Stop removing portals

Let me defend the honour of this poor CM.
Has it not occurred to you that the willingness to engage in such self-serving condescension and mockery is why he has not been fired?


^This 100 times.

If ALL the portals that are being removed were recreated in the portal room, this thread wouldn’t exist.

And quite honestly, I thought that’s what they were going to do when I first heard about the portal rooms. All portals in easily accessed capitals is good. Only some portals and the rest removed completely is bad.


Yeah, honestly, I think i’d rather be ignored than have to see Blues like this.

“What content are you doing in CoT?” What a clown.


People are saying they’re doing this to increase time played metric. You know what else would increase it? Not removing content.

I was so annoyed when they removed the legendary cloak questline form Pandaria(despite getting it on two characters). If that was still around, people would still be doing it, and if people were doing it they would be playing more, and if people were playing more they would be paying more.

It’s so stupid when they remove content for no reason.

All that being said a portal room makes perfect sense to me, removing key portals that have existed in this game for over a decade now makes no sense.


The world doesn’t feel bigger at all to me. I spend most of my traveling time browsing the forums or twitter or watching something on YouTube.

Portals mean less downtime and more time playing the game.

The loss of some of these portals will hit non-engineers pretty hard. Particularly the ones you removed from Dalaran which were used in many class hall quests.


The only plausible reason/excuse for this is to make players waste time, so they don’t feel so bored.


I dunno. I thought it was fairly obvious that’s what he’s doing. When they go back to the devs and say “hey look, people are super not happy about the portals being removed” they can also hand over all the feedback on why exactly we aren’t happy. He’s trying to get some constructive criticism to take back with him and he’s getting treated like an idiot for it.

Sure they’re probably not going to put the portals back, but just like players have been doing since BfA launched, when subs inevitably drop even more and Blizzard wonders why, the players can say “WE TOLD YOU SO” because we gave all of our feedback and they didn’t listen. Players love telling Blizzard that.

I really just want people to give feedback like adults, that’s all. CMs are basically customer service, and I really really don’t like when those people are mistreated.


Whats the matter? Don’t you guys have p̶h̶o̶n̶e̶s̶ Mages?


You can also get a ring from Return to Kara that allows you to port to Kara. You have to do a quest chain though and then kill Nightbane in RoK.

wow. way to take the comment totally out of context, and completely miss the point.

if people are running instances which give KoT rep, then they’ll be able to access the portal.

or pop through the Isle port? no? still too far?

if want to make mage more relevant. then have them port to various inns in wild instead of cities. That oir stop trying to curtail our fun. Your pick.

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You don’t get it.

It’s BfA. If I end up wanting to go do my weekly mount farming or transmog runs in old zones, I certainly won’t appreciate you adding an extra 10 (or however many) minutes of pointless wandering to my “adventure” just because you want to make the world suddenly “feel larger”. Especially when, up to now, I didn’t have to put up with crap like that.

If you’d never added portals in the game and we still had to wait for the zeppelins and boats to get around… that’d be one thing. But it’s not, and it hasn’t been for many years.

You keep removing things from us – whether it is abilities, artifacts, talents or now quality of life improvements – all in the name of “making our choices meaningful” and “making things better”. Please stop and listen to your players for once.

If you don’t want people to have portals, then take that to Classic and just never add them. Leave the Live game alone.

And, for the love of God – any god – stop lying to us and claiming that something is a convenience and improvement when it clearly is not.


if people are running instances which give KoT rep, then they’ll be able to access the portal.

Run to revered to use ONE portal? You serious?


Feeling alive = feeling inconvenient? That’s all this does. And no, no-one likes that. Why the hell would they?


the isle of quel’danas? that’s literally like a 5 minute flight to reach the transition portal from the flightmaster or even zul’aman, I’ve done it recently and it’s horrible


listen, I don’t mean to be rude, but who decided to keep the CM who answers comments with condescending, obnoxious questions, and instead get rid of Ythisens? we need to have a chat.


Also - .Org & Stormwind are horrible cities, with spammy general and trade chat.

I only go to those cities if a quest requires it. & you guys took 2 auction house options away this xpac already.

If your going to force us into faction capitals please do something to make them more interesting or relevant

Otherwise they are just going to like flight layovers where people don’t even leave the airport - just hop from one portal to the next…

Again - thinking this thru - it makes the world seem smaller.

It won’t even make the city feel more populated, since most folks aren’t even going to leave the portal room.

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if people are running the content as often as they claim, they’d already have the rep.

if people are running the content as often as they claim, they’d already have the rep.

On each character? GET REAL.

Better idea.

Leave the portal alone.


Trade chat can be seen in any capital city. So you will still see it if you went to Thunder Bluff.