[Stormrage][H/A] <Vitality> 8/8N 5/8H Tues/Wed Semi-Casual LFM for AOTC/Mythic

Hello! We are semi-hardcore guild recruiting more dedicated raiders to strengthen our progression team. Our team is a very laid back group of like-minded raiders that want to achieve the same goal – to get down bosses and push content.

:spider: Nerub-ar Palace Progression: 4/8 Mythic 8/8 Heroic :spider:

:clock8: Our raid times are Tuesday & Wednesday 9:30-12 EST. :clock130:

:small_blue_diamond:Requirements for our progression team include: :small_blue_diamond:

  • positive attitude
  • punctual and communicative
  • active

:small_orange_diamond:Classes/Specs we are looking for: :small_orange_diamond:

  • HEALERS: RSham, Hpal preferred :grey_exclamation: :grey_exclamation:
  • Evoker (DPS) :grey_exclamation:
  • Demon Hunter (DPS) :grey_exclamation:
  • ANY EXCEPTIONAL DPS :crossed_swords:

Our guild values the social connection with each other more than anything. We want to be the right fit for you as much as you want to be the right fit for us. We search for players who enjoy running keys with other guildies and just enjoy having fun in between pulls. There is a strict zero tolerance for drama and toxic behavior. We are here to have fun and prog!

If you’re interested in joining our guild for progression or mythic plus, please reach out to me or my co-GM through Discord. We would love to have more players, especially tanks, for our m+ groups we run regularly! We always have members looking for keys.

@apothefaerie (Apothefaerie#1736)
@melyodas (Melyodas#11578)


Hey i would love to chat Discord is j_burnzie40 or B-Net Floburnz#1571

Still looking for RDPS

Bumping! Still looking for more friends to raid with us!

Would be nice to have another Warlock friend.

Hello, I’m mainly a M+ player that’s been pugging my way to portals as well as usually pugging AotC this season as a 617 resto shaman with a 612 unholy alt.

I have a variable schedule due to work/kids so i cant commit to a firm schedule but am looking for some other people i could push the higher end keys and get portals with when time allows.

Are you guys recruiting my type at the moment and do you guys get up and past 10s?

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We are always looking for people that are wanting to run keys! We do have multiple guildies who have been pushing keys this season past 10s so I’m sure you would find no issues finding other people to run with you. You can add me on discord and I’ll get you an invite into our server so we can get you a guild invite next time we are both on!

discord: brattycosine

:tada: thank you

Still looking for raiders!

added on discord looking forward to hearing back

I’m a Frost DK; and have an insane Boomkin friend; I added you both; I could really use a home! Been a gm for 4 years; first time in open water. “.kabash” on discord

Still looking to fill our last couple spots! Come join us :smile:

Still looking for warlocks!

Still looking for RDPS

I was Directed here, honestly that sounds like a pretty good fit, and yeah Ele is my preffered Shaman Spec so I 100% am interested, his name is Laytowaste and he is on Lightbringer, not that that should fully matter anymore XDDD

Hey Rune. I’d love to connect and chat with you. Please feel free to message me on discord or bnet:
Discord: @melyodas
BNet: Melyodas#11578

Bumping, just a couple more spots to go!

Still looking for RDPS

Bumping, need a couple more spots

Looking for more DPS for M+ and Raid.