Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 1)

Ohh, I really like mechanical depth in simulation games! Big fan of the Anno and Settlers series, managing industry, roads, and resources. What ended up overwhelming me about Planet Coaster was the building stuff. Like, I wanted everything I made to be pretty and perfect! But I was a mess with the tools.

I’m still excited for Planet Zoo, though, especially with your description! Seems like a lot more management and a bit less to need to build.

Also, relatedly, have you played Parkasaurus? I’ve been enjoying it lately. Such a cute little game with the most adorable little graphics ^.^

That was such a weird episode, Arli. I loved it! But it was… bizarre. Lol.

The new opening was eye-meltingly hype though. I freakin’ loooove when they do villain OPs.

I’ve been playing that lately, it’s so fun!! While 90% of the time I feel like a doofus making loads of mistakes, 10% of the time everything lines up perfectly and feels amazing! And I really, really love the music, too. It even inspired me to get the first Crypt of the Necrodancer : D

Also, the Link’s Awakening amiibo is so cute I literally shed a tear. Like holy cow. The toy aesthetic is so cute!! It reminds me of stop-motion holiday specials!

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I expect Planet Zoo will be much the same. From what we see, there’s a dizzying array of fences, paths, buildings, decorations, and more, and total creative freedom to do almost whatever you want with them. Which might get a bit tedious if you have to have things just so, like me.

The good news is, other players will be able to upload decór and structures they’ve built online, and you can download and add them to your zoo from there.

Meantime, I’ve been catching up on FFXIV videos and such, including Yoshi P. fighting Titania. I really don’t want to fight Titania. :slightly_frowning_face:

She’s so adorable, and beautiful. And Titania is my D&D warlock’s Patron.

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Just 100% cleared my Permadeath Fixed Mode Zelda-only run of Cadence of Hyrule. Even found the secret item.

Spoilers on Secret Item Location

You have to find a way to go out of bound of the map to find a secret shop. For my run Gerudo Village was one of the west-most tiles of the map, and I could out of bounds the map by moving a block to the bottom left side of the village and hopping up onto the cliff and heading West off the map.


Obsidian is used to create Synthetic Lightsaber Crystals which are rarer than bled Kyber Crystals…

Synthetic Lightsaber Crystals create the stereotypical Red Lightsaber used by Darksiders just as tortured Kyber Crystals do. The Obsidian Crystal when placed in a Holocron gives us Snoke’s voice so obviously Snoke’s Ring Crystal was a Synthetic Lightsaber Crystal.

Perhaps these games are a bit too much for someone like me after all. However, I’ll still really enjoy seeing all the wonderful creations other people make! And the let’s plays will be relaxing and fun as always : )

In the meantime, I’ll keep geeking out over Parkasaurus! And I’m also pretty curious about Parkitect, that might be fun to try someday. C’mon, Steam Summer Sale >:D

I hope Scholars can get an Egi Glamour system to make our Faeries into the cute new Pixies ^.^

At the very least, a minion is a must. They’re all so cute!

Wow, you’re on the leaderboard! That’s amazing, great job Amadis!!


Still disappointed I won’t be able to use whatever Pokémon I want in the post-game.

But the Gym Leader theme makes me want to dust off the glowsticks of my younger days.


Today Blizzard police have assassinated a fellow Story Forum community member’s forum access due to unsubbed status. RIP Reallyhappy, our sassy undead monk, never forget.



They’ll never get me though. I’m hiding in the vents! Not that I’ll ever post here, god, could you imagine?



RIP in Peace.

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Didn’t know this happened to unsubscribed people. Is this a case by case thing, or is it happening at large?

Now valko has been assassinated, the rapture is nigh. RIP smol dead gnome

If you’re unsubbed, then normally you’re not able to post. With the new migrated/update toe the forum a number of people who were unsubbed discovered they could still post.


Yep, I knew that. Quite a few posters were sticking around here even though they had unsubscribed. Is everyone gone now?

Is it just me or does Zuldazar resemble the Artwork of Tanaan Jungle more than Tanaan Jungle itself does?

pokes the forum to test it out

Edit: I, too, have been taken.

Edit: Oh yeah, that’s a thing. If needed, one can @ me (otherwise I’ll likely miss it) on the Discord.


Oh no… Damn. It was nice talking with everyone here who can’t post any more. I hope you all take care of yourselves.

Aw. It feels like some sort of purge. Or rapture. It is a bit sad to witness. Reallyhappy - you made me smile often, even in your bitter screeds. Good luck to you folks.

I was aware people could post while unsubbed, but I did not know if it was a bug or intended. I thought perhaps Blizz decided to let people post after being unsubbed so they could still get feedback from dissatisfied customers.


Do you need a sub to post in the Classic Forum? I would never go to THAT section of the forums… But I wonder if the public stress test for all subscribers has anything to do with it?

Maybe Blizz is cracking down on the forum freeloaders because they are more likely to be dissatisfied and post negative comments?

I would suggest if you are unsubbed - do not call attention to it, if you want to keep posting. Even if you think telling everyone you are unsubbed makes your point more valid somehow.

Sad to see we’re losing people for realsies now that they’re cracking down on unsubbed people. :frowning:

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You guys keep talking about unsubs and all I can think is they better watch out for the BAU.

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Well, now that I have image posting privileges, I started up a thread I’ve been wanting to start for a while now. Do you guys mind checking it out?

Choose-Your-Own-Adventure Thread (Interest Check) - #2 by Rorrand-wyrmrest-accord