Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 1)

Blade of Grevious harm looks pretty cool, it’s not super matchy matchy but two of them would look pretty cool with the VE Heritage armor, they are like Light sabers.

Nightborne Arcsabers look really cool if you want to stay with the arcane/Void/celestial theme.

My favortie choice is Vicera-stained Longswords because they look kind of demon hunter ish and they would look really nice with your mocha flavored VE.

The hardest part about matching they VE Heritage set is that Blizzard rarely releases the same shade of purple in thier gear, there isn’t many Gold/Purple/navy options to match.

Seethe is a good option, but it feels more like a warrior weapon than a rogue weapon. but it matches. (I’m now going to have to farm Seethe on my DK because it does actually look pretty sweet with the heritage armor set!!)


If I got drafted in to the Community Council - without applying - to represent the Story Forum, I would use that honor to say :

We need 'moggable heels.

I am a fan of The Gromble.

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I ended up going with these, because… Well… Because I’m a bad 'mog farmer and don’t have the other ones. And the Undying Spirit illusion for the splooshes of black energy. Thanks!! These look much better.

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Taking the dwarf role play a little too far yeah?


Nope, she’s taking it far enough

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I’m also an Alaskan, and being a brewer/volunteer firefighter, I’m on the burly side… not what you would call tall, even for a woman…

It is a flat out mystery why I usually post on one of the dwarves.

Oh. And my educational background is in geology.


Have you ever owned a bear or punched a bear?

I’m not 100% convinced you are not actually a Dwarf from Ironforge.

The background in geology is highly suspicious.


Look Sledge. We all know you’re an IRL dwarf. It’s fine. We accept your dwarfiness. We accept Ironforge is based on your IRL home in Alaska.

Just admit it, and we can all move on.


Unfortunately, no one has let me drive a steampunk tank…



That is the most ominous yet I’ve ever seen.


Push her buttons and find out!

That’s some big Alaskan energy she’s serving. I’m impressed.

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Once upon a time, in Cata, when I was at my parents’ place for the summer and everyone else was off fishing and I was minding the farm, I was on vent doing some sort of BS with the guild regarding world pvp and in the midst of it, I heard an eruption from the chickens…

Looked out the window and blurted out, “be right back! Bear!” Went out to chase the ambitious black bear and came back to the vast amusement of my guildees.

I have not found a better WoW/Alaskaness intersection since… but Dun Morogh did make me homesick when I was a nipper and away for college. And like every good Alaskan, I will take any open opportunity to tell you where I’m from.


I’ve gone to Alaska a few times, for summer work. It is so beautiful and lovely in the summer.

Flying by the mountains… they make other mountains look tiny. I remember thinking: “now THESE are mountains.” The sun would go down around 1 am, and be back near 3. The smell of the ocean, and the rivers. I saw a few bears running around. There were bear alarms at the work camp, and the bears would hang out not too far from us.

It also has some creepy stuff going on.

One of my coworkers pointed out an island that was there one minute - and gone the next. He was visibly creeped out, and said it might have been a kraken- I just laughed and joked, to ease the mood, but it was strange. I saw that same island just before… and it was gone.

Even though I went to work, it was one of the most invigorating and wonderful places I have ever seen.

I haven’t been there in the winter though. I hear that is… different than the summer.


As unfamiliar as I am with bears, I feel like that’s probably something you shouldn’t be doing.

Weellllllll… black bears are technically the most likely to have an aggressive interaction with humans. Though part of that is number of black bear human interactions. They’ll occasionally display predatory behavior to humans and they’re relatively very curious, which is a problem because they’re bears.

Unless food habituated, adult grizzlies don’t want much to do with people. However, if surprised, they’re more than happy to jump up and down on someone who offended them. Predation is fairly rare, but defensive bears absolutely kill people without that being the primary aim. Young grizzlies are pretty nosey and occasionally get into trouble because of that.

Polar bears avoid people as a rule, though when I was living in the Arctic (little village on an island in the North Slope) they passed through to see if they could raid trash fairly frequently. They loathe novelty and are the spookiest of all bears, but they can and will get nosey if nothing scares them. And unlike black bears and grizzlies, they’re dedicated predators and on very rare occasions when they clash with people, predatory behavior is relatively common.

Most bears can be chased off with loud noises, looking big, and occasionally a rock flung nearby… but if you try it, it’s best to have a spot to retreat to, bear spray, a shotgun, and a 160 pound malamute standing by.


Mmkay. Let me see if I’ve got this all right now, Sledge.

You brew your own mead.
You have a keen knowledge of geology.
You have a deep knowledge of bears, beyond what any reasonable person needs.
You have more courage than sense, as shown by your willingness to CHASE A BEAR AWAY and thinking it’s just a funny story.
You’re self-described as burly and short-ish.
You live in a cold but beautiful region, not unlike Dun Morogh.

And you’re… NOT a dwarf? Because literally everything you described so far is dwarf.

How can you be so sure that you aren’t maybe a little, tiny bit total absolute dwarf?


Thanks for the treatise on bears, and that snippet from the arctic. That just sounds crazy. As a six year old I had big hole bitten in my but by a malamute, running along a beach in Malaysia. I don’t think it was 160 pound one though.


My toxic trait is thinking that if I ever met a bear or a wolf in the wild, I could actually befriend it.

If my trust level was higher I’d show you all a picture of my husky/shepard who looks like a coyote. He’s my best buddy.


I also don’t have a ludicrous, occasionally spotty, Scottish accent.


For some reason, I don’t think I believe you.

You are among friends, Sledge. Or at least friends-adjacent. Maybe just occasionally funny acquaintences. But people who are friend-like.


You are among funny acquaintences, Sledge. You can be honest with us about your dwarfy heritage.