Stormscale Alliance Reconnections

Hi Everyone, hope you’re all doing well!

Stormscale/Alliance toons;

Icarris - Paladin
Morningstarr - Druid
Guild - Inertia/Unwritten History

Raided with Pride of Proudmore and Riven… where you guys at?

Sup Ntsilent, seen you around a lot on Smolderweb =D

Long time no see Zara. I’m currently GM of a top guild alliance side on the bigglesworth server so I won’t be transferring. Make an alt and come hang out sometime.

As for Bigjig I don’t know. I only kept up with 2-3 people outside of wow after the guild full collapsed in wrath.

Hi, I played a dwarf priest named Hulix and my dad played a dwarf warrior named Hungen, having a hard time remembering the guild I was in, we were alliance.

What was his in game name?


YOU’RE ALIVE! Peace and I were just going over old guildies, your name always comes up. Good times :smiley:

Hulix and Hungen i remember you guys. You were in Heroes Honor. Me and My uncle Grimey are currently on Thunderfury. We tried to get Daigo to come back

My character name is Hitaliq on Thunderfury If you want to come join my guild let me know.

Wow seeing some of these names is provoking memories I didn’t even remember I had!!!

Gnome Mage named Thoreau I was in The Lost Kingdom and Guffaw

Anybody on Fairbanks classics

Had a pally named Chetnik and a mage named Majki back in the day. I can’t remember what guild I was in but we raided friday nights I think? I got bored with raiding and started solo ranking on the mage. Think I got to r11 before I got bored of that too lol.

From what I remember Reign of Darkness was the top PvE guild on the entire server during the MC Ony days. I don’t count JUICE because from what I remember they were a server transfer.

ANBU was the top PvP guild. Chimpy and that mage Linny or Liby? Something like that.

I was briefly in this end game guild, the high society. (THC) That had multiple Onys, MCs, and BWLs going. They transfered to Sulfuras to have imbalance in favor of Allliance, and to get more world bosses.

Any of the ROD Canadians still playing? Pig, Lan, Bezzensesssssssss? Chimpy?

Holyblu - Alliance Human Holy Priest
Holyblu on Stormscale
Anyone from Legendary Status? lolz.

They’re on sargeras.

oh man, flashmagoo hit it right on the head. Every. single. time. I was in IF Munkey was there to /lick hahaha.

Celltech (T2 human lock)

Celltech (Human lock)

Was in < DPS> raiding through NAXX then guild reformed right before TBC. Shortly after that I re rolled.

Cellix (UD lock)

I made so many friends back then to name, probably a.lot more enemies lol. Just to name a few:

Dokken - Ferolex - Zhork - Scuro - Rubixx - Chametri - Tantulus - Tullina
Advertise - Ne - Schied - Zcypot - Vade and so so many more. Thinking about playing season of mastery or possibly jumping into TBC. Would love to hear from my old SS crew. Feel free to add me. Celltech # 1190

Holy crap! Hey Fleta it’s OG Lycius (Patrick). Went to test my new MacBook with an arm game, which is basically only WoW. Learned classic existed, dropped in for memories, then realized it wasn’t any fun without PoP. I can still hear Dragonsworn cursing in my headphones during a wipe. Good times.

Hope you’re doing well. I was thinking about running the new Season of Mastery–if you have a group or a WoW Classic server you run let me know!!


Jedixjon - Human Priest in Vanilla/BC
Stace - Human Paladin in BC/Wrath

- Where you guys at?

Hey guys!
I played Markos on Stormscale from 2009-2013. I was in Virus ExE, Reign of Darkness and Goldshire Gangsters.

Loved the server during Wrath, vibrant, tons of PvP, WG was insane, and there was a great raiding scene.