Stop removing portals

yeah. between zandalari being delayed for so long (my hype is gone) and flying being pushed later than legion, I just don’t give a s*** anymore. Now they are finding more stuff to change that isn’t needed. letting my sub lapse too.


Dragon Soul, for a mount that refuses to drop.

Oh, and what is probably the biggest cluster of raids and dungeons in the game for collecting transmogs. What’s great is that most of them already waste an awful lot of your time with mandatory RP and wait-for-the-next-wave-to-get-here-based combat, and some of them even require you to hearth out to leave, which is cool if you want to do several things there.


Caverns of time portal is a good short cut to get close to the pirates to kill if working on the insane title.

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Lower levels need to be able to access portals they can use. Putting all the portals in Suramar would be horrible for leveling players.

Sure, it helps. I doubt it’s a requirement that they have as much knowledge as some of us veterans that have been here for years. And like I said, there’s nothing wrong with asking players for specific information and feedback to make sure they get it all right. That’s just doing a good and thorough job. It’s certainly not worth lambasting the guy for asking.

it wasn’t a complaint.
it was an observation.

no, i don’t purposely stir the pot… i don’t need to.
the pot stirs itself, i just like to watch… and maybe add a few condiments if it’s not spicy enough.


No one in this thread will be playing Classic me thinks.

You can enjoy your level 40 60% speed mount all you like, but I’m never going back to that nightmare. Leave it in the past where it belongs.


I’m going to try it because I didn’t start playing until Cata so I never experienced the pre-Cata questing or geography and I’d like to. That said, I know myself and I suspect I’m way too used to all of the QoL features that have been implemented since to stick with it for very long.

No one in this thread will be playing Classic me thinks.

Gotta disagree with you there! I don’t plan to play it religiously, but since I missed it when it was current, I’m definitely going to dip a toe in and experience it. :slight_smile:

But there’s a big difference, anyways, right? Because for one thing, Classic didn’t have all of the places that these portals make easier to get to. The world was simply not as big. And it won’t have the transmogs and mounts and pets for me to farm either, taking away a large part of why I use these portals in the first place.


in game community interaction is frowned up on in the modern day quecraft silly.

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There isn’t anybody who actually plays the game who thinks that the world around them feels bigger if they have to walk to the store instead of taking public transportation or driving.

Seriously, people repeat this drivel, but that’s all it is. The world feels smaller if where you go takes a zeppelin flight you have to wait for, a 10 minute flight, plus then you have to fly yourself several minutes. And you don’t.

People who spend extra time not playing the game while trying to do old content aren’t going to suddenly decide to become obedient little mythic raiders and MDI competitors.


The problem is, as someone who’s been playing almost 13 years, that I don’t want to have to keep doing old “travels” if I can help it. Why should I, 6 years later, have to fly through Jade Forest, part of Valley, and over a ridiculous sized mountain just to get to Shrine? Better yet take that extra few minutes to fly out further to Isle of Thunder? 6 years later certain accommodations should be given to save time. Even 1 expansion later, like there’s literally no reason that the portal in Stormwind/Orgrimmar takes you to the Court of Ferondis quartermaster in Azsuna instead of Dalaran…


The removal of portals that have been in place for years seems petty and vindictive to me. You have taken time gating to a whole new level. Few portals does not make the world feel bigger to me. It is an insult to my intelligence and you are better than that.


For how I personally play and enjoy games, I like when I feel like I need to travel for a few minutes to get somewhere.

A few minutes? It takes a lot longer than that.

For me, it is more rewarding when I complete the task that way and I wouldn’t want to be able to get everywhere instantly

Travel is not gameplay. My time online is valuable and wasting it in travel is tedium. Little else.

I ask again.

WHY are they being removed??? On what reasoning?

Traveling over large areas reminds me of how vast the world is and I often reminisce while flying on a flight path

Flight paths?

The ones that do so many loops, 180 turnbacks, twists and turns? The ones where I get up and walk off, come back after making a cup of coffee to find I am still stuck with no control and no ability to get off?

Flight paths take me OUT of the game and there is NO engagement.

Its a cutscene and little else.

There is no reason to remove the portals. None. And as yet, if there is, no one has told us what that is yet.

I have asked repeatedly.

Sometimes I have even just used the port to Timeless Isle and taken the flight path to Shrine (instead of going straight there) as I can enjoy the view and relax.

Im glad you do. I dont. I use my hearthstone. The MOP fps are like the rest of them, loop de loop de loop. Again, travel is not gameplay.

Hopefully I can avoid the feeling that I’m just talking at you and want to be talking with you. Cheers!

It boils down to this:

There is no reason to remove them. They are not broken, they have been there for years and they are not in any way shape or form an issue.

So…if they werent then, why are they now?

Flight wasnt an issue till WOD. All of a sudden flight is “bad”.

Portals werent an issue. All of a sudden they need to be removed.

They werent broken, they dont need fixing…and quite frankly, I am ABSOLUTELY fed up with the growing list of things that have been removed, and the VERY short list of what has been added.


I’m sorry, this is all just giving me flashbacks to Warlords, when flying was removed “because we wanted players to feel more engaged with the world”.

Here’s the problem - once you’ve introduced a convenience, especially if it’s a mainstay for many years (Caverns of Time portal in Old Dalaran, for example), removing it is simply removing player agency.

It’s nothing but an inconvenience. I’m not looking forward to the amount of time this will ultimately tack on to my weekly mount/mog runs, because there’s no mid-point or easy access anymore.

Also - why remove the Thunder Bluff and Ironforge portals? Why an Azsuna portal, when new players at 100 can’t fly? At the very least, every capital city should be included.


The Azsuna portal and no portal to the capital city which was the hub of everything is utterly bizarre to me and I can’t imagine the intent it’s supposed to serve.

Blizzard asked why we wanted to go to CoT and we gave a long list. I would love to hear EVEN ONE reason from them why we should want to repeatedly go to the middle of Azsuna. :confused:


I want to know why they need to be removed at all.


When you complain to the baker and he replies:
" Yeah, but when there’s a cockroach in your bread, doesn’t that make the rest of the loaf taste even better ?"


Officially grossed out for the night. But understand the statement.

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