I mean that’s kinda just par for the course for acting.
He and Anthony Starr have been absolute revelations in this. Their ability to play completely reprehensible characters that none the less feel human is a testament to their acting as well as the writing, directing- its all just aces.
It’s oddly enough maybe the best war story I’ve seen. As theres frequently people on either side you’d not like to see hurt. And even disgusting characters like Homelander reveal themselves to be the piss terified little boy on the inside all monsters typically are. And Ryan’s kind of the next gen of this where he’s a scared child who’s seen a lot of f’ed up ish and could go either way.
it’s true The Boys is a power fantasy, but it’s a progreassive power fantasty. concepts like real people fighting for justice in an unfair system against people who can easily overpower them. Oppressive companies and corrupt politicians. it’s diverse. it passes the Betchel test, it normalizes same sex relationships. It makes fun of right wing extreemists, it’s the most leftist satire on living in an authoritarian right America, and that’s why it’s so good.
Kevin crying in his room… what did expect from this alpha male power system? there’s an alpha male and the rest are losers. Toxic men are just wounded men with nowhere to put thier bottled up emotions than into agression and they turn on eachother, there’s no comradarie, Homelander and The Deep are not friends, they can’t be when they both want to be on top. It’s pathetic in it’s own sad way.
Frenchie is setting the bar as the most desireable man, MM is not far off.
Butcher is not the hero of this story. Him being the self insert is kind of moot when it is self depreciating.
See the thing is I wouldn’t call this show political persay, as it really doesn’t espouse a belief beyond saying the American political system is a corruption circus, huge conglomerates with cultural omnipresence / colossal political influence are bad and N@ZIs are insidious little bastards that need to be stomped.
These are things I believe most people would agree with. Don’t get me wrong they’re hilarious and next to typical superhero fair it’s practically radical. But it’s pretty banal politically.
The character stuff is pretty interesting though and not stuff you see typically. Like this season really tackled paternal relationships and in particular the masculine father son one. You’ve Stillwater and Neuman of course but save Frenchie and the Deep every male character either brings up their relationship to their dad or older sibling surrogate in A-Trains case or lack thereof in both Homelander and Ryan’s case.
And it explores that sense of masculinity in a really interesting way you just don’t see in, pretty much anything.
Tbh Frenchie and Kimiko seem to be the most desired spouse material of all the characters. Because they’re basically cinnamon rolls in human form that are terrifyingly dangerous but they don’t want to be. They want to just dance and sing and make this life a beautiful, romantic adventure.
Pairing the manic pixie dreamboats together was actually brilliant tbh.
finally a manic pixie dream girl that isn’t just an accessory to a man’s emotional growth! I love this pairing so much. it’s mutually supportive. I always wanted a manic pixie story told from the perspective of the pixie.
Because I really thought Hughie had the much more logical explanation of;
“Look a flying man who can kill people by looking at them has personally threatened our lives and I get this is radioactive opiates but it gives me an actual chance to defend myself”
Because realistically she can’t always protect him. No one can. Not from Homelander.
“Hey we’re at war here, I would also like to have a gun at least” seems a pretty compelling argument.
Instead he acts really insecure. Idk it just felt kinda forced. Hughie had seemed a bit more intelligent than that.
They kinda set up he feels insecure next to her supe ex. Then he has a weird monologue about his dad that seemed super left field.
I’m so happy someone else knows this quote. I had a professor assign the lyrics and had us try to extrapolate meaning in one of the best professional trolls I’ve ever experienced.
yeah I’m not really into Hughie and Annie, I just don’t see the chemistry there, and yeah they did try to do the whole “my Girlfriend is a super hero, and that makes me feel a little emasculated but I don’t want to talk about it.” It’s a wierd contrast to Frenchie and Kimiko where he’s like “yeah, my girlfriends a superhero, so what? I’m going to play her favorite song while we both kick some butt while dancing to footloose.”
Frenchie seems way more confident and well adjusted but he’s also a lot older than Hughie, plus Butcher is a bad influence.
I absolutely hate the amount of misinformation the Chernobyl TV show put out on the internet. Modern reactors are much, much safer than that deathtrap. Even Fukushima was a result of negligence. Moral of the story: Private companies can’t be trusted to not take shortcuts.
Nuclear is the best stopgap for power generation until we perfect renewable energy. No matter how hard certain countries chant “renewables” in the mirror at midnight three times they simply aren’t ready to be the primary source of power generation and won’t be for a good while. There’s also the uncomfortable fact that creating stuff like solar panels produces and incredible amount of toxic waste.
There’s also the uncomfortable fact that shipping vessels produce more CO2 in a single trip across the sea than every private car in America produces. Funny how global trade gets a free pass.
lol same. I make milquetoast liberals nervous whenever I’m at local political events.
The greatest trick ever pulled was convincing the average citizen this is their responsibility. Obviously you should recycle, not litter, etc. But if I went out of my way from now until my death to be as environmentally destructive as possible every waking hour of my life - I’d cause a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of the damage a single cruise ship manages.
just because it’s cheaper for companies to make things in China doesn’t mean that we should make things in China. When I was younger I worked for a major home retailer, and if products were not selling and they had a bunch of product that couldn’t be sold at markup, they just dumped entire boxes full of brand new product in the garbage. Consumerism creates so much unecessary waste. it’s the excess waste produced by over supply vs demand. It’s vendor responsibility to reduce waste.
Too many hands in the pot looking to make money off a given product. Thats why that .99 cent apple is $14 by the time it reaches the shelves in the markets
Plus with the pandemic and break down in supply chains it’s made us realize how absolutely fragile the global supply market is.
Right now I work corperate for a grocery store chain. No lemon flavor anything is coming in right now. When California had all those wildfires a year or two ago it wiped out the global supply of lemons. It will be years before you see lemon flavor products back on the shelf. Cannola oil and Sunflower oil is solely produced in Ukraine. The war has stopped producing these products. Ukraine is also the main exporter of wheat. The price of bread will go up.
Of all books it was actually World War Z that let me knew ish like that was basically an inevitably. Obviously a zombie apocalypse is a more extreme version but of note it goes over the sheer amount of international trade involved in a single can of root beer.
And also how American society had to be completely reworked to recreate industry, and how wildly unpleasant that is. Because even in the face of gnashing teeth white collar workers are not going to be pleased about their maids and plumbers being their new boss. Because turns out most white collar skills are completely useless when ish hits the fan.
I’ve seen multiple WoW head articles on it and I have no idea what that is. Granted I’ve deliberately avoided Zereth Mortis. Because I cannot stress enough that zone made me put down WoW and go play Halo: Infinite because it reminded me it was still on game pass. I think something has gone catastrophically awry when your product makes me want a separate, completely different product.
But question is am I going to have to know WTF that is to get a legendary or whatever?
I tell ya. BFA was the only recent expansion I played from start to finish and in the moment to moment things make sense. But come in toward the end of an expansion and they’re will be like 7 different fun bucks and have fun figuring out which are the 1 or 2 that are actually still relevant.
I think it’s curency to buy gear but it takes so much time to farm flux that just by raiding you quickly outgear it. another one of Blizzard’s dumb gearing mechanics like Covenant gear. If you do any Heroic or M+ or raiding it will be a downgrade Like Beltac gear in Nazjatar.