Stop with the compromise threads

Shouldnt you be socializing in lfg right now?

Yes we do.



Couldn’t agree more. No compromises.

Yeah I’m with you on this one. The interaction with the community in game has been dead for many years and it was before RDF was implemented. I have tried multiple approaches to make friends in game and it just doesn’t happen. Even joining guild has been a complete flop. Everyone just wants to get their quest or whatever they are doing done then leave group while never even speaking in the group.

Even now in classic the only time someone speaks is “can I get a summons” “ally at stone can’t summons” then when you run the dungeon nobody speaks until the last boss dies “run something else?” It’s so dull and meaningless as is. I have no clue what people are talking about when it comes to “community”

I mean I feel like when I come to these forums that me and 90% of the other players that actually play the game are playing an entirely different game.

We only care about raiding and downing content… everything below that doesn’t matter.

The next largest group are the hardcore PVPers… grinding out premades and arena rating…

There is next to 0 population that RP’s or is worried about some fake social existence between like 15 people on a server…

Makes no sense to even talk about RDF… the majority want it.

It’s hilarious to think that somehow RDF makes people toxic.

The only people whom are toxic in RDF are the people purposely going out of their way to be toxic to try to point the finger saying “See! It’s toxic” when they are the one’s causing the toxicity to begin with.

RDF helps lower population realms and as such would be very helpful for them.

I’d pro RDF, but I’m anti RDF-thread. How many times is making a thread really interesting? There is no indication taking 5-10 minutes to write another post will make Blizzard cave… how is this constructive or result inducing? It’s not… making another thread or not… same end result… Blizzard is not putting in RDF for wrath classic, at least not at the start.

Thanks for sharing your opinion about an opinion… we care… thank you for taking the time to let us know you are here… we got it… move along.


It’s not even in the game lol. Can’t compromise on something that doesn’t exist.

Yea sure we will see what they do around ICC; but their absolute radio silence goes to show it’s def not gonna be there at launch.

Just like with the PVP queue… makes no sense to have people stuck in town looking for group instead of being out in the world in queue… literally super dumb dumb to even talk about not implementing RDF.

Why do you care so much if we make threads? Blizzard certainly isn’t going to give us what we want if we don’t say we want it. If its a 0% chance of getting RDF by staying quiet even if its only a 1% chance by making these threads thats a 1% chance we didn’t have before.

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Yeah it’s not social at all currently. People are really wanting you to get out of there way more than they want your help

10 chars

They are not adding the functionality to Classic. That’s a great thing since the game is already great.

The features you want and the entire WoTLK expansion are available in retail. They don’t need to ruin this version (again). There is a place for both communities.

Are these those facts you were talking about?

Ummm what? Another don’t like it go play retail reply?

RDF is a tool that makes grouping faster and resurrects old content.

Why would you not want this in your game? When there are no negatives to the tool…

And yes that is 100% fact because its the only thing that can explain why anyone has an issue with RDF… If you weren’t old enough to have played these expansions from 2004-2010… I don’t want to sit here and explain to you what actually killed off the game… but IC an tell you it wasn’t easily forming a dungeon group… lol.

Another, “change the game to how I like it and screw the people who already like it” post? Isn’t that what you did? Are the forums only here for you to complain? What about those of us who like the game as it was released? We can’t say that?

And, yes, retail has every feature you want (and more). Why ruin this version again? They already did that.

It’s toxic for the game and was a mistake. Blizzard didn’t add it so their data probably validates this point.

I don’t think you know what ‘fact’ means.

I’ve played since beta. I was able to experience both sides of this games. Both, before they added grouping automation and after. RDF is bad for Warcraft.

You saved yourself some time. You wouldn’t convince me to think like you. I was able to experience automation and convenience features myself and they were terrible for the overall changes to this game.

Sure it was! That’s not the only thing that contributed but it was a major factor. Thankfully they are not making the same mistakes now in classic and leaving those mistakes available in retail for those of you who like them.

Change the game… umm removing RDF is CHANGING THE GAME… so… what?.. what… are you even talking about… leaving the game alone would be leaving RDF in it… learn WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT.

Man what a great counter argument - Its toxic… because quickly forming dungeons is bad for the game… said no one ever… huh… toxic…

I don’t think you know where youa re MR. Biden… you’re on the wow forums.

With your cognitive ability you are 100% not old enough to have played any of this and understand what you were palying.

What? What does this even mean.

They are making bigger mistakes… “how to ruin your best expansion 101”

Quickly forming a dungeon is a bad thing for a game… lol.

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Just put him on ignore. He’s an anti-lfd trolls’s alt. Came out of nowhere two days ago to make hundreds of posts on this subject.