Stormscale Horde Reconnections

Eagleeyze here

sup baseballman/kittykitty has anyone talked to katiya/rogg? im still in touch w/ wagimus paperbag shyka tidop and others


I used to play in the Seven Sins guild!! Name was SolidTwo (Orc Warrior).

I still actually have old screenshots of raiding MC, AQ, & ZG from back in the day!

JUICE was like the best guild on server IIRC. So freaking awesome.

Shoot I used to be in Band of Bandits as well!! Solidtwo - Orc Warrior. Had some other friends back in the day join too. Ccommander, Xpurgatory. (Both Undead Rogues)

I would actually love to see those!! Maybe my hunter will show up somewhere in there

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Name: Solidtwo
Race: Orc
Class: Warrior
Guild(s): Seven Sins, Blackout, JUICE, Insurrection, Band of Bandits

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I’ll have to pull up my ollldddddd HDD and I’ll try to upload them here in the coming days! So stoked :grin:

I would be super stoked keep me posted bub!

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Jagerbombz( holy pally) here from WOTLK

didn’t paperbag get busted on that show to catch a predator lol.

he caught the predator he didn’t get caught

My characters name was Junakilla. I was a troll mage. I had moved to St. George, UT and went to Best Buy. I asked a guy to sell me the most addicting video game they had. He sold me WoW. Then he wrote down a ton of information on a piece of paper on what server he was on, how to find him. We even met up a couple of times IRL to get food and talk about the game. Unfortunately, I don’t remember his name, but I had a ton of fun and hope to find you in the future.

gonna need a citation on that because my own memories and multiple sources say otherwise. lol.

Ninemillion, you legend, I never played with you but I named my character after you as tribute.

So what Server are you/we all playing to create a character on to bring back Stormscale?!

Edit: I picked Herod!

My poor old boy, I lost contact with him after BC.

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Cigar, undead warrior.
will definitely be going fairbanks :slight_smile:

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  • Your character’s name, race and class.
    Konholeyo Troll Hunter
  • The name of your original guild on this realm.
    Seven Sins and Nothing Personal
    honestly just doing this to see if anyone remembers me lol

Main tanking for this Alli guild on Fairbanks

Ironically I was able to reserve my name on fairbanks and fairbanks alone lol.