Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 1)

Lately, when I think of the phrase:

“he has the senate and the courts.”

I am transported to the fall of the Galactic Republic and the rise of the Empire.

I hope reality doesn’t mirror fiction. We don’t have a Jedi Council to even attempt to help.

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There was a newspaper that declared the wrong winner during Harry Truman’s election. There’s a famous picture of him holding it, it’s funny.


I had to look that up, I don’t think they make them like that anymore. What a gloriously smug man he is holding that up.



Turns out Heartless are working the exact same way as Spirit Dream Eaters: Consume Sin to grow stronger.

It makes one think: The Nightmares are born from Sin infused into the Power Bangles. Furthermore since Darkness feeds on Sin the Nightmares are the only manifestation of Sin Corruption in existence!

The Master of Master duped the Nightmares into thinking Sin is Darkness while withholding the truth: the energies composing Spirits is Darkness so the Keyblade Wielders upon being given Chirithy are given Darkness which normally isn’t a threat until the Power Bangles give them Sin.

Once Sin is added to a Heart tainted with Darkness said Darkness gorges on the Sin until it rips it’s way out as a Heartless! Adding Sin to a Heart tainted with Darkness and possessing a Spirit Dream Eater will cause a Nightmare Dream Eater to spawn while leaving the Heart in danger of becoming a Heartless!

Of course if Darkness feeds on Sin what does Sin itself feed on? Light. If Darkness was removed from a Sinful Heart without removing the Sin the person will become an Unversed! This is basically what the Queen of Snow White does to her Magic Mirror if the Journal is any indication.

As the Energies in the original Japanese version are Green it is likely Sin is infact the essence of Evil! Vanitas and the Evil Queen are drawing on the power that Maleficent is the Mistress of!

How did Sin become available for Keyblade Wielders from the Keyblade War Era? The Foretellers are obviously the source! They are named after the 7 Deadly Sins! The Master of Masters duped his pawns into thinking they are fighting the Darkness but infact aided it by infecting their Keyblade Wielders!

Considering the Queen of Snow White is filled with Envy and her Sin essence is Green(as opposed to the Red Ire that Sora was corrupted with when he became a raging Unversed when Xehanort seized his Light in KH3) it seems obvious what Sin Maleficent is drawing on which brings major suspicion on Foreteller Invi.

She always covers her face except when talking to the Master of Masters… Furthermore there were multiple beings of Pure Darkness at least 1 which would have offered it’s power to the Master of Masters to create Chirithy…

The Darkness which communicated with Maleficent had her theme play rather than any theme suggesting a villain worse than Maleficent. Furthermore the Darkness that Young Xehanort encountered in the Flash Forward in Dark Road Chapter 2 had Maleficent’s theme play there as well.

If the Darknesses were the 13 Darknesses like the Fans theorize and the Master of Masters is one of the 7 Lights it makes one suspicious of his Cat theme and Foreteller Invi especially considering the Time Machine that has yet to be completed and currently can only send Hearts through Time.

Could the Master of Masters be Pete(a Cat) and one of the 7 Lights while Foreteller Invi is Maleficent and one of the 13 Darknesses? Seems Darksiders 3 is not the only game that treats Envy as the most dominant Sin!

Considering Darkness consumes Sin and Sin consumes Light one wonders what Light consumes… Until they realize that it consumes Virtue. The Master of Master brought in Sin without bringing in Virtue since he knew that would simply bring balance to the Hearts of the Keyblade Wielders!

I feel stupid. Had I known there was a welcome back weekend coming I would have used that to update my character appearances instead of reactivating just for it.

Ah well, I have been enjoying forum access at least.


about a month late buuuutttt LEBRONNNN JAMESSSS!!!

not actually a good thing to have.



Look on the bright side, anything is better than Trump at this point. Even basic campfire. Even for a right winger he was deranged and unstable and never should have been president.

As an aside, ahahaha he declared victory and lost. What a tool.


Since you like to post Cartoon Links, I will post a Cartoon that summarizes how I feel about Biden defeating Trump.

Got to get tough. Yo Joe.


My god that was just so painfully 80’s. Everything about it. I love it.


Could we please not have politics in this thread? I come here to get away from all that crap.


When it comes to shooting the :poop:, I always think of Politics as any other crap. Whether it be some one’s new job, or their favorite cat pic. It is just something there. I find no offense in the conversation of it. Yet -in this thread - I will lay off of it, if it bothers others.

I don’t agree with the idea of:

“I come here to get away from that.”

That is a personal issue, and we are not all bound to such personal choices. But, I understand people are out of sorts, and times are crazy. So, I digress.

It seems to be civil so far. Whether that’s because right wing people are typically older and don’t game or the right people who are here have more than two brain cells and can not take things personally I can’t say.

For real though, Americans take politics so seriously. In Australia we just mock them all as useless idiots.

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To be fair, there’s considerably less riding on our politics.

I suppose that’s true. We don’t often(ever) get a complete lunatic at the helm of our country.

That looks like the next Middle Eastern conflict Biden will be getting us involved in

Come on now. How can you possibly take armed conflict in a geo-political powder keg seriously when there are people out there saying mean things and having independent thoughts?


What do you mean?

I was being facetious about the things the American Left clutches their pearls over during an election year, juxtaposed to their blasé attitude to armed conflicts instigated or perpetuated under their watch.