Hello! We are semi-hardcore guild recruiting more dedicated raiders to strengthen our progression team. Our team is a very laid back group of like-minded raiders that want to achieve the same goal – to get down bosses and push content.
Nerub-ar Palace Progression: 4/8 Mythic 8/8 Heroic
Our raid times are Tuesday & Wednesday 9:30-12 EST.
Requirements for our progression team include:
- positive attitude
- punctual and communicative
- active
Classes/Specs we are looking for:
- HEALERS: RSham, Hpal preferred
- Evoker (DPS)
- Demon Hunter (DPS)
Our guild values the social connection with each other more than anything. We want to be the right fit for you as much as you want to be the right fit for us. We search for players who enjoy running keys with other guildies and just enjoy having fun in between pulls. There is a strict zero tolerance for drama and toxic behavior. We are here to have fun and prog!
If you’re interested in joining our guild for progression or mythic plus, please reach out to me or my co-GM through Discord. We would love to have more players, especially tanks, for our m+ groups we run regularly! We always have members looking for keys.
@apothefaerie (Apothefaerie#1736)
@melyodas (Melyodas#11578)