Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 1)


biden sucks but its just funny watchin maga ppl melt down. but for fythras sake ill stop talking politics. :v:

Someone was bound to meltdown. It happens every election.



Itā€™s one of the perks of being Independent. Everyone is fair game, because everyone is terrible.


Yay. More war.

I guess Iā€™ll be missing another set of Holidays next year. I havenā€™t had a Thanksgiving home in three years.

EDIT: Make that two, I forgot about the staff tour. They all start to blend together after a while.

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Am I missing something?

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A weapon actually dropped for me from the Heroic Darkshore Warfront quest, filling out the last slot I needed to max out my ilevel from doing exclusively casual content.


Just finished reading the plot summary of Canā€™t Fear Your Own World. I hope it gets animated.

Iā€™m going to need for you to tell me, in exacting detail, the rituals and sacrifices you performed to make that happen.


I think it might involve the fifteen Nightwreathed Watchers sitting in my personal guild bank right now.
Fifteen, you say. No more, no less? And are they arranged in a specific pattern?

I havenā€™t even looked in my guild bank since, likeā€¦WoD, I think.

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As someone who oversees 4 pet guilds on Madoran (all linked via Greenwall), I dread looking into our guild banks. They love to dump stuff in them. You can imagine what pet guilds love to donate even if we have 12 of the darn things already.

They also love to play pranks on me like the time they filled the guild bank with void beetlesā€¦dozens of void beetles.


I remember I stppped using mine in WoD, because my garrison left me overflowing with mats, and everyone else too, I suppose, because the bank was always full. And I justā€¦ kinda got out of the habit of checking it. Honestly, kinda forget itā€™s even there.

Now, if I get a spare pet, Iā€™ll pass them on to my bf, or a friend that doesnā€™t have it. And after that, just stubbornly put it on the AH every two days until someone buys it :joy: Same for mats and craftables. I have like 10 Stormā€™s Wake contracts I made while not paying attention that Iā€™ve put on the AH like clockwork forā€¦ six months now, at least.

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You should have mailed them to the mastermind, one beetle at a time.


Got bored running around killing the same ā€œraresā€ over and over and over and over and over and over again. So I made, and started leveling, my totally not another long lost Sunstrider offshoot.



Darth Maul was originally going to be the Sequel Trilogy Villainā€¦

Starting to look like George Lucasā€™s contribution to Rise of Skywalker(Abrams stated that George Lucas contributed to Rise of Skywalker) was indeed the return of Palpatineā€¦ Despite Ian McDiarmidā€™s Assumptions due to George telling him Palpatine was dead after shooting Return of the Jedi!

Of course since Anakin still didnā€™t kill him that means the Chosen One Prophecy is not fulfilled and thus Sidious is still not dead and is in a new Clone Body using the Force Drain he learned from accessing the Dyad between Rey and Kylo Ren!

To salvage the damage we need to embrace what George offered while delving into the Aftermath Novels and the Star Wars Comics(where Tyranus became a Vampire) as well!

We must learn from both Canon(which is Canon and thus should be kept in mind) and Legends(which as legends and thus can be drawn from as inspiration as was done with Thrawn).

First Sidious should not only Force Drain the Cultists on whatever backup world his newest Clone Body is in but he should also dredge up Darth Tyranus and revive him which will bring him back as a Vampire(due to the loss of Christopher Lee).

The Grand Inquisitor, Grand General Cassio Tagge and Grand Moff Tarkin will all be summoned as Ghosts(the Grand Inquisitor is already a Ghost bound by the Sith) to serve alongside the living Grand Admiral Thrawn!

Seeing Tagge accuse Tarkin of making the disaster that is the Death Star only for Tarkin to point out that it was Director Krennicā€™s idea and he just co-opted it only for Tyranus to cut in that the incompetent Geonosians came up with the idea will be hilarious!

The Aftermath Novels states that some entity was contacting Sidious so a Trilogy involving Sidious and the Dark Side Entity may be necessary!

Furthermore the First Orderā€™s leader from the Aftermath Novels Grand Admiral Sloane should return having got in contact with what she thinks is what communicated to Palpatine(though is actually seemingly unrelated and far from where Sidious is actually getting the signal): the Dark Council of Dromund Kaas!

Legends like Darth Baras, Darth Vowrawn, Darth Ravage, Darth Mortis and Darth Marr should all appear and be awaiting the new Emperor of the Sith Empire foreseen by Supreme Prophet Kadann!

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Turn out the ritual to get a Heroic Darkshore Warfront weapon is to kill Nathanos. Literally day after I finally got one everyone gets one basically for free.


I liked this post because of how it transitioned from the posts above it.