STOP With the Rumble Promotion

I am THOROUGHLY aware of the in-game quest, because I’ve deleted about 20 of the quest starter items.

I don’t mind a reference or tether, like the Diablo III loot goblin promo event, that was kinda fun. I don’t mind having little mini diablo pets, or Warcraft III meat wagons in WoW, or Hydralisks in Warcraft III. Those fun little self promo easter eggs are fun. What’s not fun is this aggressive spamming. That’s what I take issue with.

Would it be easy to just complete the quests on my mains to get Mizzen to stop sending me letters? Yeah, probably. But there are many hills I’m willing to die on, and this is rapidly becoming one of them. Because are they gonna stop here? I’m not confident they will. I think they’ll do anything to squeeze just a couple more bucks out of the players and push their stupid little gimmick phone games on us.

They promised that Trader’s Tender wouldn’t be sold wholesale in the store, and then they added it to “packs” in the store, while not allowing us to grind past a certain amount each month - meaning that if you want to collect the maximum number of items, you need to shell out real money. They’ve been using really shady business practices to squeeze players for a while, and in my mind - call me crazy - this in game mail spam is yet another escalation of it. If we don’t put our collective foot down and let them know in no uncertain terms that we’re not cool with this, they’re gonna keep getting worse, because they’re gonna keep getting away with it and they’re gonna keep claiming it works.

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Hard agree OP. It’s so distasteful to this degree. Nobody plays mobile games in NA. (Or very few) why don’t you spam EU/ or CN with that crap instead.

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Blizzard pushes spam and popups on their users which goes against their EULA, kinda funny really. Think there was some sort of big thing about them being big into breaking laws…

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Ok don’t do it then. Blizzard isn’t making us. They may be annoying us by promoting it, but that’s what companies do.

Companies do annoying stuff and players complain about it. And then other players come in to scold us for complaining. It’s like a circle of life!

:relieved: Even better, you telling me to stop complaining is actually even LESS productive than my complaining.

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We got a thread on the council now, but that forum is also ignored most of the time.

I hope there’s a change to that constant mail about this promotion…minigame.

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Blizzards makes the rules for us but they don’t have to follow there own rules. Blizzard doesn’t have to follow EULA. We do however.

“Rules for thee but not for me.”

Seriously Emails have spam folders please insert spam folder in mailbox.

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“It downloads the lame mobile game or it gets the in-game junk mail spam again”

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I completed the questline and got all the rewards on one toon and havent gotten the spam since. I had the stuff sent beforehand that i hadnt checked but thats it


It’s become a matter of principle at this point. I probably would have checked it out by now if they HADN’T sent the repeated mail spam. But I am incredibly ornery about people bothering me, so now I’m really determined not only to NOT participate, but also kick up a fuss.

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More rumble mail. None of you mail me anymore

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Plot twist the anti rumble mail posts are the second arm of the Rumble mail advertising blitz, crafty!

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I can’t even play Warcraft Rumble on my phone because it’s apparently Crysis for mobile for some reason.

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Yeah, me too. At this point I’m going to have nothing to do with it.

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We are the end users, not Blizzard.

Just came to post that some of us do play mobile games.

CoD mobile, Division mobile and Rainbow Siege mobile with a razer kishi/backbone is my Nintendo Switch experience.

And apparently there is now forum spam on this now. Not just mailbox spam anymore.

I cancelled my account anyways so Dragonflight is over for me. pffft
no way i pplay some predatory mobile game

its only predatory to people without self control who also has the disposable income to spend


I’ve only spent like $5,000 so far and my bank is calling asking when I plan to setup a payment plan for my credit card. What do you mean predatory?