Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 1)

Wisdom teeth?

Two of them were, the others were various levels of broken. Had one broken down below the gums and they regrew over it.

A pandemic is a really really bad time to break teeth.

But think of the sick necklace you can make now.

I honestly thought about asking if I could keep them so I could make them into a bracelet I could throw at the family kids that donā€™t brush their teeth.

ā€œTake care of your teeth or Iā€™ll add them to my collection!ā€


A dark twist on the Tooth Fairy

I kept my wisdom teeth and I have them in a little witchy pouch. I love it for them.

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Insert all of Vesperoā€™s ā€œTo the moon!ā€ comments

Thatā€™s, uhā€¦an interesting way to do the Sage class, I guess. Kinda conflicted on its aesthetic. On one hand, I get that it has to be separated from red mage in some way, since sages in Dragon Quest and Final Fantasy games were traditionally just mage + cleric combined and honestly, in those games, they pretty much fall into support roles anyway. So it makes sense that it becomes a healer job to mirror red mage in that way. Chasing that archetype was why I ended up maining scholar/summoner in the first place.

But Iā€™m not really into the floating laser guns, if thatā€™s what they are.

Sub runs out in 22 mins so final post if you want to contact me:

Was considering joining the discord but i got called a creep for posting night elf stuff like a year ago. in the r34 channel. so meh. and got accused of rape or whatever.

Donā€™t they allow minors into that discord? Shouldnā€™t be allowed to post pronz there if thatā€™s the case.

idk probably anyway sub ended but i can still post

should probably be fixed in a few hours.

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Eating my first solid food in a week that wasnā€™t a hotdog cut into tiny tiny pieces. I missed real food so much.

Did something happen? Are you okay?


He has a Blood Elf Male Avatar. From his painful post, I think he may have seen a white hair in his beard IRL. I have been there.


I had six teeth removed via oral surgery last week so I was on a liquid/soft food diet. Today was the first day I was able to eat solid food, so Iā€™m doing much better now.


In the spirit of BSā€¦

When I use this Alt, I hear this as a theme :

I would be happy if Void Elves were given ā€œblondeā€ optionsā€¦

Listening to synth while reviewing financial statementsā€¦

Perfect vibes.

Tap tap tap goes the cat at 3 in the God damned morning because apparently my nose is a hotel service bell for treats.