Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 1)

I’ve also never even known a cat who was friends with an eagle, let alone a gryphon.

My neighbor’s chihuahua did get carried off by a great horned owl once, but that’s as close as it gets.


When this chihuahua did get taken up in the air, did you fight the urge to say one of the following?

“Safe travels!”
“Keep yer feet on the ground!”
“See ya soon!”


On the other side, my beer at the brewpub I work at is totally better than beer at the other place in town, and I’ll fight anyone on it.

But I’ll also happily drink either one, with or without a soft pretzel, because honestly we both make good beer. And as the sage says, “the best beer is the one that’s in front of me.”


You never know unless you try or so my five year old brain thought as I walked into the vicious dog’s pen that tried to maul everyone, including his owners.

I made a fuzzy friend and made two adults nearly die from heart failure.


That is the entire point of 5 year olds.

Cardio in place.

Dogs are better than people.


Dogs are awesome and dont talk about you behind your back. They also love us unconditionally, most of the time anyway :wolf:


Oh no, I’m arguing about high elves like it’s 2019…



What did the Island look like?

We need to know what the Island looked like to determine if it was a Kraken, an Island Turtle, a Large Crab, a Large Whale(the only thing besides a Kraken, Turtle or Crab that can be mistaken for an Island) or a Teleporting Island!

I found a place that sells mead. I’m going to have a sugar headache in the morning.


I read stories about a dissapearing Island off the coast of Ireland called Hy-Brasil. Apparently it’s quite common.

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I remember standing near the docks on a pier before a shift. I tend to be early. So I was enjoying watching the boats, and the birds, and the wet air.

There was a few small islands with some green, or just sandy brown. But there was a long kinda dark island. Thin, almost matching the horizon. At first I thought it was maybe covered with rocks - thats why it was gray. It wasn’t metallic, just dark gray. I didnt think much of it. The other islands had some green, or brown, but that one was long, thin, and gray in the blue black drop.

Anyway I finished my shift. One of my coworkers brought it to my attention. He was a big, young black guy. Like, the dimensions of a fridge. Very quiet and nice. I saw in his face he was perturbed, because he was always pretty stone faced. So I asked him what’s up.

He was like :

“Yo dude I swear I’m trippin. Where is that island? Haven’t you seen that gray island out there?”

I looked out, and it wasn’t there.

When I saw it, it was pretty far away, and still pretty long in the horizon, so a whale just seems impossible.

Not burst your bubble but that sounds more like a shipping boat than an Island.


Oh, I know people who were not there can think what they may. You aren’t bursting a thing with that.

I just thought it was a long ugly rocky island in the distance and went on my way. Another dude pointed out it’s absence to me. I ​dont think it was a boat… but I guess you had to be there.

I believe you. Mysterious stuff happens all the time. I have stories I refuse to tell anyone in case they are skeptics.

It was probably a junk island that experienced an event of spontaneous evolution, becoming self aware and is now haunting shipping lanes, and stalking people in synthetic swimmers.


This feels like the kind of description Trevor Henderson would put with one of his monster photos and I love it.

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Cursewords why are your ears sticking out of your hat!

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To be fair, the Hawaiian island called East Isle did disappear after Hurricane Walaka hit there a while back. And Hawaii in general being very volcanically active, it’s not uncommon for new islands to one day be there and gone the next.

And stories of islands disappearing, probably due to underwater volcanism, are pretty common around the world.

People often take for granted the incredible power that the earths magma core and tectonic plates produce on a daily basis, creating mountain ranges and islands, etc.


I was 100 honor short of my next honor level so I figured I’d go grab the towers in the Broken Isles instead of sit in a pvp queue.


I physically recoiled because I somehow completely forgot it was going to happen.