Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 1)

We don’t talk about that moment. It was so bad it even made the void lords cry

I took a depression nap and ate a Cosmic Brownie. I’m having a good day.


I know Thadeus’s Light Crusade thread went kaput but I really wish Blizzard made Naaru Biblically accurate angels instead of how Naaru actually look.

Biblically accurate angels are terrifying.

I think Thadeus is on a forum vacation :frowning:

Biblical accurate angels scare me. Creepy as heck

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I love those

This is why the Light should be an antagonist. We can have the same Naaru that already exist, but have lesser Naaru be shaped as Biblical angels, creating a variety of creatures from the Naaru. Mortals aren’t all just Humans, and Naaru don’t all have to be windchimes.


Thad had posted late last night, which seems a normal time for him.


See this is why a Light Crusade expansion could be done well.


Erevien is most likely silenced though, thankfully.


I’m drinking peanut butter jelly mead I bought because I wanted the bottle for my own brewing products.

If there’s a lot of flippant posts incoming, uh… Hm.


Just say it’s me.

I’m very flippant.

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I can flip and fall flat on my face. Does that count? If it does, I’ll take the blame also


You’re confusing “flippant” for “slippant” again, Micah!!


I love craft mead


I tried flipping mats on the auction house, but I got undercut.

Sowwy Momma! Too many head bouncing off the floor incidents :heart:

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My day job is actually making beer for our local brewpub… But I do enjoy making a mead for myself. Almost as much as I enjoy drinking mead someone else made (as in this case – I have no intention of experimenting with adding peanuts).


Naaru aren’t actually called angels…

Angels don’t even look like Windchimes! Angels look like…

  1. Cherubim which are Eye-covered Creatures with 4 Wings, Calf Legs kept afloat by Eye-covered Wheels and Four Burnished Brass Human Bodies attached to the Cow Legs 1 with a Human Head, 1 with a Lion Head, 1 with an Ox Head and 1 with an Eagle Head
  2. Seraphim(Burning Ones) which have 6 Wings, 2 for flying, 2 for covering their legs and 2 for covering their face

Cherubim are mentioned as not turning when they move(they are described as darting around like lightning) and seem to be just Flying Burnished Brass Statues covered in Eyes.

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Has anyone kept up with what the community council story side are doing? i hope they are being more productive than us right now.

Meanwhile, in the Story forum: “Zul’momma is so fat.”

There’s literally nothing in there about the story.


That’s part of it you just have to keep holding out until you get your asking price. people who undercut want a quick sale but they are taking a loss of profit.