Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 1)

:popcorn: So…what to talk about….hmm…SO MANY OPTIONS! AHHH!

I have to run to do groceries :frowning: I’ll be back on in a couple hours.

Have fun! Can’t promise I wont piss anyone off in the meantime with my passion for more worgen content :smiley:

While not Genn, Tyrande might be sending Dori’thur in after Sylvanas to keep tabs on her to make sure she’s not doing just that for still not trusting Sylvanas even after Tyrande judging Sylvanas.

Be ironic if Liam Greymane shows up and stalks her throughout the Maw. Keeping an eye on her in silence. And she could sense someone following her, but can’t make out who it is


Maybe Lirath is dating Liam in the Shadowlands, since seemingly every Windrunner needs a Human.


That be weird but I wouldn’t put it past blizz to something like that

Kill your gays… only give them a happy ending in the afterlife.

Lirath was like fourteen when he died. He wasn’t very old. A young teen at most. But elven lifespans, and continuity doesn’t line up.

For example, Lorthemar in the Shadowlands pre-patch says he’s known Sylvanas for at least a thousand years. It’s been anywhere from 10-30 years since he died, he was a child, or young teen by elven standards. Edge of Night establishes that Sylvanas was an elven adult at “20 summers” in human years she’s at most 40, but she’s 1000 years old. How that fits into a timeline who knows. I’m hoping the book clarifies the timeline a bit.

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At least we avoided that aspect of Pelagos becoming the Arbiter, as he still got to be himself.

Though, how does that work for Kyrian players and their soulbind trees?

Yoir just jelly the new Arbiter is my soulbind :stuck_out_tongue:

Could use Zendarin to get past the underage aspect

I have a fully invested Kyrian alt (bronze banded wings fit her outfit very nicely). I’m just wondering if the Path of Ascension will be even easier now with Pelagos being the Arbiter now. As if his shield bubble wasn’t good enough already.

Yeah they were only socialists to the extent of stopping the spread of communism. But you had to be

  1. Ethic German (i.e. prove that you had no jewish blood from at least 3 generations back)
  2. Be part of the party.

To benefit from their policies.

But that doesn’t stop people from projecting a quote from Hitlers political rival during the years when it was just the Germans Workers Party to paint them as actual socialists.

Here in Australia our conservative party is called the Liberal Party. They are Liberal when it comes to corruption but nothing else :stuck_out_tongue:


Check out this thread before it gets deleted.

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Is Baal perma banned? :scream:

God I hate these forums.

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No, just two weeks, like you got.

What did he do?!

These mods are so terrible. I just got back they have already reduced my like limit to one like per hour.

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He called out Maizou for falsely accusing someone in Basl’s Twitter thread of threatening to doxx them.

So how did he get a ban here if it happened on Twitter? Mass reporting?

The ban he got here was for confronting Maizou about lying.