[Stormrage][Reformed][12/12M] Recruiting DPS and Monk Heals for Shadowlands

We are going to kill Orgozoa. Come join us for the kill! :stuck_out_tongue:

Bump. Looking for solid dpsers.

recruiting tank, ranged dps, and dps with an off spec :smiley: #letsgo

Bump for a great group of folks :+1:

Bumpage. Also Murilo! sup man!

Hey Urg!! Just getting back into WoW. Looking at guilds, saw you reply to someone else’s post. Wish I could make you guys’ times!

Bumpage. Still looking!

Bumping, looking for more candidates to add in our lovely fam!

Bump! Moar CE :smiley:

Reformed is recruiting for Shadowlands - If you have Mythic experience and want to tryout for the new xpac contact us. (first post has recruiter information)

While I prefer Urgfartstorm, I think that Urgfelstorm is a pretty cool guy as well.

Bumping. Looking for more!