Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 1)

Stop talking me into playing FF.

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Still getting the feel of FF14, but most of the NPC… toddler dudes, are kinda jerks to me.

I think one hit on me which was weird.

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Well, just under half hour left to go on my sub.

Since it seems to be up in the air if I"ll be able to post or not after it expires, if I can’t I’ll miss talking with you lot. If you guys remember just one thing for BfA, I hope that it’s this: remember that Blizzard is the enemy and not the people with portraits with a different background color than you.



BfA has seen to more sub drops of people I know than any other expansion.

Portrait War now!

Though honestly, the Red and Blue portraits must team up against the true enemy…

Green portraits.


I think, in general, people are less tolerant of shat from Blizzard and other corporations now. I know I am, particularly in light of them embarrassing themselves at Blizcon, Bethesada constantly face planting over the last two months, etc.

And there’s enough in BfA that I don’t want to support with my money.

Yeah I get you.

For me, I just had to ask my self; is WoW really worth paying $15 dollars a month for? And, well, as much as I love posting here, it’s just not.


I love you grimtale.

I thought the tradition was that any night elf with bad eyesight was sent out to the deep desert to face the judgement of Shai-Hulud.


Oh just wait until the patch quests.

Though there’s a girl one who’s part of your main group of friends who is probably my favorite character in the game.

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Lalafells? A lot of the ones in Ul’dah are merchant tycoons, and plenty end up as haughty scholars or pirates. Yoshida’s main is also a female lala, so you know they’re evil. Just wait until you start dealing with the Ishgardian elezen, though.

It’s nice to see how many people have a newfound or renewed interest in XIV as a result of BfA. Blue Mage out in about a month. :blush:

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Do we know how blue mage is going to work yet?

Hey look, a cloth top hat transmog.


Gah. All this talk of FFIV has me wanting to give it a shot. But I’m already involved in two MMOs as it is - WOW and SWTOR.

The new SWTOR planet - Ossus - was fun but a bit short regarding the story. Beautiful planet. Artwork is topnotch. I enjoyed the story. The new characters they introduce are great, too. I have a new crush and her name is Major Anri, a Twi’lek Imperial officer.

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FF14 is free to lvl 35. Doesn’t cost anything to give it a chance. :smiley:

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Devil May Cry V GOTY 2019 don’t @ me

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[Vader voice] - Nooooooooo!

Currently capped at level 50(to be increased in future patches), cannot queue for random groups with the duty finder but receives a bonus to XP earned. Spells are learned from killing enemies and stored in a spellbook that lets you customize what you have active. The job has access to an exclusive solo challenge area, which apparently awards things like tomestones and allied seals.

https:// na.finalfantasyxiv. com/patch/4_5/

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Yeah those dudes.

There’s a lot where I started. The desert city must be near their home or something?

Also is there like, a transmog or something? my poor catfolk has mittens on. I mean I kinda like them, but doesn’t really fit her.

Pfft I already have a hat, Blizz, you can’t tempt me.

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But if she loses her mittens, then she gets no pie.


The area, across multiple city-states, has historically been ruled by a Dunefolk lalafell sultanate. You’ll become very familiar with the ruling Sultana later in the story.

There’s a transmog equivalent called glamour, which is less restrictive but more awkward to use, and I think it unlocks at 50. There should be a quest in Vesper Bay at that point.

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