Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 1)

Venom, Carnage and Morbius are the only ones not currently a part of Marvel. There’s going to be a new Fantastic Four movie soon.

Where’s Micah?


You missed “battlebreasts” today :frowning:

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Wait, what??

Link this.

Smallz and I were talking about Forsaken breast implants.

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Ok, you cannot Doness your post RIGHT AS I finally open the thread again, Renn!!!

Unfair!! What’re you trying to do, kill hope?


Sorry my RSD got the better of me.

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I firmly believe that Battle Breasts would be a thing among Forsaken ladies. Stick some bone reinforcements in to help protect vital organs, that sort of thing.


imagine these filled with bombs…as explosive surprises, and also cultivated so that they really look normal…

no longer plaguebombing…now we do brestbombing! Slaanesh would give you a like for this, certainly…in his absense i will give you one…for She Who Thirsts

What is RSD?

Rejection senstive dysphoria. It’s a symptom of ADHD.


I looked on Wikipedia to see if there were any information there about it and I found something but I don’t think it’s what you’re mentioning.


It means I react to perceived rejection. Most of the time it’s all in my head.
https:// memetrain .com/image?

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I just got caught up in the novel thread. I left after people started calling me names. The new season of Bridgerton came out today and I was binge watching the first 5 episodes.


I’m here. Just lurking. Nothing really peaked my interest the last couple days is all. :wolf: :heart:

And I’m mostly staying quiet because I know this place is going to get nasty once more people get their copies of the book. So I decided to be super picky about responding to topics for a while :wolf:


I’m so excited for this movie


I have always been an X Men fan. And I thought the Avengers were lamewads. I am hearing that this movie might have hints of how they will bring the X Men into the Disney Marvel Universe, so that is good. I am eagerly awaiting X Men stuff. The Disney Marvel stuff was hard for me to buy in to, especially with Magneto’s daughter and son being there…

I have been wanting Omega Red vs Wolverine in a film , darn it! With the events in Ukraine, they could use this seemingly evergreen plotline about Russian aggression in the Ukraine :

And dear lord, if they bring Rogue back, please make her a buxom southern gal, like in the old cartoon/comics. Not some strange emo waif thing that she has been recently.


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I just finished up the ZM storyline and… I think I liked it.

ZM Spoilers

The new Arbiter being Pelagos feels like a giant FU to Bastion and their old way of doing things since they almost erased the new Arbiter before he had a chance to ascend. Love it.

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They already changed their ways in the campaign so I mean eh?