I have no motivation to play video games. What’s wrong with me?
Depression? It usually cures me of enjoyment.
If that’s true that’ll be a major change. I’ve never been able to post when I’ve put my account on hiatus.
I’ve been playing Smash and the World of Light mode is pretty fun.
Except that stamina fight with extra melee damage sword wielding Ganondorf. That fight was created by the Devil himself to spite me personally.
I have a sudden craving for rpgs, even though I’m not a huge fan. I’ve played Pokémon, Battle Network, final fantasy, and kingdom hearts. I’ve tried a little of Morrowwind, and I should be able to play oblivion on my computer.
I’m curious about dragon age, dragon quest, fire emblem, and whether or not I should commit to elder scrolls.
Have you played Witcher 3?
No but I’m not 100% sure if I can play that without poop graphics.
Dragon Quest’s a classic turn-based JRPG so if you could tolerate the original Final Fantasy’s and Pokemon’s turn-based system, you can do Dragon Quest. Everything’s in Akira Toriyama’s art style so it’s basically medieval Dragon Ball, and the series always has a fairy tale-like “hero rises up to save the world” theme to it. If those appeal to you, it’ll be right up your alley.
Dragon Quest 11 is loooooong, though. I think I broke 70 hours just getting the regular ending, and another 30 hours in the post-game too.
This will come off as me being a bitter, resentful witch — because quite frankly I am a bitter, resentful witch right now — but no part of WoW deserves an award right now. Whether official or “fan favorite”.
Luckily that censored word is accurate towards me whether it starts with a b or a w.
To be fair: All other MMOs except GW1 are worse… The best MMO is indeed WoW… In order to surpass GW1 it needs a Stone Forest, a Jade/Sapphire/Beryl Sea, a Mountain of Blood, a Landscape of Organs & Flesh and a Maguuma Jungle-like Jungle(we already have a Tarnished Coast-like Jungle so all that’s left is one like Maguuma Jungle)!
It’s subjective.
I think WoW’s story is in a bad place right now, and that affect’s my overall view of the game in a negative way, but I doubt most of the player base care. Most players just play the game. We’d be lucky if they can even remember the name of the faction leaders.
People play games to have fun. If they have fun playing WoW, then it’s a good game for them. It’s up to each individual to judge the aspects of the game.
I wouldn’t vote for WoW in any poll, but I’m just me, and if other people still like and enjoy this game, that’s their gain and they can vote to their hearts content. If enough people voted for a fan favourite win- then WoW earned that, regardless if you or I think WoW’s in a bad place.
It’s easy to look at a game from a certain point of view, and forget that other, hell even most, people don’t view it the same way.
Most Stories in Media are in a bad place right now. It’s a well known fact. The good stories are barely noticeable due to being under the radar!
The hardest one for me so far was Zerosuit Samus with a spirit of the Boss from MGS3. But once I was finally able to beat her, doing it with Snake felt really good.
It’s not just the story for me. Mechanically things are awful as well; azerite is a horrible replacement system for artifacts, and barely anything was done to transition classes off of the Legion system that was basically designed around having the permanent artifact traits. I don’t know how much of a fix the new azerite armor will be, and we won’t find out for…what, 5 - 6 weeks after 8.1 launches? We have to wait for it.
And the only new content in 8.1 is again not coming until nearly a month and a half after 8.1 launch; we have to content ourselves with two island reskins and a warfront reskin until then. We have to wait for the new content.
Oh, and we will have to wait until the war campaign unlocks, too.
And then we have to wait until this mythical revelation that will magically fix the entire story that Blizzard keeps telling us they have.
Wait, wait, wait, wait. That’s all Blizzard wants us to do now, so they can tick up the time played metric and hopefully squeeze another few months of subscription time. We’re not allowed to have fun unless it’s on their schedule.
Honestly, Xim, if people legitimately find BfA fun, than more power to them. I don’t begrudge them that…well, okay, I do, since I feel that means they have low or no standards, but I don’t feel maliciously towards them.
I don’t find it fun, and the cancerous splurge that the story has become is only one part of that, albeit a major one.
I tell myself that the faction leaders are obsessed with Azerite because they don’t wear Azerite gear.
Truth will never gain you controversy… the actual controversial part would be WoW gaining any sort of positive award (the only award they can deserve is the hypotetical equivalent to a Razzie). Game is awful and boring both from a gameplay perspective and a lore one…
/looks at Dawnson´s thread on GD
Ok so the game media is managed by morons… this explains everything.
Judging from the newest trailer Xehanort’s normal eyes are Brown(same color Terra-Xehanort had when working under Ansem and when Xemnas contacted Aqua) not Yellow.
Yellow is Skuld’s eyes, Brown is Brain’s eyes and Ephemer has White hair… I suspect Xehanort is Ephemer with Ephemer with Skuld and Brain’s Hearts inside him and the reason he seems to lack memories is because Ephemer’s Heart is clashing against the real villain alongside Skuld and Brain.
Hearts clashing against one another does seem to cause memory loss as Terra-Xehanort has no idea who the Lingering Will is despite remembering the Keyblade War and despite his or rather Xemnas’s encounter with Terra in A Fragmentary Passage.
Now who could the main villain be… Could it be Luxu? The Master of Masters? The entity known as Darkness or maybe… Maleficent’s Heartless(KH Union X already stated that Maleficent split her Body and Heart when Riku unlocked her Heart in KH1 which was followed by her Heartless traveling back in time)?
Maleficent’s Heartless is supposed to return to her time through the aid of the Entity called Darkness yet we never hear how she is intended to do that. Could possessing Ephemer forcing Skuld and Brain to jump into Ephemer’s Heart to fight her Heartless help to cross over to the future?
If Maleficent’s Heartless is clashing against the Dandelion Leaders’ Hearts inside Xehanort and the Maleficent we see in KH2 is Maleficent’s Nobody(she did form from Maleficent’s cloak and since Lesser Nobodies are walking articles of clothing…) than Maleficent masterminded her own rise to power!
I don’t think I’ve found that one yet, but I’ve been skipping a bunch of fights so I could explore to find the character unlocks. I’m going to go back and clear the other spirits once I get rid of all the fog.