Stop removing portals

For the part that was brought up about things like Ironforge being removed from the BfA portal rooms, I don’t think that’s intentional and should be changed in future build.

Until it hits live as is.

On a serious note … this is going to be a disaster.

The BFA launch was a failure because they funneled the entire population into a tiny room to click on some stupid flask (sorry blues but when your most populated servers all go down for over 6 hours until everyone goes to bed …it’s not a success).

Now they intend to funnel us all into a single portal room?

While I get some servers feel like ghost towns … this will create some major problems with every launch going forward and potentially at other peak times.


Now they intend to funnel us all into a single server room?

Lag city.


Again. This one cannot do a single thing. It has no power to do more then mindly bleat back to [quote=“Nillah-uldaman, post:560, topic:113178”]
I really just want people to give feedback like adults, that’s all. CMs are basically customer service, and I really really don’t like when those people are mistreated.

Honestly I don’t care anymore. CM’s are not customer service. This one? it can’t fix anything. It can’t even report back with any real success. Literally all they do is consider maybe kicking a problem upstairs then going to post in Friday lounge threads.

So then the guy whose entire job is to read aloud from the blizzard teleprompter takes a tone? Yeah I get mad. No treatment matters when they can’t do anything. Loved or hated their powers won’t change


How convenient should things be? No less convenient than they already are, which, unfortunately, is the result of removing (not moving, but removing entirely) portals that we currently have.

The mages argument is a strawman. No one’s suggesting that everyone should have the teleport ability that mages have. That’s a feature of that class and something that makes it unique. No problem there.


I’m glad you agree that them removing the portals is a seriously bad idea. All they’re doing is trying to improve their “time played metric” with sleight of hand tricks because WoW is bleeding subs. They did it with flight and pathfinder in WoD, and I called it then too. “They’ll add pathfinder(which I like, don’t get me wrong), but the next time, they’ll add a second part to it, you watch.” Oh and let us not forget this, “And while we’re focusing on flight and pathfinder, they’ll slip in some other crap, like removing a few little things here and there, hoping we don’t notice.”

Can someone tell me what they did in Legion? Not only did they add a second part to pathfinder, but they gated it out 7 months into the expac and then added a no-fly zone very soon thereafter!

And now it’s class gutting, adding spells and abilities to the GCD and the removal of portals. They’re just going to keep taking and taking and taking and giving less and less and less back until there’s nothing left of what WoW used to be, of what drew millions of players to the game. I was right before, and I’m certain enough that I’m right now as well that I’ve already put my money where my mouth is and there’s only a few days time left on my account.

I’ll be back to finish PF part 2 of course, but after that, it’s looking more and more like I will be parting ways with WoW on a more permanent basis. Unless of course the dev team gives up this ridiculous vision they have and starts being a little more empathic where the players are concerned, or they get fired/replaced. For their sakes, let us hope they just get replaced.

At some point, they’ll remove something important to you, something you won’t want to play WoW without, and then we’ll be, or very likely, everyone else will be reading a post you’re making about how there’s just too much being taken away from the game for you to stay in it.

The only way they’ll listen is by hitting them in the wallet, sadly, I sincerely doubt the current playerbase of WoW cares enough to make a stand in numbers large enough to make a difference. But if you do care enough to make a stand, UNSUBSCRIBE. Money is what they listen to.

Semper Fi! :us:


Exploring, doing mog runs, getting around the lower half of Kalimdor, collecting battle pets, getting to RP locations, the odd bit of questing.

Pick your favorite.

As for how much time I think it would save? A lot. Because without those portals I wouldn’t have even bothered.


If you want the world to feel alive then why don’t you make content relevant in older zones that way we have more things to do …this would actually make the world feel alive and not a barren wasteland… 90% of the zones are meaningless and just act as transition spaces because theres no content for a max lv to do there … do a quick /who and you will see theres barely is there any players in older zones… removing portals is just another way to push people off and FORCE us to play longer because now they would have to port somewhere and AFK fly to where they actually wanted to go…

I mean … A simple and super dumb solution to making the world feel big and alive would be to make every zone scale, spawn random events, and have world quest…


The problem with removing portals to “make the world feel bigger” is that that only works if we have no flying. Due to the flying mechanic, we can get pretty much anywhere in the world within 5 minutes or so. As it stands, the lack of portals just means we have to be more creative with how we use the ones that still exist. It is more of an annoyance than anything at this point in the game.


