Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 1)

Hey same. Right down to the reasoning.

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upon getting word from Nintendo that they were developing a CD-ROM adapter for the Super Famicom, we decided to start a project in a different direction from Final Fantasy IV, which at the time was in the middle of development and was touted as a next-generation RPG fitting the large storage capacity the new cartridges had. The development codename for the new project was Maru Island, and we were making it as a collaboration work with Akira Toriyama-sensei after we established contact through Shueisha. I frequently ran back to the office just to receive and look at the screen mock-ups that Toriyama-sensei did in the initial stages of the project.

Despite that, the CD-ROM adapter was never completed. Once everyone learned that the CD-ROM adapter was never going to see a release, they decided to abandon everything that had been planned for development since the very start, including Toriyama-senseiā€™s contributions, and decided to revise the project in order to make it release into a ROM cassette. We said that we would wait for the CD-ROM to make a collaboration project with Toriyama-sensei, but when it was revised, it actually became an entirely different project with an entirely different direction. That was what later on was completed into the game we know as Chrono Trigger.

Thanks to the high speed of the ROM, it was possible to seamlessly make the action visible in the field without the need to make a transition into a battle screen. But in the end, the new RPG I wanted to start making ā€” one that didnā€™t have a command-style battle system (Motion Battle System) and tested the reflexes of the players ā€” wasnā€™t a title that existed at the moment.

Upon seeing that my goal was to make an action RPG, and learning that an ARPG was the next game we were going to make, I decided to make it into a sequel for Seiken Densetsu, so we reestructured everything to use the world setting we had already from the previous game, and Seiken Densetsu 2 was finally completed.

Maru Island was an interesting collaboration especially since it used the Cast of Chrono Trigger and had the World Map and Locales of Secret of Mana!

Imagine the Chrono Trigger Cast in Secret of Manaā€™s World!

Imagine Chrono Trigger using Secret of Manaā€™s World Map and Locales while keeping itā€™s usual Cast of Characters!

The Cut Model of Magusā€™s disguised identity appears to still be in the Secret of Mana Cartridge apparentlyā€¦ Of course they never removed it as they decided to make Magusā€™s identity blatantly obvious in Zeal!

ā€¦Of course that might be Queen Zeal after being fully corrupted by Lavosā€¦

Edit: Just realized that Square actually merged the old Chrono Triggerā€™s Maps together! The Great/Tree Palace is actually the Ocean Palace and the Sunken City is actually the start of the construction of the Black Omen!

The place where we spoke to Sage Jock is actually the Light Palace to counter the Dark Palace below! The Fire Palace is actually the Sun Palace to counter the Moon Palace at the other side of the Desert!

The Light Palace is actually the Gold Palace to counter the Wind Palace which is supposed to be the Nature Palace!

What is the Water Palace supposed to counter? The Ocean Palace! A Lake Palace to counter the Ocean Palace!

Almost time to have cutscenes to post and argue about.

Are ya ready kids?

Oh, that reminds me. Quick reminder in case people forget or donā€™t happen to know.
Once Shadowlands officially launches and the level cap goes up, donā€™t forget to log onto all of your previously-level-capped alts at least once, if you have any. I think the way WoW has always worked with this is that your individual character save files donā€™t ā€œknowā€ that your level cap has gone up until theyā€™ve updated, and cannot generate rested EXP until you do so. This will let them start while youā€™re busy on your main.


Iā€™ve spent a disturbing amount of money on art this year.

Dear god that sounds like something out of Silent Hill. Particularly the Red Light Chase.

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Does anyone else hate that they included two new groups known as The First Ones and The Eternal Ones at the same time?


I do. Iā€™ve confused the two plenty of times, and now just refer to them as ā€œthe Elune onesā€ and ā€œthe Winter Queen onesā€ to myself to keep them straight.


Personally, I think you guys are just asking too many questions. What are you guys, story nerds?

I got level-blocked on the main story quest in Bastion because I assumed side quests were optional.

So now that Iā€™ve gone back and did side quests, Iā€™m fishing as a protest against the unfair side questing!

:frowning_face: :frowning_face:

I only did like two side quests and havenā€™t been stopped yet. I think Iā€™m about to move onto Maldraxxus as a matter of fact.

Though I do remember warnings about needing to do ā€œenoughā€ side quests to keep going from beta testers.

Nope, hit 52.75 and I got blocked in the main base until I hit 53.

Daily reminder for the new folks and old that we have a Discord for discussing lore, story, and other depravities.

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I suppose I can finally forgive you all for what was said.

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Thereā€™s a bot now that prevents that kind of thing.

Please come back. We miss ya. :black_heart:

ā€œAll Iā€™ve wanted is a vacation for the past 10 years and people wonā€™t stop dragging me all over the universe.ā€


There are skinning nodes in Maldraxxus and I hate them so much.


Pop it pop it pop it pop it pop it!


Ok. Ok.

God dang it Blizzard, you got me misty eyed ONCE already over that stupid dang dragon. Why?? Why twice now?!? Is this the new thing? Every two expansions I gotta wipe away my eyes over a dang dragon??


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