Hey, y’all! I played Maelic (Human Paladin) in Dire. It’s refreshing to see so many familiar names on this thread. I’m looking forward to playing Classic, especially if I get to cross paths once more with my old friends!
Anyone rolling Fairbanks so we can fight in BRM again?
Hey! I think I raided with you and Llayni in pande. Do you remember a human warrior named Warren?
Whats up boys. You talk to Albino?
Dalfo / Attis / CrunkFu
Guild - DPS ,Moonlight Dancers, I led a couple raiding guilds too I think Overrated was one of them. I cant remember anymore lol
Anyone from DPS know if Pat is playing?
Mahatma, Human Holy Pally in RoD
Ezpickns, lvl 19 twink Rogue
Nice to see a lot of the old RoD raiders posting in here! I plan on playing with Caramel Color and Spacetwinkie in Vanilla.
Hope to see some of you around!
Hm…what would people know me as…
Youonesawme the rogue? Miasmatic the rogue? Cupcake the mage? Demagogue the paladin?
Too many guilds to recall always chasing the illustrious progression… Pande, RoD, Guffaw/Waffug/whatever we named the guild that week…
Binabik - Human - Pally - Trying my best to remember the guild, Guile perhaps? Prolly hopping on Whitemane Alli
Pat is sadly definitely not playing.
Droma from Dire here.
Send me battle net request to get back in touch. Istul and Maelic my pally bros it’s nice to see you.
Hope to see Alux, Yilnas, Zara, Nar, Neagan, Fruitsnack, Lomelindi, and everyone else I haven’t seen in so long again.
See you in game boys.
Sad to hear it but glad to see an old face!
Starlynn and Pulynerain stopping in to say hi! We ran with Triune and then Devil Theory. Awesome to see a few familiar names after all these years.
Hey all, Played on Stormscale for a LONG LONG time
Razertip - NE hunter - Shadowriders / Knights of Azeroth
Seckzydevil - Human Priest - Shadowriders / Knights of Azeroth / Method / Rolling With my Gnomies (had a few twinks in there)
Also raided alot with Reign of Darkness / ANVIL - pigga where you at?!
My crew and I are rolling Blaumeux - Alliance with our old Classic name, add to friends list at will.
and Toxas?
and Bonorith?
and Honstin - human pally - wheres my little butterfly?
Toxas and Pigga are on Sargeras.
Linearskillz. Human Warrior.
Played and sometimes tanked for the following guilds during classic:
- Moonlight Dancers
- Pandemonium
- StrafeRight
Joined some old buddies in RoD in the xpacs.
Gonna play casually on Fairbanks (A) for a bit.
It’s Juggalotus what’s up old school players? Bnet is Lotus#1178 probably gonna be on Herod
YO I remember you! I played NE rogue in DPS- Unfazed was my name! How can I contact you? You can add me on battle net swaaagpirate#1666. I’m living on the east coast now. Thinking of playing an undead rogue on Skeram.
Greetings all!
Corwynn here (Tyrenas since Cata), Holy Paladin from the guild Legacy way back in the day here on Stormscale! Hope everyone is well!
Hey Delorian, Bourgeois the warlock here. I ran in that premade sometimes and was in ANBU. Real life friends with Anneau and Billygoat. What server are you on?