Legs checkin’ In
I’ll be playing super casual over on Fairbanks (A)
jpwarzone Night Elf Druid
I was a filthy casual. but I’m happy to see so many names I randomly recognize
there was a guy named Macbook on my realm. He was a boomkin who I thought was awesome. WHERE ARE YOU MACBOOK?!?
With Lynni and I think Senna?
Kassea - Human Warlock
Linaris - NE Druid
Guild: Legacy
Nickname on Vent: Butch
I miss you all
Extro, gnome mage
Missing my brothers from the Archetype days
Best damn ZG and Kara crew there ever was.
Hotti warrior
Zuphlas paladin
OG Broken with Scorned and Ibn as guild leaders!!
I see you lurking in here Aery.
Played a NE Rogue named Elenia. Was in The Dark Brood, Broken and Malaise toward the end of vanilla…going to be playing Alliance on Fairbanks or Whitemane.
Feels good to see so many familiar faces here, there was a while when it felt like there was only 3 of us on Stormscale left after everyone transferred off.
Neuron - Still on Stormscale, same char, I can’t remember all the guilds so I’ll list a few (those who know me can help me out lol)
DPS, VVP, RoD, Overrated, TehBox, etc…
Edit: IF* I play classic will most likely be Thalnos or Whitemane, also brining back Kawana/Zazabane if anyone remembers him we are still in touch.
Glad we have our og chars still!
Pretty sure I did MC and some Karazhan runs in tbc with you guys. Near the end of vanilla I did a bit more guild jumping, just to keep doing some raiding.
Good too see some of you guys are around still.
Man some awesome names to see in here!
Faille Human Rogue!
Honestly cant remember the guilds I was in besides Haven for TBC.
Trazor - Night elf Rogue back in the day. A bunch of us are rolling Whitemane.
Yes I was! Added you (ahaggerty)
besessesesss aka dad aka the badguy - ally - paladin 2004 RoD /\
/spit to the original sellouts from stormreaver jewce nocbu and all the other gaggle of tripe trying poorly for server firsts and pvp (standing in front of IF and letting nocbu free hks)
a big /shoutout to the good guys,
north poICE
On battle.net? I didn’t get anything.
poICE! shake that bear baby!
<-- Scorned
<< Scorned from Broken.
Good to see you Soveliss.
Scorned from Broken checking in and saying ‘hey’. Any contact with Jordan (Georgedane / Elysian) or Will (Faithe) from SS these days?
Also, Internet Hate Machine is a dope AF guildname.
I was a healer so apparently I guild hopped a bunch, think I spent some time in Pharaohs of War, The Elders, Triune, ANBU and Guffaw