Stop removing portals

This just in: The next patch will release an exciting brand new feature that the community has been asking for a long time now “Battle Pet Island Expeditions.”


I have a limited amount of time to play. I like the QOL improvements added to the game, I’ve grown used to them. It feels bad when they are taken away, just like when they tried to take away flying. Remember how that went. I may be wrong but you sound like a classic enthusiast.
I have zero pangs of nostalgia.


So you can actually play that way without portals, stop making us play the way you want to and allow us the freedom to continue playing our way. YOU already took flying away from us, even though you still sell flying mounts, and refuse to give it back at max level.


"I understand that players can throw developers off a bit at first, but I also think they help keep the world of Azeroth feeling alive. "

Step #1 to keeping a world feeling alive: Let players get there.


I’ve never run out of the ability to “like” posts. That is really really weird.

A main portal room is a good idea. One that ALL levels can use. It should offer all the main locations plus all the hubs thru-out the expansions.

That being said, removing convenience portals for those who want to do old content OR for lowbies is a bad bad idea. It doesn’t make the world feel bigger, it makes it more annoying. The overly-long FPs are already a hassle. If anything they should be adding MORE portals


You should thing about removing the multiple hearthstones, teleport cloak and rings then…and consolidate it into 1 hearthstone toy bag slot…

So glad how you “feel” reflects the feelings of the playerbase…


Taking one for the team when I say

Fire Bornakk! Bring back Ythisens!


im glad i started playing eso outside of raid.

you can teleport to any wayshrine at any time in that game, just costs a bit of gold.


they may not be the same people.

but the ones who say they don’t want to run the old content, are the VOCAL ones.

people aren’t coming here on a regular basis to say they want MORE portal hubs.

…then when something like this happens, people complain that they don’t get listened to, when they never actually said anything to begin with.

This change has been known for a while now, so I’m not sure what it was that made everyone decide to get upset today.
I’m going to guess that some youtuber or streamer decided to feign outrage just to stir the pot… as usual.


I’m on my third alt’s worth of likes in this thread alone. :smile:

I actually have a legitimate question, though.

Is it possible that the Devs and CM’s play the game less than the players due to multiple factors such as burnout? Like, it’s what your day job is, do you still play 2-4 hours a night?

If you do, then more power to you for enjoying the tedium of travel. If you don’t, perhaps that’s the schism between devs and players? If we’re playing more often, we’re going to have a very different opinion of what’s enjoyable.


This is just a case of making a change for the sake of making a change. Removing portals is not going to convince players that BFA is a successful and fun expansion or convince players to stop reminding Blizzard and yourself what a catastrophic failure BFA is. Players don’t want or need this portal change to make Azeroth feel alive or the world bigger. If you want players to think like that then give us fun and engaging content with fun class design. This is what makes Azeroth feel alive and not the unnecessary changes to portals. This is in the same league as saying players are to stupid to select the correct piece of gear when buying it from a PvP vendor so you remove vendors. You keep making changes on what you think we want and enjoy but players tell you the opposite but you still need convincing as to why Blizzard would even consider the feedback. The fact of the matter is regardless of player feedback given in alpha, beta and live since WoD, is you do what you want and don’t take the player base seriously. Blizzard is completely out of touch with the player base. If this wasn’t the case then you wouldn’t be making this horrible change to portals.


Mine left already. My wife thought the boat mount was “neat” so I’ve got the duration of that left.


This isn’t the first time I’ve seen Blizzard being concerned that their gaming world is perceived by the players as being too small. I also think Blizzard is more uptight about that than the players are, or at least I am. I don’t expect real world scale and distance in Azeroth.

I think this is an unnecessary change.


I feel mostly familiar with all portal locations throughout the game, as I frequently travel between continents and zones from all expansions. Please don’t screw up my many travels and navigation routes.


I like you Bornakk. Whenever you post it feels like someone is actually listening to us.

If the devs are taking away my Caverns of Time and Wyrmrest portals, just make sure they don’t accidentally delete my engineering wormholes too, please and ty.


I’m having a harder and harder time logging in each day… and this will not make me want to play more. Between this, the artificial delay in flying (yes, I’ve done pathfinder and have had it done for months), the atrocious writing/forced plot line and more it’s just getting less fun each day.

What’s next? Removing 100% ground mounts because going slower helps player immersion and makes the world feel bigger? Dropping the speed from FP to FP by 40% so you can enjoy the scenery more?



If you want the world to feel more alive and remove portals then at least give us transmog, barbershop, and ect in the other cities. Add convenience to these other places and even the smaller outposts. As it stands you made the game you actually play in much smaller, because everything you actually want in the game is centralized.

All this does is help shrink the game by telling people that are leveling, collecting, or exploring, that staying centralized is not only more convenient but encouraged. And personally preferring cities, zones, and area’s away from these hubs(Stormwind/Og) is punished.

So no, I dont think you did make the world feel bigger. I think you made it feel smaller by disincentivizing people to leave the hubs.


No. Maybe I’m just lazy, but the world just feels more annoying to traverse.

EDIT: Perhaps more portals could be added later… or a portal room in every major capital.


Well you just made me more glad I canceled my sub and resubbed to FF14. Btw their Physical Collectors Edition Sold out in less than 24 hours while yours had to be put on sale because no one bought it. Not to mention I have not seen Square lay off 800 people like your company did…

Just food for thought, you might wanna do what people want and not what you think people want…