Stop removing portals

Except Dragon Soul doesn’t give Keepers of Time rep and it’s the most run instance in there.

Hyjal is second most run I imagine, also doesn’t give Keepers of Time rep.

Why should players have to farm rep on every alt to run these dungeons when no one has had to farm rep on their MAINS since 2008?


No it is just irritating to get from A to B.

Go do a world boss mount run in MoP. You will spend almost 30 minutes just flying/running around a lone…not even counting waiting for spawn timers.

A consolidated portal room is not necessarily a bad idea… but don’t make the situation worse than it already is.

Nobody is asking for that.


This is so stupid. Please undo it. #saveourportals


Love the idea of reorganizing the portals into one central location. Not a fan of removing the other portals entirely.

I mained a mage in Legion, but I main a holy paladin this one. I have preplanned routes in my head for how exactly to get to each place in old content I want to go to depending on the class and what locations they have access to. Having an easy access portal to Karazhan as a Horde player is fantastic. I not only use the Caverns of Time portal to get to Caverns of Time itself, but to shorten the distance to other locations in the world. I’m not the most directionally-capable person in the world, and having a concrete way to quickly and easily get to where I want to go is excellent at max level. It’s also not like mages are out of work for portals these days, a lot of the portals being removed are ones they didn’t have access to in the first place. I’d rather just keep the older cities untouched, let us have our old paths and our nice new portal room.


Well, let’s see: transmog runs, achievement runs, mount farming, pet farming, Lunar Festival, Hallow’s End… would you like me to continue? All of those things I just listed become exhausting with the removal of portals.

Let’s say 5 minutes per “instance group” per alt added. Thinking Caverns of Time, Karazhan, etc. 5 minutes × 5 “instance groups” × 5 alts … that’s about 2 hours of time wasted per week? Thanks but no thanks.


Removing the old portals feels like a bad change, a whole portal room is a cool change, but the older portals to specific places like Karazhan and Dalaran crater are a cool convenience that should not be taken away.


A friend and I were discussing this not long ago. It feels like they do want us to hate the game. Neither of us could figure out why a subscription based company that has millions of customers would do that, however, it does seem this way. Perhaps you are correct in that they did not terminate the right people. I saw this happen with the company I worked for. It took a second layoff to get to the root of the issue, and turn the company back into a customer focused company.


I find the World of Azeroth a bit cold and unhelpful to be honest. Cornering us to make a friend with a mage is very time consuming. You can ask and ask and sometimes never even get a reply let alone “sorry I’m busy”
That’s why lot of people are mad Flying hasn’t become available yet, its either mount up and walk or get lucky finding someone.


And if he wasn’t treating players like idiots with the slightly snarky tone and disingenuous questions, he might not be getting so much of that right back.

I get it, don’t shoot the messenger and all that, but it’s human nature to give back what you’ve gotten. /shrug


It’s all about them MAUs you guys.

What better way to extend your game-time than by making every task slower.

Maybe next they will lower the default run speed.


While I can understand some of the changes, the removal of the portals to IF and TB from the current content portal room is excessive when they are not replaced anywhere. I hate Stormwind and use Ironforge when I need to use the AH on all my alliance max levels

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The world will feel alive when there are reasons to go there. Removing portals does nothing if the rest of the world is as shallow as it is. This an artificial waste of time and not organic at all.

20 minute taxi flights in old zones are so BIG and ENGAGING, said no one ever.


That won’t help if the people deciding on who gets terminated are the ones who should be terminated, and are instead protecting their yes-men and removing “dissidents”.

I don’t :sob:

well there’s this…

As others have said probably better than I, fewer portals does not make the world feel bigger. If anything, it’s the opposite. Forcing all players into a smaller section of the world makes the world feel smaller and I do not like that. I’d much rather have options and choices and be able to travel the world in the way that’s most convenient for me rather than being forced to move my characters through the world in a way that’s been predetermined for me.

As for how difficult it is to get places without direct portals, it isn’t a matter of difficulty, but of efficiency and lack of player/character agency. If I wanted to play an action adventure game on rails where there’s only one path to each objective and only one way to play the game, well, I’d play that sort of game. The more I lose freedom of choice in this game, the less appealing it is for me to play.

I’d be less upset by the portal hub being moved to SW if it were still going to contain the same hubs that the Shrine used to have. The same is true for the Dalaran Broken Isles portals. In short, I don’t like losing features and functionality of the game that I enjoy. Move the portal room if you must, but keep the same portals so there’s less loss of functionality and still some freedom of choice.


Mr Blue If i want the wow to fell bigger all i have to do is simply stop buying expansions


…oh joy…I guess I’ll have to park my main in front of the dragon soul raid portal now instead of dalaran (legion one). Yes, I could fly from uldum, but that’ll take a bit longer than just teleporting to the cavern of time entrance.


no. No, it doesn’t. If anything it makes the world feel gutted and small.


When there are fewer portals, does the world feel a bit bigger to you?

No. I’ve been playing this game for nearly 13 years. I know how big the world is. Taking these extra portals away just wastes my already limited time even more.

All you’ll get from this is less people farming older content and more people signing out from the game quicker each week.