Stormbringer issue with Storm keeper

So… this doesn’t feel very good.

If i have my weird storm bringer CD give me a free one, storm bringer still doesn’t go to above 2 stacks, so sometimes you cast it and you overwrite a proc.

casting tempest gives 2 stacks of the instant cast chain lightning, and using those consumes those stacks and storm bringer.

and so on and so forth. it’s not very good and the dps lost is pretty big.

This interaction between storm


Yep. I commented about this to someone else the other day. The tempest one I can predict better but still have to think about not precasting SK. The 50 sec proc is just a pain in the @$$.


In this case you would send your SK lightning bolts or chain lightings before sending the tempest. SK With flash lightning spinning it is a very short CD now, and with the addition of rolling thunder SK’s the occasional misplay isn’t as punishing as it used to be. I’d recommend you use a WA to track maelstrom spending for tempest, and a timer for the rolling thunder to help you play around it more comfortably

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Look at the 50 second proc as a free insta cast and try not to play around it too much until you get more comfortable with the rotation. In other words, just send it when you got it don’t sit in stuff waiting for the perfect scenario. You are better off always pressing something other then waiting for the perfect combination of buffs to use on your spenders.

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I agree about the tools like Weak auras and everything, it’s just a little clunky for something that was extensively beta tested, and feedback given on.

I understand it can feel bad to override the free CL’s from tempest with SK. If you don’t like having to track a whole bunch of things I’d recommend a farseer build. Much much better then it’s given credit for in dungeons . Easier to play, less room for error, and much stronger single target. Try it out you will still see big numbers!

Already have too many spells to track. This one is not an issue.

Yes, sometimes there will be an overwrite, but it won’t be the end of the world. You will be doing so much damage and have so much going on, that it feels like a drop in a bucket to miss it.

When you are in the middle of it all and have so many options to use for damage at once, you won’t even feel it so don’t worry about it.