Stop removing portals

Be careful, next thing that comes is the removal of dalaran hearthstone.


I also see you’re removing Hellfire Peninsula form SW / Org? Is your intenton to make it even more annoying for level 58’s to get to BC content? Because essentialy you’re going to force them to jump thorugh hoops to either use an NPC to return the portal area ot where portal is BC, or force them to go to shattarath and then walk / maybe fly to HFP.

That is just making it more complicated for the sake of being more complicated and you are directly affecting the experience of alts / new players in a negative fashion.


Mages have personal teleports that they can use at will, at any time. Mages also have more options than any existing portal area, even during their prime before the options were removed.

Portal rooms, while convenient, require you to physically travel to one to use. Even if you didn’t remove any, that limitation would still be in place, and still provide Mages with enough ‘class fantasy’ incentive with their own portal spells, as they can be used in the most useful area of all: instances.


Hmm, the types of people that portal rooms appeal to(me included) don’t care if the world “feels bigger”, and in fact want the portals to make the world more accessible. I like to explore, but after the novelty wears off, it becomes a burdensome time sink that we don’t want anymore. Give us better reasons to waste time in this game, having to waste time traveling isn’t fun to us anymore.

(the “we” and “us” in my post are those like me, not all players, not trying to speak for everyone in the game)


I beg to differ. We mages are about to be inundated by “LFM” in Trade and General chat (where “M” is “mage”). Don’t get me wrong, I don’t mind helping out, but it gets to be something of a bother when I can’t get my business done at the bank or the auction house without three or four people tapping me on the shoulder with plaintive looks on their faces.


The world “feels alive” just fine right now. I appreciate a new portal hub because there are a lot of places to go now due to the sheer size of Azeroth today. But removing portals that already exist is absolutely unnecessary.

I think players having options and the convenience of travel we’ve had with the existing portals (and before the Shrine ones were gutted) is far more important than seeing people sitting around, AFK, in a major city.

And I really wish cities other than Origmmar and Stormwind would get some love too. Being funneled into these two cities has gotten old.

I think a new portal hub is a nice thing to add to the game. But stop removing things we already have, especially if they’ve not been hurting anyone or anything. And let players be the ones to choose where they want their portal hub to be located. Removing these options is not a good thing.


It all boils down to adding up more time played to report to investors. It might seem like only a few extra moments but when you add up millions of players those moments add up.


Having one portal to the many different danged continents that have been implimented with each expac is helpful when you have to farm for rares and such. Taking away these just artificially inflates the game, not actually adds depth…


It’s not about being hard or not, but we dont always have time to do the game contente plus farm things elsewhere, so the time optimization that these portals bring, always made it easier. Its kinda hard to understand why of this change now, even so with and many feedback AGAINST THAT CHANGE. Once again it seems like you do not listen to the community, I’m not surprised at all… /:


Let me ask you this: Your state, city, and county decide that there will be no more gas stations anywhere near the freeway system/interstates. You can still get where you’re going by taking the side roads and regular highways, and that is the only place you will find gas stations when your needle is approaching empty.

Your 2 hr drive just became 6 hours on 2 tanks of gas instead of 1. Doesn’t that make your city, county, and state feel bigger? Won’t you be so much happier taking the slow, congested traffic “scenic” route?


Folks, be sure to tip your mages!


They do in Ultima Online, and have since its inception. UO, while never having the player base of WoW, has maintained a steady and profitable playerbase for over 20 years.


Mages can teleport to all those places from anywhere in the entire game. The rest of us have to find a way to a portal area.

That is the mage advantage. This removal of portals is completely stupid.


I don’t understand their choices. Like Azsuna and Jade forest. These make the least amount of sense to me.


There’s the gold making potential for mages. Remember when mages sold portals? Remember them complaining they have no business nowadays?

My mages always gave free portals so that makes the social game a little more pleasant.


No, they shouldn’t. That would weaken mage class identity.

Instead, all characters should have access to the portals we formerly had in every single expansion hub since Shattrath. Instead of removing portals put every last one of them back!


As far as I can tell it’s throwing people off because portals got removed before the portal room is being added. I haven’t seen a real explanation for that. If there’s a good reason it would make sense to just explain it.

The devs do these wacky things sometimes and you guys, I swear, are afraid to just explain them or admit that maybe it wasn’t the right way of doing things. A little humility never hurts.

Also… are all the portals that have been removed being added to the portal room? I get the desire to make the world feel bigger but I think the basic convenience we’ve had should stay. Especially for old content.


That was a snarky comment saying mages are good as they are now. Before the Culling of Portals.
Source: plays mage


That does not appear to be correct.

Ashran, Boralus, and Dazar’alor have not been changed.

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My god does EVERYTHING have to be about making our time /played longer?