Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 1)

I have no idea what this is, but I love the intro:

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This happened to me earlier in the year. Felt like the common cold. Had a RAT test anyway and it came back as COVID19. Still felt like a common cold afterwards. I was only double vaxxed with no boosters at the time.

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From my own perspective: the underlying lore and how it delivered it.

I think younger people/people of my generation have had a thing for stuff with less accessible lore that peaks your curiosity hard while you have to search and search for meaning. ARGs for example have been huge the last decade I feel like, and this kind of stuff goes double for horror, which I think lends itself so much more to this aspect since it helps with the ā€œdonā€™t show the true monsterā€ thing that so many horror movies work with.

With this, FNAF has kinda (or at least did, Iā€™ll admit Iā€™ve never been the hugest fanatic but I did keep up with it for a bit) excelled. The first few games were definitely almost purely focused on exposing only the slimmest of lore of the world, and most of it was done in small ways. Things like Golden Freddy, Purple man, Etc. were all fed by what was essentially a dripfeed by the creator to keep up hype. Itā€™s honestly really smart - you let the audience hype themselves up continously as you give them small morsels, and just continue to build off that.

IDK if that helps with your question at the end of the day though haha.


With a certain treasure in Hearthstone Mercenaries, you can accomplish what some worgen fans had only dreamed of, turning Tess Greymane into a worgen.


I canā€™t decide if last-minute requests from teenagers are more endearing, frustrating, or the cosmic irony I deserve as a habitually late person myself.


Aww man, at least theyā€™re throwing us a bone. (Joke intended, 'cause Worgen doggo)

The heritage questline ending in not only Tess staying human but also the whole ā€˜Gilneans are humans firstā€™ thing wasā€¦ well one of the most disappointing things ever, imo.


The biggest middle finger about that is Gilneas has like nothing going for it outside the whole werewolf thing.

Particularly now as Blizz did most of the cool things you can do with Anglo styled fantasy already with Kul Tiras. Like Harvest Witches sounded cool. Going with a spookier, witch type druid styled more after actual celtic druids would be a great addition to WoW. And it was, I know because the whole Drust and Thornspeaker thing in Kul Tiras did exactly that.

I guess the Gilneans have more specifically Victorian England to play with. But for that to work you also need themes of industrial revolution, staggering wealth inequality, brutal crime and draconian punishment. Take that away and you just get cobblestones, gaslights and tophats.

Victorian England I think is so fascinating as a historic aesthetic because it was very stylish and progressive time. Tophats, fancy coats, lavish parties all accompanied by an explosion of technological advancement like trains, electricity, and industrial scale production. While simultaneously being one of the most brutal places in human history with unfathomable poverty, plagues, pollution, and an explosion of not just violent crime but tyrannical and corrupt crackdowns on it.

Maybe you could make Gilneans like these really classy people who are secretly also semi feral blood thirsty monsters to represent this duality. Ah well shame they donā€™t have anything like that going for them.


Blizzard has watered down the Worgen because the industrial revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the Human race

A White Glove Society would be interesting to see in WoW

tbh I feel like the central problem of Worgen/Gilneans has everything to do with them being written the way they would be handled in a book narrative ā€“ this is a curse they do not want and wish to rise above. Whereas players who want to go to the tortured route have better options (DK, Forsaken) and are more likely to have picked Worgen because they want to be a cool race of werewolves.

Introducing Worgen as playable through the vehicle of cursed Gilneans is even more in tension than the Forsaken, and the Forsaken are a mess of opposing player/narrative drives.

ā€œI hate my existenceā€ is not a great viewpoint to assume for player POV in an on-going persistent world that lasts decades.


Well, Gilneas did have a printing press, an industrial revolution invention. Its owner used it to print propaganda for Wolf Cult members. They also have their own version of Sherlock Holmes, Halford Ramsey. All of this was in a comic.


This is actually why Iā€™m not a big fan of the KotEB. Theyā€™re such grim grumps, growling grimly about what long suffering heroic martyrs they are for continuing to exist.

The Forsaken by contrast are my favorite because they do largely seem to be enjoying themselves. In a macabre, Addamā€™s Family sort of way but ghoulish delight is still delight. Captain Stone is a good recent look at this. Starts out pretty shook but acclimates fairly quickly;

ā€œIt wasā€¦ invigorating seeing those people get what they deserved. Is this what it is like to be free? To set your own rules? Perhaps I could get used to this.ā€

This actually makes a lot more sense with Maldraxxus in mind. The undead are basically heavenā€™s military. Them having a newfound enthusiasm for combat, spiders, dark magic, mad science and acidic goo isnā€™t a bug itā€™s a feature. Of course they love that stuff, if they didnā€™t youd have a deeply demoralized deathless army and that wouldnā€™t be terribly effective.

The DKs and characters like Sylvanas though are Maw connected undead. So being more beacons of despair with anger management problems is also very on brand for them, come to think about it.

The Worgen though donā€™t really appear to struggle with their nature. I know theyā€™re supposed to but it never really comes up. Genn ironically feels like the most human character as they write his raging beastblood as just being angry in a completely understandable way. Ah watch out he struggles to maintain composure around the woman who murdered his son in front of him. He still does but ya know, heā€™s not happy about it.

Beware the worgen curse, for when the full moon shines and the wolfbane blooms, even a man whoā€™s pure of heart and says his prayers by night may becomeā€¦ mildly irritable.


Itā€™s supremely frustrating to me thatā€™s consigned to a comic. Doing essentially ā€œHolmes VS The Ripperā€ but everyoneā€™s werewokves sounds like a great questline to me.

I do think the industrial revolution bit would be harder to pull off. Because technology makes no sense in Azeroth. Battlefields look like a Civ game where everyone refused to update units. Just siege towers, ballistas, battle tanks and bombers all somehow sharing the same field. So I really donā€™t know if a printing press is notable when teleporters are already a thing.

But Gilneas already has the perfect architecture to chase killers through back alleys to. Maybe add a steam engine making the rounds so we can have the inevitable showdown on the roof of a moving one.

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ā€¦ now i want to play Civ tonight but I already committed to a late night at work

This is your fault, Bene.


ā€œKekā€ has now been changed to ā€œruk.ā€


Off work and ready to getā€¦ one hour of Civ in.

Havenā€™t tried it since I got my new computer so letā€™s see how quickly I regret my life and/or CPU choices.

Lol, 18 players with Huge Earth TSL immediately crashed the game just trying to get past the start screen. Okay. Maybe tone down the ambition.

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My Covid has improved. Not much else has, though. When I went to an appointment for a prescription, they weighed me, and it turns out I had lost a lot of weight. Thereā€™s one good thing.


I hope it was positive weight loss and not an indication of any illness. Getting in shape is good, but I always get a little worried about rapid weight loss. (Sorry to be a nag.)


Positive weight loss. Iā€™ve struggled with obesity all my life, and I still suffer from it. It wasnā€™t rapid weight loss as far as I know. I donā€™t remember the last time I was weighed, but I weighed much more.

Edit: Thank you for the concern, Twinkle.


I read that post before and almost didnā€™t believe it. But I started reading GD, and it is true.

I am not a big fan of just letting the Alt Right co-opt stuff. Some people are saying Blizz changed it because of what ā€œkekā€ has become. Others are saying it was not political, and it was a whole code change for the Common/Orcish language translations, and many words were changed.

I thought a funny way to explain it would be :

It just changed the way Alliance hear it. Maybe because of the armistice, they got close enough to hear what our Horde laughs really sound like.

Alliance: ā€œWe thought it was kek, but now that we are close enough to tell jokes, it sounds more like a ruk.ā€


they removed kek?