Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 1)

Boo! Four failed attempts at obtaining the Night Elf shield from Nathanos. Guess I’ll have to farm the transmog eventually.

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I only had two alts to try with. But also no shield. So, also boo.

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I want more stories leading into Shadowlands. I know I probably won’t get any others, but that one about the Horsemen makes me want more writing like that. sighs Just something I could read every day–some WoW lore story, updating the world and the people in it, giving role-players little snippets of fun lore, or even things like Yven’s odd musings about spells and the like could be fun. All I’m saying is a WoW lore blog that posted something every day would be cool. It could even just be neat art they’ve done that we’d analyze into oblivion.

sighs Okay. Wish rant over. Carry on. :purple_heart:


I’d like more of that kind of stuff to be in the game. Think how cool that would be as part of the pre-patch events leading up to launch.

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This pre-patch definitely could have used some padding out. Something beyond “Week 1: Here’s some zambies. Week 2: Here’s more zambies, and a spooky angel lady”. Even if it was just an undead rehash of the Legion invasions. As much as I hated WoT and Teldrassil, it was still a spectacle.


They did a pretty good job on these wallpapers.

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Who is still around when this thread let to a discord server back in 2018?

So far alot of things have changed since then.

Spoilers for Age of Calamity

Funny how it is revealed that Calamity Ganon is the Terrako(Egg Guardian created by Zelda as a music player when she was a child) of the present day while the Terrako that helps us is the one of the future!

Especially funny how Ganondorf had Zelda’s toy ravage Hyrule from within a Boar shaped cloud of Malice while he was sealed in the place we saw him in the Breath of the Wild Sequel’s Trailer!

The Time Traveling Terrako is a mystery since in both Breath of the WIld and Age of Calamity’s Timelines the present day Terrako gets sealed away by Zelda while in the form of Calamity Ganon!

As to the Split Timeline itself: Breath of the Wild and Age of Calamity are Split Timelines located at the end of the other 3 Timelines!

So it completely slipped my mind that Shadowlands was actually a thing coming out until someone reminded me yesterday. And today I realized I forgot to clean out my bags. And the idea of opening my bank is like pulling up the rug of a dilapidated house and I’m going “ew, ugh, why, no” and I’m simultaneously wondering why I kept so much useless junk while also not wanting to move any of it.

I’ve been dumping product and pricing to move. The past few days have been an ecstasy of order and bag-cleanliness. I am almost grumpy that within a few hours, the clutter begins anew.


I’ve been working the AH to try and offload as much as possible. But this late/early in an expansion cycle, I can barely give the stuff away. Especially the food. I made so much food to level up my Kul Tiran cooking (still didn’t max it out), and to stockpile for those daily quests on the docks that always want ridiculous amounts of something different than what I have.

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I’m “lucky” in that I didn’t really have a lot that requires AH finagling, I think.
As I type this I realize I never checked the reagent tab. Ugh.
Anyway, going through my bank was a trip. I’ve kept SO MUCH STUFF that I really have no reason to, outside of some insane person’s nostalgic hoarding tendencies. And ultimately I barely moved anything at all. I did find a Teebu’s Blazing Longsword that I looted from a salvage crate at the tail end of WoD though, so that was neat.

Also found a Friendship Bracelet that I’ve kept ever since TBC. When I started WoW for the first time, a friend had jumped in with me. He gave it to me during our first Valentine’s Day event together and I kept it in my bank ever since. He quit early WotLK, but I’ve never had the heart to toss it.

I have so much of that kind of stuff, on Gal in particular, since he’s my main. Useless questing baubles like Nolkai’s Band, because the quest made me sad. Things from the anniversaries I saved, like the Edwin Van Cleef costume. Things that might become a mog one day, like the fish off-hands. A letter from Malfurion for… buying one of the store mounts, I think, back when you got them in the mail, because, y’know, it’s a letter from Malfurion.

My reagents tab isn’t much better, with herbs and fish and inks from Vanilla to BfA. “Just in case.”


Oh, I have so much junk sitting in banks. But I don’t want to get rid of any of it.

My first ever character (NE Hunter) still has a quest reward from 2004. Light of Elune, I think it’s called. It gives you 10 seconds of damage immunity. Always thought I would use it at a critical moment during a boss fight but never did. I’ll never get rid of it.

Been cleaning out banks and guild banks today. Ugh. Such a chore.


Huh. I found Fragments of Val’anyr in my bank. Should probably finish that, one day.

I just came back Saturday, so even if I wanted to AH all my junk, there’s just no time to move it all. And it’s mostly cooking supplies. Fishes, vendor reagents, meats, so on. Nobody wants to buy my stringy loins.

I still have my Argent Dawn commission trinket thinger in my bank. And my various fishing poles. I dunno, maybe I should toss them in Void Storage, if I even can.