I’m part Italian so the ‘white folks cant cook’ meme was baffling to me. Not even offensive just perplexing, like if someone accused me of being able to use photosynthesis. Demonstrably that is not the case and I’ve no idea what youre talking about.
Took me awhile to figure they meant WASPs and the Irish. And obviously that’s a sweeping generalization but some stereotypes exist for a reason. The Irish get a pass because they’re working with what they have. But I’ll never understand how the English conquered half the world for exotic spice, then didnt use them.
“In European Heaven the Germans are engineers, the Italians are cooks and the English are police. In European hell the Italians are engineers, the English are cooks and the Germans are police”
Also the Genesis God is considered a venegeful God who hated humans and is largely regarded as a false God in later revisions or rejected alltogether as noncanonical, in some branches of Abrahamic faith.
In my faith, Catholic Gnosticism, the God of the Bible is considered the Demiurge, the False God.
The Old Testament god never made any sense to me. He created man, who was a flawed being, give him free will, and to top it off, this version knows every mistake you’re going to make and he will condemn you to hell for it.
I got in trouble for asking this question in Sunday school. “If God is perfect and made us in his image, we are perfect, and he should not punish us. Because If God made us in his image and we are flawed, then God is also flawed.” And that became my personal basis for following the path of Gnosticism instead, and I still follow that dogma.
It was a lot of things for me personally. But the many inconsistencies that make zero sense, plus the church scandals certainly helped to push me out of the Catholic religion.
My biggest thing is a loving god who supposedly love his creations and the creation of Hell. It doesn’t make any sense.
My God is vastly different from the Catholic/Christian god.
The thing I like about pagan Gods is they are not perfect, they are very human. So I’m more inclined to believe in a God that is flawed like me, than a God that judges me for being imperfect, and punishes me for being human.
Plus as a women I feel biologgically tied to the women’s mysteries because of our deep connection to childbirth/midwifery, nature, and lunar cycles, and that gets me labeled a witch.
Did you know, elephants worship the moon? And have rituals to honor thier dead? It’s almost as if… paganism and witchcraft is natural. Even the animals are animists.
If he made us flawed, than why hate us for being flawed? When said god already knows what we’re going to mess up a lot?
Most pagan gods have a simple rule. It’s generally to treat others how you want to be treated, and leave the world a better place for the next generation.
They care about us and want us to be the best we can possibly be. And it is very natural, it was here before the middle eastern religons and paganism and witchcraft will be here when those religions eventually fall to the wayside. Like they been doing for years now
This may be TMI for some because you are all mostly guys, but there was ancient preistess rituals called the white and red moon cycles. These lunar cycles were tracked and they helped women understand when it was best for reproduction. I’m talking more than just ovulation. So when women are syncronized with thier natural cicadian rythm we bleed with either the full moon (white moon) or new moon (red moon) white moon is best for fertility, red moon is a cycle of rest.
More and more women are tracking thier cycles on apps and realizing this cycle is real.
This is another case why women should control our own choices with reproduction. We listen to our own bodies and have more self awareness around fertility and what is best for us.
Oh, and the reason mugwort is “the witches herb”… it’s an abortigen.
I wholeheartedly agree that women today need more control over their own bodies. And it’s never TMI. Only immature people don’t want to learn about basic bodily functions
Ewwww so that adds a new layers of cringe to Homelander and Stormfronts relationship. But irony, if patriotism and H-e who must not be named had a baby it would be Homelander.