[Stormrage][H/A] <Vitality> 8/8N 4/8H Tues/Wed Semi-Casual LFM for AOTC/Mythic

Bumping! DK spot looking prime for the taking

Still looking for RDPS and a DK.

Still looking for a DK

Looking for a Healer and RDPS for mythic prog!

thank you :slight_smile:

Still looking for exceptional raiders.

Still looking

Updated for anyone searching for a raid team or mythic community for Season 2!

Looking for a few more DPS to round out our S2 Roster.

Still searching for rogue, mage, and death knight :slight_smile:

Still looking for exceptional players.

thanks, bumping :slight_smile:

Updated raider needs.

Looking for exceptional players, mage, demon hunter, rogue, or dps w/ healing OS.

Still looking for DPS roles

Looking for a few more DPS to round out our Mythic Roster.

Still looking for a few more dps!

Looking for some DPS.

Evoker & Rogue needed!

Looking for DPS!!