Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 1)

Can I have an invite back to the Discord? I left for a few years while I wasn’t playing.

Yeah that’s neat.

For a while, it seemed like the only people at Blizz who gave a thought to the Story Forum were the GD Mods, as they are looking for a place to move the more colorful threads.

It is a pleasant surprise that when Blizzard felt they had a Lore point to clarify, they mentioned it here. I usually get these Lore clarifications fourth-hand : After a Dev Tweets it, and then WoWhead posts it, and then a YouTuber mentions it, and then some other Fan posts about it here.


Not just in this forum, but in a thread that’s been around for awhile that was made by a normal poster. I wonder if he read through the thread before posting in it.

On the one hand I’m glad to see a blue post here. On the other I worry that it is a sign of the apocalypse.


God I hope so

Best part about the timeskip


It’s wild how we have almost zero canonical birthdays for any character now that you mention it

they exist, they are called “namedays”

I mean dates

Like is Anduin a Leo (lol), is Sylvanas a Scorpio (imo), is Jaina a Capricorn


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Anduin is a Pisces
Sylvanas is a Leo
Jaina is a Saggitarius
Tyrande is a Scorpio

all if these are imo

Keep in Mind Sylvanas is 1. Vain 2. Impulsive 3. Generous 4. Brave 5. Hot-headed - these are all Leo traits boo.

Anduin Pisces makes sense if Libra Moon

ANd nah Sylvanas is def Scorpio Sun, but perhaps Leo Moon

Jaina Sagg is valid, air sign moon

Tyrande Scoprio is Spicy

Bringing up birthdays makes me wonder how our astrological mumbo jumbo would match up over on Azeroth.

Like, I do not think they have Virgo and Sagitarius as a concept. But could they have a WoW astrology.

And do the different races have different calendars? Do Orcs and Draenei have different years than kaldorei or Humans or Dwarves or Tauren?

Oof. A lot of world building might have to go into such things.


Absolutely not a scorpio, Alleria is more of a Scorpio.

Sylvanas is a quintessential Leo.

Leo women are strong and fearless. They’re natural-born leaders who are great at taking control in group situations. Not only are Leos intelligent, but they are supportive. They will encourage the people around them.

Negative traits * Possessive. Leos are known to be prone to jealousy and possessiveness. …

  • Egoistic. A Leo’s pride is something that is better left unchallenged. …
  • Impatient. The Lion wants it and he wants it now. …
  • Self-centred. Never expect that a Leo would put you before themselves. …
  • Dominant.

Sylvanas is a Leo. I’ve had to listen to anti-Sylvanas fans describe her as every negative leo trait under the sun. it’s there, it’s valid.

Not at all a Scorpio who is

The Scorpio woman has plenty of likable personality traits, including being passionate, ambitious, full of imagination, assertive, loyal and honest . But no zodiac sign is without a dark side, and Scorpios are jealous, stubborn, vindictive, intense, resentful and controlling.

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I’d have 4-5 calendars:

  • Titanic Races share a calendar
  • Trolls and all Elves share a Calendar (or elven calendar derived from Troll)
  • Tauren another
  • Draenei another
  • Orcs another (or maybe Draenei adapted the Orc calendar)
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I mean Azeroth appears to operate on the Gregorian calendar. Which raises just a litany of questions and while there is some reference to other races using different time measurements this isn’t addressed in a hard lore way. Just ADP, After Dark Portal, and fair enough as that’s when interesting stuff starts consistently happening.

I actually never even noticed that until I tried to write a story via journal and quickly realized how weird it is to write January or August when you know the history of how we started using that system. Apparently the Roman God Janus and Emperor Augustus Cesar had considerable sway in this setting.

That’s in the pile of “don’t worry about it” like Alterac Swiss. And I’d still have a stick up my bum if they had called it Alpine cheese as that’s referncing specifically the Alps but it’d be less weird than just name dropping an IRL nation in your fantasy setting.


I dabble in etymology so this happens for me in a lot of settings all the time. There is a point where you just have to accept a cutoff. Calendars are tricky because if you don’t use them a lot, infrequent references to your custom month/day names are going to confuse the crap out of everyone.


I’ll again bring up the Elder Scrolls which just have the 12 month year but call it something else. And they’re not exactly hard to translate if you have an ounce of intuition in you.

Like one’s outright called Mid Year and is proceeded by Second Seed (which proceeds Rain’s Hand and First Seed) and followed by Sun’s Height and Last Seed. Providing you live in a region which experiences all four seasons in full effect this should be a pretty blatant translation. The month of Evening Star ends the 12 month calendar year and Morning Star starts it.

That’s all you really need to do imho. They werent even that clever with it most of the months are just describing what happens.

That’d only work if you had people on hand genuinely interested in keeping track of them all. And even that IRL is difficult as with systems of measurments people are just going to go with the standards. Words can have immense cultural meaning, numbers - broadly speaking- do not.

Now let me completely subvert that claim by saying Fahrenheit is the superior method because 69 in Celsius means everyone is dead but 69 in Fahrenheit is nice.

I rest my case on this confusing statement I made.

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Ugh astrology. I use to be into horoscopes until I got fed up with them being wrong so often. I stopped putting importance in that when I had a personal breakthrough and stopped relying on them to give me a better life. I did watch a Netflix series recently though called Indian Matchmaking which is about Indian people trying to have arranged marriages. I found it fascinating how much they made astrology a priority when it came to whether or not they should have a relationship with someone.

I’d straight up just copy pasta various IRL calendars, switch out the names some, and use the existing calculators to determine equivalent dates

eg today is August 21st 2022 Anno Domini, 23rd Muharram 1444 Hijri, and the 24th Av 5782 Anno Mundi

Change “August” for “Lotharic” or something, etc, change the “Year Zero” for Humans to be the founding of the Empire of Arathor, have the “year zero” for Elves be the Sundering, have the Year Zero for Trolls be the establishment of Dazar’alor, etc

Have Nelves use Lunar Calendar, Belves use Solar, Trolls Solar, Pandaren Lunar, etc

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