Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 1)

Blizzard released this.

Arthas merged with Ner’zhul? Or destroyed him?

Destroyed him according to Rise of the Lich King.

That video is from Jaina’s perspective, and she says that the two beings merged into one.

They merged when Arthas put on the helm but he destroyed Ner’zhul not too long after.

Alright, that makes sense.

Are you a teacher? that’s cool. I thought about teaching.


I was. Had a career change due to some health issues.

Current work treats me very well, but I miss my kids every day.


Just popping in to say hi. Don’t mind me :grinning:


that’s cool, How long did you teach for before your career change? Did you find it a fulfilling profession? thinking of changing professions myself. Is it hard to get into? a lot of schooling required? I’m in my thirties but I was told that it’s not too late to start, people can become teachers later in life, like in your 50’s

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I taught for seven years in total. Fulfilling? In some ways, yes, absolutely. I was actually initially trained in teaching adults ESL and wanted to avoid children; I was positive they would hate me and I would find them mildly annoying. But I got hired for tutoring kids on the side and it turns out that I like children a lot. Ended up going back to get proper training and certification to teach kids.

I’m not gonna say it’s for everyone because it isn’t. I watched many teachers come in because they had this idealized notion of how interacting with kids would be and they tried their very best to give the kids what they need, but it didn’t do anything for the teacher like they thought it would. Saw this a lot from ones that had a parent that taught. Some of those faded out, some stayed in. Some were good, some were not.

But for me, like, the only reason I put up with everything else around teaching is that I fundamentally like people, and that includes children, and I enjoy helping them and seeing them grow and can put up with their not-so-great parts with (…mostly…) patience. It kindled something in me that had been dead longer than it had been alive.

Is it easy to become a teacher? Depends on who you ask, where you’re going to work, and what you mean. Licensing isn’t generally quick, you’re going to spend a few years in most states to get your license, and the faster a state lets you get your license, the more … uh … terrifying the war stories tend to be from those states, in my experience. And if you’re broke it’ll cost some dimes. But it’s usually not onerous to get through licensing, and you can often get a temporary license that’ll let you get teaching with some training wheels pretty quick.

You also usually don’t need a license at all if you’re teaching in a private school, but in such a case you generally know someone, have incredible credentials in the field of study, or have a deep if informal background of teaching (or some combination thereof) prior to getting the job.

In general, I would say teaching is one of the easier fields to get into as far as paperwork but one of the hardest to thrive in. Your ultimate function as a teacher is basically a babysitter-slash-manager, and educational systems that are underfunded and dysfunctionally governed will always keep the focus there no matter how little they support you in the more fulfilling, and quite important, pedagogical element.


Thanks for your reply.

I have been on the fence about a new career. I did some volunteer teaching at my son’s school and found that I really enjoy working with kids who have developmental delays. I was thinking about going back to school to get certified to be a special needs teacher. I already have the post secondary education, I would just need to do a few years of teachers college. I was actually thinking of going back to university to take developmental psychology first.

Are you in USA?

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Sp. Ed. Major respect. No teaching job is easy, but Sp. Ed. gets the least support from admin. Definitely double-check for your area, there’s usually additional requirements to teach Special Education, and while I would normally not recommend going back to undergraduate as part of the training and licensing – it’s not useless, but the licensing course itself in a good state should cover most of it – I don’t know if that holds at all for Sp. Ed.

I am currently. I taught about half the time in the US (rough) and half in Korea (rougher).

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I had an opportunity to teach in Taiwan. My Uncle is a teacher there, but I was given a better job offer. It’s alwasy something I wanted to do and my uncle made a lot of money teaching abroad.

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Taiwan and Japan are usually pretty good experiences that can be a little rough to get into, from what I hear.

Korea can be an absolute crapshoot, it really depends where you land. China, every video interview I ever had hung up on me the second they saw how dark my skin was – I’m mixed – so I don’t have the greatest impression!

In general there’s still good money in abroad teaching if you know where to look and have the right credentials – or if you’re dumb like me, you take a job your mother’s friend’s friend offers because you’re changing schools anyway as a favor for an “emergency”, you land in a five-alarm fire, and then spend the next several years trying to put out the fire with a thimble of water because you are very bad at leaving places on fire.

Granted, I get the feeling you only plan to teach near home, so this is all academic. I just like talking, haha.

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Me too. Lots of people tell me I talk too much. I figure I might as well put this skill to good use.

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I can verify this. The JET program in Japan and its similar program in Taiwan are usually great. Korean teaching positions are not as universally pleasant.


Ner’zhul and Zovaal used Domination to make Arthas’s Body renounce the Soul Fragment inside him only to discover that right after the Soul Fragment was sent to Frostmourne the Body was not loyal to Zovaal.

The Body once it renounced the Soul was sadistic and constantly arguing with the Soul over what decisions it should make.

Arthas’s Soul was a better person than Arthas’s Body(which had been made by Domination to renounce the Soul Fragment).

Once Arthas’s Soul returned to it’s Body on Frostmourne’s destruction it received all the Body’s Memories which gave Zovaal reason to grind the Soul down into nothing but said Memories of a Sadistic Body so that he could Dominate them and force them to control Anduin.

When Zovaal made the Memories of Arthas’s Sadistic Body control Anduin he made Anduin’s mind renounce it’s Morality & Freedom using Domination.

After the failure resulting from making the Body renounce the Soul the Jailer decided his next agent would be forced to renounce only his Morality & Freedom with only the words of his friends breaking through.

I miss you, Shern. I just got a notification that you edited your post, but I don’t know what’s different.

Russians are still prohibited from buying a sub, as far as I know.


I don’t know what else to say, Shern. Again, I hope things get better for you.

No, I live in the U.S. My life hasn’t changed at all. I’m still dealing with the same… issues.


Or maybe this is Blizzard’s attempt at soft retconing it at this point.

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