Give us Yth back :frowning:


I had hopes that the new portal room would be what others thought it would be- a place where -all- the old portals were now located, for ease of access to all those zones. It was frustrating having them removed from Shrine with no real notice (that I can remember), but I was pleased to hear they’d be put into one room…

Until finding out that’s not really the case. I would like to hope that this is still somewhat ‘in progress’ and that remaining portals will be added, but in the event that isn’t true:

Blizzard, please stop removing player choice from your game. If we want to go to other ‘less popular’ zones (Caverns, Ironforge, Shrine, etc.), there is no reason we shouldn’t be able to portal there from this portal room (especially when we had that access previously). No matter the reason, the change is unnecessary and, as you can see, has only brought out frustration from a majority of folks in this thread.

Your playerbase consistently asks for more options, not fewer. This, coupled with the abysmal communication lately (and non-answers to questions that are asked every other month like clockwork to the point we can all guess what they’ll be) are setting you up for failure. You need to pull back, stop, and -LISTEN- to what your players are telling you. And you need to make real, meaningful change if you want things to improve.


No, no it doesn’t make the world feel bigger to us because the “world” we’ll be getting isn’t new!

Most of us have seen everything there is to see in the old world, we’ve done everything in every zone and know the world and how to get around it quickly (with non-mage portals) like the back of our hand. So what logic is there in removing them? I can understand particular capital cities but not the rest.

The time to travel will add up and people will stop going to particular areas because it’s no longer on the way or convenient to them and the older zones or cities will be even more dead than they are now.


Why didn’t you ask these questions during the weeks and weeks that this change was being criticized and debated on the PTR forums? Why remain silent until just before the change goes live? At what point does such disingenuous behaviour amount to trolling?


I am still working on that stupid Blazing Drake for the achievement. I am already to the point of hating Dragon Soul. Making the trip take even longer adds another layer of frustration.


Too close to home, I had that same thought a minute ago: “Ythisens lost his job for this???”

Still, props to Bornakk for when he has to come back to the thread and read through all the negative feedback, including criticisms regarding the tone of his own responses in this thread.

Anyways, like Ythisens and all the prior CMs that have left have always said, let your voice be heard: I also went ahead and tweeted at the warcraft and warcraftdev accounts as well as submitted in-game suggestion for them to keep the portals.


Why can’t Blizzard make world events that will guarantee the old and new zones to always have people ? You did it with Legion pre-patch, YOU CAN DO IT AGAIN, and make it even more interactive. Deleting portals seems like a very lazy and hasty decision. The people that agreed to this change clearly do not know what makes an MMO feel alive. Go check out Guild Wars 2, or FFXIV. Old zones STILL feel alive due to world events.


You are a fool if you think this. Blizzard is a company that runs on the tennents of Narcissism. Nothing is their fault, nothing was intended and when you decide to leave? it’s because you’re being an entitled gamer manchild.

THIS is how they think. When profits take another hit it will be the players fault. We should have been loyal, we should have shown it with more supplemental payments

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Or simpler still, make all legion quest portals load in class hall. Specifically in class hall. It’ll make expansion based travel more streamlined to the expansion itself. No more need for lv 3 to teleport to Dalaran just because it’s there.

They didn’t ask before because they don’t really care about our feedback. They’ve already decided, and believe they know better than the people who pay them.

I’m in a rather pessimistic mood right now, so take that with a huge grain of salt, but it sure does feel like that some times.


Exactly this. In every major city in ESO there are crafting hubs and at least one guild auctioneer.

While no city is as populated as a SW or IF every single city has players running around. I’d much prefer that than all the beautiful dead cities we have in this game.