Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 1)

Actually looking forward to that Werewolf By Night thing. I’ve been kinda done with Marvel due to it’s sheer ceaselessness. It’s actually successfully mirrored the comics themselves in that there’s so much happening that it just kinda becomes noise to me and I stop paying attention.

But I did really enjoy that new Doctor Strange which I saw due to my love of Sam Raimi’s direction. There’s a zombie wizard flying around with a cloak made out’ve the wrathful souls of the damned at one point, get out of my face if you don’t think that goes hard.

So I’m hoping for more absolute shlock presented with an irresponsibly large budget.

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Looked at Lunia in D&D: Apparently the Impossible Fortress of Tzeentch from Warhammer is in Lunia a Slightly Lawful Good Realm.

If Tzeentch is aligned with Slightly Lawful Good then it’s no wonder all of his deals end with the Imperium blowing up the Planet for Heresy! He’s slightly more Lawful & Good than the Outlands(which is True Neutral) and thus is obsessed with bringing about the Greater Lawful Good via whatever changes are necessary.

Tzeentch is fully backing the Imperium not the Forces of Chaos!

Now I really want to see a Cartoon involving Celestial Planes of Existence(as well as Elemental Planes of Existence)!

To see the Realm of the Sorcerer as an Island of Lunia alongside the Land Before Time-esque Island and the Redwall-Esque Island and the Central Island would be a dream come true!

What’s neat about the new Uldaman is its beginning section is actually the same as the original (though with new textures). It branches off into a new wing in the map room; you go through Ironaya’s door that previously led to a dead end. I think that’s a lot cooler/immersive than just having it be a brand new map from the start.

Echoing the sentiment that Uldaman is one of my favorite Classic dungeons. Possibly my most favorite. I was really happy when they announced the new one.


So I’ve seen it, Werewolf By Night, and it’s fine. I’m a pretty easy lay for monsters being the protagonists and in particular that 50s Universal Horror aesthetic but it felt kinda like a pilot episode for a scrapped project. Started out way more promising than it ultimately was.

Did like Fred though.

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new dorf, who dis?


Cute dworf Nith :dragon:


You’ve gone from Night Elf, to Void Elf, to Dark Iron Dwarf. I wonder what comes next.

Yeah, I get bored but don’t want to play any other Priest than my main… so I have an embarrassing amount of race/faction changes under my belt. We’ll see how long DI lasts!

TBH I usually always default back to NE for that sweet sweet Shadowmeld, but I haven’t been loving their story direction for a while so I’ve been dancing between races again lately.


I’m the same way with my hunter funny enough. Since it’s the only class I’m good at, I don’t like making new races just to make another hunter again.

So, I tend to race change depending on what my mood is. But since I’m completely in love with my panda, AGAIN, mind you, I think I’ll be keeping Shasani for a long while :dragon:

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Definitely the same boat I’m in. Priest and Shaman are the main classes that I play, but my priest is the target of my many race changes. I do have pretty much a priest of every race but I just have so much unlocked on this toon that I end up changing her anyway. :dracthyr_shrug:

I’m sure I’ll cycle back to NE eventually, Shadowmeld is just so good for questing especially where I’m more of a solo player.

The Panda is VERY cute and suits you well! I love Pandaren! (I think that’s part of my problem… I love every race… LOL.)

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I just adore how fluffy and cuddle looking Panadaren are. Like they are just the best huggers around! And their demeanor and willing to fight for what they think is right totally fits me :rofl:

I love a lot of races too, mainly the fluffy ones. Tauren, Vulpera, Pandaren and Worgen :dragon:


I actually feel naked without Will Of The Forsaken. Everytime I get feared it’s just

Impudent fool! The undead fear nothing! I’ll- oh wait right. Ill just sit here and take it then I guess

I do love that Dwarf stoneform though. Great on Hunter to make a quick escape with a well timed camouflage. Which is maybe my favorite ability in game. Having that time limit on stealth means you’ve to think fast which is fun.

