Stop removing portals

Well the stock value has dropped almost 50% in a year. If that hasn’t made them stop and listen to their paying customer base nothing will.


That’s actually embarrassing for them then lol.


so are many of the people responding to me.
…why do they get a free pass?

I’ve done more than be sarcastic, I’ve helped quite a few people (the more receptive ones at least) with travel tips which will save them significant travel time from now on.

If I mocked anyone, it was probably one or two of the ones who keep making outrageously false claims.

so let’s just add a solo queue dungeon/raid finder, where everyone can queue for anything, by themselves, where ever they are in the world.

Is this where people want things to head?

exactly… and those characters we have which aren’t engineering mages, have always taken a couple of extra minutes to get places.

Can anyone explain the “old content” thing?
If you need to be in a specific place, to do a specific thing, isn’t it just… “content”?
The game was clearly never designed for things to only be done once.

Might as well just have a main menu where you choose what map you want to play.

Doing that now.


hes the guy in charge, however, and HIS ‘clients’ arent the players…its the INVESTORS.
From that perspective, yes, he can screw the players all he wants in an effort to look out for is real clients…investors.


It can make for some awesome un-planned pvp skirmishes

War mode off permanently.


That sounds better than BFA lol. :smiley:

Not surprising.
Id not want to be on that side of this dumpster fire either.

It is.

Instant travel everywhere.

I agree with this, stop removing thing.

But let’s face it, like with most of out complaints we won’t see them change their mind, and the proof of this will be the continuous drop of subscription numbers.

Now are people going to quit because of portals? Probably not, but it’s certainly going to add to the long, long list of reasons people are getting tired of this game.

No one’s going to go to Ironforge or the Exodar anymore. No one’s going to go to Thunder Bluff or Undercity if they still could.

This isn’t making the world feel BIGGER, because everyone’s just going to stay in Orgrimmar and not bother going to other places cause it’s just not worth the annoyance.


If I’m factoring this in correctly, with this change you’d have to take the portal from Stormwind to Darnassus which takes you to Darkshore, fly to the bronze dragon lady to return it back to old-time, then fly BACK to Rut’theran, THEN take the boat.

No one’s going to freaking do this.


i think i need new glasses.

surely i can not be reading that right.

Yeah, this is the worst I’ve seen it in a long time.

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And sadly, that’s the problem with the gaming industry. They’ve moved away from the idea of long term investments to quarterly profits. And the gamers, the ones who buy the products, are the ones who suffer.

Why do you think indie gaming and kickstarter projects are doing so well (even if some of those projects end up as scams). It’s because players have become fed up with investor controlled game design.


i think i need new glasses. surely i can not be reading that right.

Wasnt referring to WOW.

Was referring to a game that has portals everywhere, and has a living world with LOADS of people in it. I can shift entire continents with a click, traverse a city in a blink, can travel to quest locations with one click.

Yet it works a treat.


I read it as “no one complains about too many portals”. And he’d be correct. Outside of devs and white knights and trolls, anyway. Small pool, thankfully.


As the old saying goes, “the straw that broke the camels back”. It is seldom one thing that does it but rather a slew of small cuts that by themselves aren’t a big deal. But eventually you’ve bled out too much faith and trust and then one minor thing happens and that’s it.


What false claims?
That the portals were needlessly and pointlessly removed without any just cause after being their for half a decade or more?

All for it.
Get 'er done.
you think its any different that GROUPs can use the finder but singles cant?
Make it so I can solo a raid without having to travel just like grouped players dont…or remove the finder AND the summoning stones so the world feels ‘bigger’

intentional or not?
You know precisely what we’re talking about.
anything that isnt the current expansion is by definition ‘old’ content.


This is a fair point. Since this isn’t strictly the same as receiving instructions, Ion should still be taking into account the stakeholders involved with his decision making. In this case, it’d be closer to him screwing with the funding body paying for his client’s litigation then wondering why funding was revoked. Not smart either way.


That would be a GREAT option for past expansion content, YES. Being able to queue solo or not for any non-current instance would solve a lot of concern. (And people COULD STILL WALK THERE IF THEY -WANTED- TO!)


No. Where we want things to head is where they’re at right now.

A couple extra minutes per character per attempt.