Stop removing portals


Some things are earned by skill and not just by “I want!” There were several MT appearances that I would have liked to get, but I couldn’t quite pull em off.

Guess I shoulda kicked off a 5,000-post thread about it, since that’s what the Kool Kids do.

Yup I’m done. Screw this game. Bye everyone and good luck.


As I stated in several MT threads back at the time, I actually did not get a single one. Being a filthy casual carries with it certain limitations, and, for reasons, I have a bit of a lack of keyboard/mouse dexterity. Made a few tries, and was really, maddeningly close on Outlaw, but it just slipped away every time.

It’s not a fault of the MT design, and I do not begrudge those who earned it, and I had no cause to kick off a 5,000 post whinge about it either.

I’m a filthy casual who managed to get six MT appearances, but you don’t hear me trying to shut down people who want things changed.


Oh well. We tried. :woman_shrugging:

And I’ve never “shut down” anyone either, I have no desire to end conversations or prevent people from doing so. I will, however, pick apart bad arguments where people want to keep things the way they are just because they are used to them. “Shut down” has a rather specific meaning, and you’re using it incorrectly.

I see we have a blue posting about the topic in a new thread, finally giving you all your long-desired response, so this is the end of the line in this one, IMO. Toodles. :sunglasses:

Yes. I’m not sure how much longer I will be able to even post here. I had originally planned on taking the next few months off and coming back for the anniversary in November, and my sub has already been canceled, but now I am not sure I’ll even come back in November. EQ2 is looking better and better to me with every change Blizzard brings to wow. I foresee a day when seamless zones are the only thing wow has that is better than what EQ2 has.


Well, and this isn’t a threat. This may be the straw that broke this camel’s back.

I’ve been unhappy with BfA for quite some time.

It’s just not fun.

And their attitude, their condescending mocking attitude toward the players, is grinding on me.

It won’t be the first time I quit. I quit for a time shortly after Warlords launched. I came back.

But this … it may be time for me to move on and embrace companies that actively try and care about the folks who play their games.

I’m sure there are devs who honestly do care. Sadly, they’re the minority at Blizzard these days it seems.

I’ve still got time left on my account. But right now, I’m at a point when it expires, that’s it.

Blizzard has become a mockery of who they used to be. Much like Bioware. I used to love Bioware games, but they’re a shell of their former selves.


The acknowledge a 4000+ post thread on the subject and moments later talk about how they want feedback, yikes!


That’s all you’ve done in this thread. Shut down anyone who dares to question Blizzard.


Know a dude who got 33/36 appearances (his warrior wasn’t levelled) and he had fun doing it. That was a reward.

Removing portals isn’t anything like that. It’s just as tedious as getting BFA FPs was for alts.

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I guess they now want feedback on a new thread. Well everyone here, head to the new thread and say the same thinggs

Yep. I haven’t had fun in this game in quite some time. Honestly it was never about the portals for me, it’s that thousands of players have made it quite clear that this is a terrible decision and explained why, and once again we weren’t listened to. Doesn’t feel very good to not have a voice that Blizzard will listen to anymore.

I’ll say it here too, if anyone feels like trying out FF14 feel free to hit me up, I’ll welcome new players with open arms.


Not interested in any MMOs at this point. But I hope FF14 turns out well for you.

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Still no blue responses, eh? Guess we need to keep the hot mess going.

There was a response, but not one we wanted.

Kaivax replied elsewhere:

However, we’ve seen how updates to the game can leave the means of accessing different areas feeling increasingly chaotic. For example— today if you go to the Cleft of Shadows in Orgrimmar, you’ll find it dotted with portals in a way that almost looks sporadic. We’re cleaning that up, and we see this as an opportunity to consolidate a lot of travel into a consistent venue with a consistent look and feel, and room for future growth when needed.

We’ve processed a lot of feedback on this, especially feedback about specific locations that feel like they’re going to become disproportionately inconvenient to reach, and we’ve followed that feedback through to the conclusion that you’re seeing on the PTR. We believe that the numerous remaining means of quick access in the game make most locations quite reachable.

If there are any specific locations that feel as though they’re about to become unreasonably inaccessible, we’re certainly open to adding additional means of travel in the future.

Translation: THE TEAM FEELS that the feedback we got isn’t important. Feedback we got on the PTR (we promise, we did!) is more important, so we’re going with that because it fits our design anyway


they created a new thread to respond in order to kill this one. The post is less than an hour old svc the new thread is already over 200 posts.

And like i thought, the post was clearly prepared and revised by multiple members of their office and STILL MANAGES TO ADDRESS NOTHING.


Same here. I also made all of my “extra” characters engineers (including my latest mage alt), so I would have the use of the engineer toys that take you to various places as well.

Oh, and since I am out of “likes” have some thumbs up: :+1::+1::+1::+1::+1:


“Talk for hours. Say nothing.”

Corporate BS. Politicians at their “finest”.