Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 1)

The hypocrisy of accusing people of baiting you into arguments when you mention them by name in a public and open forums. After inviting them to the conversation in the first place…

… This might be the most childish take I have ever seen.


I switched to using one of the sickly Death Knight skins, and I just hate it! It doesn’t suit me. I gotta change it back.


You are right it’s not you! You should have kept the red hair though. And I liked your original hairstyle.

Maybe it’s just your face :rofl:

Have you tried a new face?

You look like a sickly albino python.


This skin locks you into only three faces. This was the best one.


I’m also leveling a DK, better options with a Void Elf.

It’s me, Ren.


Mocha void elf is the best flavor!


ICUthere, Alynsa’s void elf rogue!! Looking damn cute, but you need better swords.

The funny thing is more often than not what you post and what Ethriel posts are the same statements.

The only thunder around here is from people shaking their personal sheets of metal and saying it’s a storm.

Ohhhhh alright I got you boo, after work I’m gonna help you find some swords and daggers to match!!


I used to use the sickly pale skin on my Night Elf Death Knight, but I never liked the details it added to the face, so I was glad when they added the pale skin with the customization updates for a similar bloodless appearance without the extra dead touches.

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If you quote-mine, sure. Through quote-mining, I could probably argue that you and Erevien say a lot of the same things. But let’s play a game of “Ren of Eth?”

They really don’t make many similar statements if you look at their posts.


The only similarities between me and Ethriel is she says things that NE’s don’t want to hear as a worst case scenario.

I say things NE’s don’t want to hear as a best case scenario for what I want to happen as a Sylvanas fan.

Big difference.


Why does it feel like you’re being singled out again? Is it because your more vocal than the rest of us who like sylvanas?

Same style of making statements phrased as if facts.

Not singled out as much as takes things personally, as say compared to Deathisfinal.


If not singled out, then why quote-mine?

Replied to a statement Renautus made in this thread.

Luxio/Ren was ganged up on by most of the regulars here when she first started posting, I remember because I was one of like two people sticking up for her.

Can’t blame her for taking things personally, this forum can be hella toxic at times

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To be fair, you also attacked Luxio back then as well. And attacked me as well. People often get too heated here indeed.


Yeah I know. Me and you it was mostly a misunderstanding that got out of hand. I admit that I said a lot of things that I know regret