I tried sympathizing with Aki and Etheriel. But that backfired on me quickly. And people wonder why I’m not very sympathetic to alliance issues, outside of those affecting the worgen
BTW I hope you all speak out against Anya if she tries to advertise the discord again
I don’t trust Anya one bit. I’m sure they run to SF discord to talk about us
They haven’t mentioned anything about what happened yesterday. A lot of the posts making fun of us were from months or years ago. It might be cleaned up now. Not everyone in there is a bad person, either, such as Portergauge.
I haven’t heard anyone who’s in that discord actually defend me, ren, you evelysaa or anyone else who’s been attacked.
I’m sorry if I sound paranoid, I just don’t know who instigated the toxic insults and if anyone actually stood up for us. They’re all guilty of it until proven otherwise
Time to ruin my reputation? I can try.
The most recent thing I’ve heard them mention about the forums is that they were hoping people were crying about the recent cinematic, as they usually do. There’s only one good person in there and that’s Galenar because he’s a voice of reason. Portergauge owns the discord and has let all of this happen. He’s not someone who frequents the forums either, and neither do their mods. The owner of that discord is just as complicit as they are for not stopping them.
I thought Anya owned it.
No she just advertises the discord here.
And yes I cried over the recent cinematic. Tears of joy.
Take that SF discord!
Remeber when I asked if using the term “yt” was a form of anti-white racism? Well, the person who made that thread is on Twitter, and complained about a forum ban with Baal.
Really hope Baal comes back to the lounge. This situation is so weird. I could probably explain it more.
None of the people insulting OP were punished and I got ratioed trying to defend them, but the fact is, they did in fact, ask for a black only guild one time.
I told Maizou yesterday to stop lying about being doxxed and I haven’t been punished for it. Feels like Baal was targeted.
Regarding the SFDiscord.
I’m in it under the same name (you can find anything I said there easily). I pop in from time to time to say hi to the very small handful of people there that I like, but I largely stay away. When I first joined, discussions were relatively good, but over time toxicity ruined it. Edgy little boys run rampant and it all feels more like some high school clique than a community.
I’ve seen their rages against some of you. I did not speak out because honestly, real time conversations are a source of anxiety for me. I’m sorry. I wish I did speak out, but the negative crap in my brain just wouldn’t let me.
I dunno. I don’t know what to say except that.
I’m honestly thinking of just quitting the Story Forums. After my current talk with Ren in game, it just feels like I don’t have any real friends on here and it doesn’t seem worth posting anymore.
I’m sitting here legit crying irl over all this. And while I appreciate the likes, it’s not helping
I’m sorry, Micâh. You’ve helped me with my own sorrows. I realise things can be stressful. Do what’s best for you. I’m sorry I made you feel bad. I was the one who brought up the Discord making fun of you too.
It’s everything else on top of it. Like ren, told me to my face that Cursewords is the only who stood up for her. After all the times I stuck my neck out for her and was the ONLY ONE sticking up for her.
I feel so unappreciated by people here
So Sarm (not Skarm) has asked me to tell you, Micah, that they sent you a bnet friend request and would like a chance to explain themselves.
I’m just passing along the message. This is probably the last post from me for a while.
Baal was pushed out of here too sadly. They targetted him more than most.
I did not mean it like that, you stick up for me too . I meant before, like two years ago when I first joined.
The story forum has become so much less toxic when we all started sharing our personal experience. You are not the only one who feels paranoid. I was paranoid of everyone here for so long until we all started talking.
Paranoia ruined Denona’s respect for me and trust. The paranoia is fueled by people outside this forum community. I’m still working to earn back his trust.
You are one of my best friends Micah and have been even when we disagreed. I’m so sorry I gave you the wrong impression when I said Cursewords was the only person defending me in the past. I was wrong. You have always been there too. Please. I had to go back to work. If I had known I made you upset I would have fixed it right away.
Please don’t quit the forums. Despite not being as close to you as some others here I do consider you to be my friend. The story forums are for the story and there are parts of it you’ve been enjoying, engaging with others who have views on the story is worthwhile. If you leave they will win. Don’t let them win.