounding area into a Star Filled Desert with a sea of Stars & Moons surrounding the Palace itself.

For the Northern Palace:

The Water Paradox would have frozen everything in cold water & ice, The Earth Paradox would have sent everything beneath Gaia’s Navel, The Lava Paradox would have done the same yet also block off the entrance via Lava and The Tech Paradox would have done the same and get the Seed shoved into a Robot which would become a Party Member.

Zeal Palace & the Ocean Palace:

The Tree Paradox would have turned the area surrounding Zeal Palace to Spring while The Time Paradox would have gotten the Seed taken to the Ocean Palace which in the Future would have the Black Omen built on top of the Ocean Palace with the Time Paradox Seed shoved into the Mammon Machine.

The Sword Wielding Silent Protagonist would end up pulling a Fighter from 8-Bit Theater and try to pry the Time Seed out of the Mammon Machine in the Past with his Sword and get blown up in the process empowering the Sword(picked up by the Female Protagonist) with the ability to cast Fire, Ice, Moon, Light, Earth, Lightning, Black Wind and Time Saber.

While the Protagonist and her Rival argue about who eats the Time Seed Queen Zeal eats the Seed herself teleports to Future Black Omen, brings it to the Past to flaunt her inevitable victory, dies causing a Paradox for her Future Self who turns into a Floating Face with Hands as the Final Boss and gets killed.

The above is the most likely Plot(the one that Nintendo told Square to change because it was too Dark) considering Marle’s implied Cut Fire Paradox Powers and Chrono being destined to die.

…Too Dark Indeed! The Plot would have simply been a Comedy if they simply decided to not have the Female Protagonist mourn the Silent Sword-Wielding Player Character blowing himself by driving his sword into the Mammon Machine and instead have her snark over his incompetence.

Instead of making the story Lighter and Softer they unwittingly made it Darker and Edgier! They acted as if making the Protagonist irreversibly going boom made the story too Dark and their Mental Gymnastics to make it reversible made the Story even Darker!

If Nintendo simply told them that the Story was taking itself too seriously and to turn it into a Comedy I’m sure we wouldn’t have gotten the Masterpiece that Chrono Trigger was today nor would have Square have set the stage for it’s later games such as Final Fantasy 7 whose Writer just came back from Chrono Trigger being turned into a Story about the Environment!

I’m in my little bubble rn bcz

While I digest this album


I’ve like somehow ended up in my best timeline the Alicent Stans have merged into Swifties and everyones saying how each song is about Alicent :sob: or tweeting Alicent moments w new Taylor lyrics

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