Stop throwing gear around and rewarding mindless play

Nah not really, I dont need to D(8k measure to prove how successful I am at the game, cause my idea of success at a game is different then anyone else and I don’t need special gear to prove my sucess.

Perfect then. Let’s remove all gear from trivial content since you don’t need it. I’m glad we’re getting somewhere

Just cause you PVP 10 hours a day 7days a week in the game , Or raid 10 hours a day 7 days week dont mean you are a master at it either.

It means they partake in it far more and should be compensated for doing so. And there should be a bonus to it if they’re skilled at it and partake in harder content

I think that’s called “progression”

You’re right. Wiping for 50 hours a week on the first boss doesn’t mean you should get any loot.

That’s the point… it doesn’t reward you loot unless you killed the boss or won some PvP matches.

I should have been more specific and said the mythic raider clears the raid…

Does that help?

I also see you never came back and found a game that actually rewards you for playing however you want. Care to try that one again?

SSSHHHHH! Not too loud dammit!

Have fun all…I am moving along! Have a Great Day!

You evaded my point.

Nobody is seriously asking for raid gear for doing world quests. Raiders and raider wannabes have been pushing this narrative, that casuals usually get raid gear from doing world quests.

Perhaps what you’re claiming is that benthic gear is a fast and easy way to get full mythic raid gear on any and every casual toon? That’s false. It will be so time consuming that by the time a casual gets a few pieces of heroic ilvl gear that gear will already be obsoleted by the next raid.

In fact, it’s clear from what’s happening on the PTR that without raid gear those zones will be very hard to play in, which says to me that they are intended for raiders to farm in to gear up their alts, not for any casuals at all.

I have also seen hundreds of claims in legion and bfa by raiders who say that it only takes 5-6 hours a week to do mythic raiding, and even some that say any casual, even one who has never done an instance, could just today switch to being a mythic raider if they weren’t too lazy to play 5 hours a week.

So. You’re saying it takes a lot more hours than that. I know for me that would certainly be true. And yet the preponderance of claims is that mythic raiding takes hardly any time and mythic raiders don’t log in except to raid and maybe do 1 m+ a week.

Which is it?

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Yeah but I mainly only think those that were there for vanilla will be mostly the only ones pushing naxx etc. and looking for a world 2nd clear “like anyone cares”.
But the only hype they’re having is it’s a change from the stagnant live version of wow and nostalgia. Don’t get me wrong I think classic was good but it wasn’t bc or anything later when the game actually took off, it was only the better option for mmos when it was released in vanilla and that’s why people liked it more so over others.
I also agree it’s going to be more difficult which will turn casual players away because they’ve been spoiled and most of them are entitled like most of the people in here complaining about not getting mythic grade gear in wqs just because they’re paying the same 15$ as the rest of the mythic community.

Too bad you don’t offer any truth.


I raid 8 hours a week but you aren’t taking skill/player competency into account when end game content is the concern.
I’d rather afk in org/dal than play with the majority of players in this game when it comes to content that takes coordination and the ability to carry your own weight. I don’t mind being nice to people and helping them out from time to time.
But if you seriously think players that only ever experience lfr/normal content because they don’t put in the effort/time and aren’t skilled enough to progress further in difficulty and think they deserve end game loot you’re delusional in my opinion.

Open trade chat, that’s my proof.

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LOL! Ok, like I said you don’t offer any truth.


It’s not like I recorded carrying people in legion, why the hell would I waste my time doing that? I sold carries in pandaria but not exclusively. If you want proof on the internet you came to the wrong place. I’m sure you’re one of those that believes everything they read in the news or for example when parabens or grain free was super popular. They never proved parabens were bad and as far as grain free for pet food it’s causing cardiac problems.
But I’m sure you went with what everyone else was doing.

You can offer your opinions but to claim your opinions are the truth is ludicrous.


It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see that selling carries to scrubs is profitable.

At the end of the day some people do not have time nor interest in running specifically raids. The amount of TOXICITY and TIME, because it does take time is not worth it.

Yes I agree but casuals don’t need mythic raid gear to do the content their skill levels at.

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You should recheck what I linked from you. Also, selling gear/achievements/mounts is profitable.