let’s abort this debate
Haha. Good one
Yea. Its rather fruitless debating with people who think their voice matters more because they were fortunate enough to live long enough to have one.
Stop already. The debates over.
I did. You replied to me after it was over. I didn’t reply to or quote either one of you. Now if you reply to me again, or in the general context of the debate that you want to be over, I will reply again until you stop.
Gonna go start the heritage quest line for Micah, the Tauren. Wish me luck
highmountain or regular?
Regular. I still need to do the quest to unlock the Highmountain eventually
All done. Set is beautiful, and truthfully? The quest, while short, was pretty well done. I liked it a lot better than the worgen heritage quest. My only complaint and it’s a really petty one, is that it didn’t lead into Baine meeting his dad and mom in the shadowlands.
Hey Benedikt did ypu see the new episode of The Boys?
For real though, if Captain America was really from the 30’s and 40’s he would have terrible opinions on gender roles.
An interesting theory concerning the SCP-087:
states that the source of the crying has never been reached(despite the 3rd Expedition supposedly being near the source suggesting that the Stairwell was either extended before the 4th Expedition or the child noticed the thing being close and fled further down to hide) so the SCP clearly didn’t lure the Expedition sent over to the crying child but instead likely made a containment breach through the Camera at the lowest altitude reached which led to the 4th Expedition being [DATA EXPUNGED].
Then when the Foundation cut the link the creature now realizing that it ruined it’s normal chances to escape went straight to attempting to get out through the Door.
Since the Foundation had to put interior padding on the Door they clearly managed to chase it off temporarily either through replaying the [DATA EXPUNGED] footage to get it to use another method of escape before turning off the [DATA EXPUNGED] footage before it could escape after the door was padded or by shooting it away.
As for the expedition: he or she is either dead from having the path smashed like the rest or after dropping the camera after running is hiding with the child while the thing is desperately knocking on the door.
Incidentally I have multiple pictures of WoW Villains(including the Sha of Fear and Arthas) walking up SCP-087 towards the Camera all menacingly in place of SCP-087-1.
The Sha of Fear not being affected by Lighting means that it not only stands out in the Stair’s Darkness yet looks all the more menacing because of it.
You would not want to meet the Sha of Fear in a Dark Alley especially if it’s the only thing visible due being unaffected by the lighting!
I know the convo is over but real quick: the only SCOTUS precedents I can think of (reminder my background is not Law but Theology and History of Religion in the West) that is relevant re “religious rights” overruling the overturn of Roe v Wade is Lukumi v Hialeah, where it was determined religious communities can practice Stuff that is otherwise illegal (issue was laws that say you cannot abuse animals or kill them at home without agricultural/veterinary license vs the Santeria/Lukumi community’s tradition mandating the need of animal sacrifice).
They could also invoke the American Indian Religious Freedom Act, but remember that law was undermined by Employment Division v Smith in the 90s saying Indigenous peoples could not claim religious freedom for the sake of legal protection against employment discrimination outside the reservation even though those substance are both illegal federally but mandatory for indigenous religion and allowed on their reservation.
I really hope the Church of Satan and/or other actual religious groups don’t push this issue on those grounds because the current SCOTUS will simply declare Indigenous religion and African Diasporic Religion illegal (via “actually the precedent was wrong, that’s overturned xoxo luv ya babes”)
and fun fact: post 9/11 when both Dems and Republicans were tag-teaming on criminalizing Muslims, there was briefly an attempt to make Halal illegal on those “animal abuse” grounds.
Lukumi v Hialeah protected them in that moment.
side note and semi-WoW related: some WitchTok-er accused Clarence Thomas of being a powerful “Hoodoo Warlock”
Say Hi to Micah, the Tauren!. Gotta say, she’s really awesome. I like how she came out in the end. The heritage armor fits her perfectly. I just don’t use the totem back slot because it’s annoying to look at when moving around
Well the concept behind Steve Rogers was he’s not just good for his time but any time. The guy was deliberately designed to look like Hitler’s wet dream while personally being not just against their ideology but essentially the antithetical apotheosis to it.
But The Boys is considering what would more realistically happen.
Personally I got the biggest kick out of the 80s pro Afghanistan movie. As someone born in 92 thats always been kinda surreal.
So - it’s not just a complete lack of historical knowledge. People alive to watch the Soviets withdraw also somehow thought it’d be a good idea if we tried it. Sure why not? The USSR, British Empire, Mughal Empire as well as the Mongol, Hellenic and Persian Empires all threw up their hands in exasperation and screwed off. But thet just didn’t have enough freedom.
Seriously if there’s going to be one evergreen foreign policy it should probably be not going to places the Mongols
This show makes such satire of conservatism, I love it. This is how other countries view USA. Just as sensational and rediculous.
I want to hate Homelander but he’s just a Little Albert expirement that if babies are raised without love they turn into grandiose narcissists. All he had was himself. I blame the people who made him.
It’s a sad day for anyone who cares about freedom, whether that be the freedom of a mother to spare her unborn child a hard life she knows she can’t prepare it for, or anyone who’s against the prison industrial complex.
People think that right wing officials hate women, and some of them might. But the reality is that the PIC has successfully sued the united states for not providing them enough prisoners to make profit off of. That’s what Republican Law Makers care about: Having future citizens to imprison whomst will offer slave-labor to the Prison Industrial Complex.
You’re not worth the time of day if you honestly think this was done so more people can be born to increase the prisoner count for slave labor. I’m pretty sure half or more of the states are still going to have legal abortions, because its up to the states now. Red states will become more red and blue states will become more blue, which is a good thing. People need to live around those who think like them instead of trying to force their ideologies on others.
Go and take some time to research which Republican law makers have daughters, and see how many of them have had abortions.
Law Makers are almost never as black and white as “Abortions bad/Bible Good”.
And really, the United States is one of the countries with the highest incarceration rates in the entire world.
Oh boy, we talking about politics on a video game forum?
Hell yeah. Real brains at work.
I regret what I have started tbh.