Stop throwing gear around and rewarding mindless play

All I am saying this is my view and what I feel, that if you offer people new items there has to be systems in place for people to get it not just one path. We all pay a subscription fee. when the game get to the point where i cant get items cause I don’t have a group to get an item then ill leave the game until then I have plenty to keep me playing. That’s where I stand i am not a hardcore anything in wow I am WOW gamer and fan that’s all! I have been seeing allot of people leaving the game due to member only loot.

This isn’t a pay to win game, nor should it be. Who cares if you pay $15 a month that shouldn’t automatically grant you good gear just because you do.

WoW isn’t meant to be a solo player game, it isn’t Diablo 3.

Catering to this mindset is killing the game and will continue to do so.

You want good gear, do more difficult content. Don’t complain because you don’t want to do so.

You really don’t know what transmog farming is,and how to make gold at it, its a skill of game knowledge/Auction house skills , I rarely farm/sell things for 50 gold here and there LOL. I am not laughing at you I am laughing with you :wink:

This is where every single casual player says”I shouldn’t get gear” personally me won’t speak for everyone has said, you deserve loot. Loot that scales with the content you do.

Since I will assume you play casual( forgive me if I am wrong) but why should you have the same loot that heroic and mythic raiders do if all you. Do is entry level content?

Now if you say you pay 15$ a month and are entitled to it my answer to that is I pay taxes and I’m not a billionaire like the ceo of Walmart.

Tamato Tomato

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All games have paths to obtaining certain things… much like everything in life.

You want that item in Witcher 3, go kill that specific monster. You want the ending to that game. Go beat the game.

You can’t just sit there and demand a game give you everything you want the way you play it. That’s not how games work.

I’ve had to say this to several different people.

I don’t understand where you think that buying a game, or paying a service fee that gives you access to the a game, entitles you every reward in that game strictly on how you play it.

That’s not how any game works and you need a wake up call for it.

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Yah tell me that when people leave the game, or you cry cause no one has war mode on.

People are already leaving the game, there’s a reason BfA in en route to surpass WoD as worst expansion of all time.

Big hint, a lot of it has to do with the “pay to win” aspect of the game atm and lacking sense of accomplishment.

I know quite well DEVS have changed from trying make everyone happy to the elitists want to feel special mode.

What game do you play that gives you everything by playing however you want?

Mechwarrior Online, Diablo 3, CSgo, Overwatch, Ulrtima Online play all kinds of games, By far WOW caters to groups not community.

Do you believe you should beat Super Mario 3 just because you spent a year beating the 1st world over and over again rather than clearing the other worlds as well Viral?

What are you talking about? Classic was the ultimate “elitists” vs “casual” sandbox where the casuals didn’t get anything unless they played the way the elitists did.

This game has continually shifted to cater more and more to the casual playerbase.

Show me in once instance how the game went from more casual friendly to more elitist friendly?

Wouldn’t and couldn’t answer that question don’t know that game nor never tried it.

Tell me how Diablo 3 gives you access to all items and sets playing however you want?

Example - I want to play the game simply by talking to the NPC’s. I never want to leave town. I don’t want to fight monsters. I expect to have max gold and BiS, max Items by playing it that way.

That’s what you’re expecting from WoW. The rewards you want the way you play it.

I asked for an example of another game that does it.

You said Diablo 3.

I gave you an example… so - does the game give me exactly what I want exactly the way I want to play it in that example?

If not, then your examples fail and you need to try again.

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The Problem is Hardcore Raiders, PVPers feel entitled and feel they need special gear to show everyone else how good they are at a part of the game.

I am not understanding your point.

How many hours exactly do you play in a week? How many are you claiming that I play?

In reality if a casual is playing 40 hours a week of casual content, and some raider (read: lots of them) who is bragging that he only logs in a few hours a week, but deserves more and better stuff, while the casual deserves nothing, they lose respect for all raiders.

It doesn’t make me want to not play the game, even if people like you are trying to drive me away by making up nonsense about me and posting it as Truth™. It makes me think that raiders are horribly unhappy people and want to spread that unhappiness around, and should be avoided at all costs.


You’re not making any sense.

I asked for a specific example of when this game has shifted away from casuals and more towards elitists.

Give me one.

Isn’t that exactly what you’re doing here? Asking for special welfare gear for playing your way?

Member only loot? Can you point me to said guilds with this mentality?

I addressed your point about playing casually for a long time doesn’t equate to a cutting-edge raider who spends less in-game time. Just because you talk for 10 hours a week in-game and RP doesn’t equate to deserving the same gear someone who actually spent time min-maxing their gear, learning their class, and studying boss fights who now raids 4 hours a week.

Not even close.