I also rediscovered my love of Rogue. I was able to win a few BGs both by snatching nodes and rerouting carts at just the right moment. But mainly it’s great as you can actually can get a breather and check the map so I can give useful information.

I still do love Priest as nothing tops pulling up like Gandalf the White and snatching victory out’ve the jaws of defeat. But it’s a very difficult class to try to direct the battle with as until I evolve some sort of chameleon esque swiveling eyes I can’t keep track of everyones health, status effects and the map at the same time.

Plus Rogue can still be fun on a doomed match as I can just channel my inner Buggs Bunny and be an annoying little ish. Yeah we’re screwed but no reason I can’t make their victory as frustrating as humanly possible. On Priest if you’re in a bad group you’re mostly just going to get dog piled.

I’m pretty good but it’s kinda impossible to do my job if I’m burning every CD to not get vaporized by two rogues and a mage. As I stare enviously at the enemy healer who is free casting while my team cant seem to figure out why the warrior they’re targeting just won’t die.


Sometimes I’m tempted to race change my priest to void elf because they’re fab looking and tall enough to make use of my beautiful mage tower staff I’ve never been able to use since I earned it years ago BECAUSE ALMOST EVERY WEAPON ON GNOME CLIPS INTO THE GROUND.

I’m really proud of my mog look on my priest but sometimes it would be nice to be able to indulge in the angel stuff. I like angels.

I don’t know how the ground clipping doesn’t bother every other gnome player. I would kill to shrink weapon size 20% and adjust our sheath nodes.


The main reason I love my Beast Master is, because outside of World Bosses, there’s literally nothing I can’t solo by myself.

I pick up a 5 man quest and I’m like Yes! Another solo quest with great rewards! :rofl: :dragon:


I do like the dark angel look I’ve on this guy. It’s a shame the Bastion wings look completely ridiculous on male Forsaken. Because I really wanted those black ones but they look outright comical. Which is a shame because Dark Archangel is my favorite spell effect in game so I really wanted something like that.

At least I got that flying mount from the recruit a friend thing awhile back. It looks so cool in shadowform and the best part is if you cast dispersion you just become a giant flying dark cloud.

It’s just wonderful for dramatic entrances.


I miss when I felt that way about pre-Legion Disc Priest though fingers crossed for DF currently in that regard with Holy Priest.

Combat Rogue does a lot of that which is nice, if a little weird for the history of roguing.

And then most of the other specs I enjoyed for being durable over the years save BM don’t feel that way to me anymore, or in Ret’s case, doesn’t sound like it can do it anymore when i peek around at something new to play.

I’m trying to figure out which RAF mount you mean because all i can think of are the Zhevra, the rocket, and the plane and none of those scream “aerial shadowform fodder” to me


Heart of the Nightwing. It turns you into a flying cat.


Heart of Nightwing. It transforms you into a big winged panther golem other players can ride on.

It’s neat but not the sort of thing I can really justify using ICly with most characters. But it along with that ghostly glyph for fade is great at giving the impression Benedikt can opt out of being corporeal when he wants. And I am a sucker for that Dracula, Imhotep vibe of being as much a formless presence as they are physical being;


So I guess the launch of Overwatch 2 has been a wet fart which certainly has me a bit nervous about DF.

Never actually played the original. I thought it looked really cool and had this interesting setting full of a diverse range of characters really showing off Blizz’s skill at effortlessly mixing genres to create that ‘something for everyone’ appeal.

But then it was just an arena shooter. Which is so weird to me. Because Team Fortress 2 was that and also had a diverse lineup of fun characters but it knew to treat it’s story as a joke.

It felt like the multiplayer mode that would accompany a story focused single player level based game where we’d go on adventures with all these colorful characters. But then just, didn’t have that.

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You can’t really expect genuine quality from Blizzard. You just have to hope it’s better than their last screwup. At least WoW has old content.

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