Stop removing portals

Folks, there’s no reason to be rude to the CMs. He’s asking legitimate questions to gather more information. And beyond that, he’s not being rude to any of us. Ya’ll are the reason the WoW playerbase gets such a bad rep.

You need to be Revered with Keepers of Time for that to work.

Can we go one day without people blindly defending anything Blizzard does?

Asking Blizzard to not remove portals is not some onerous demand that will break the game.


The obvious answer is open a 2nd account, level up a mage on that account, and then you’ll always have a pocket mage to get you places. Its only another $75 up front (2nd BFA + 1st month), and $15-$12 additional monthly afterward!

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So you claim that doing this is to make the world feel big and alive, but when people complain about making it extremely time consuming and inconvenient to get to CoT, your response is essentially “why the heck would you want to go there anyway”? Seriously? Come on…


‘lol why do you need to go to a raid that drops several mounts and pets?’ is not a legitimate question. He’s either woefully out of touch or deliberately being obtuse.


You cant tip cross server.

That’s… literally what we were discussing.

I look at this thread

And I look at my toon in Limsa Lominsa with aethernet portals through the city and in outer areas for fast, easy transport.

Portals were not a problem until Blizzard made them one.


The world feels smaller to me. When I have less access to a place, I have less incentive to go back and use/play/experience that content, even when I find myself bored with current content. As it is already I spend less and less time in Northrend/Old Dal. Now I will have less and less reason to go back and do Legion content that I never did. As it stands already, doing Legion content makes no sense as you hunt down a weapon of power that- Surprise!- is already void of any power. Now we might not even be able to get a teleport for class quests (since it hasn’t been confirmed yet).

Having a central updated portal hub is the key to keeping people in a certain zone (old Dal > Shrine > New Dal > Boralus/Dazar’alor > SW) during a content tier, but keeping the old hubs is valuable (though I can see arguments for removing the basic main city portals only).

Try going to Old Dal or Shatt without portals. Not a fun time.

Considering there are at least 5+ dungeons there and quicker Alliance access to an entire southern zone area, I use it often. The only time I ever use the Uldum portal as it is right now is when I am currently in SW. With my Hearth currently set to Boralus, would need to [Bor>SW>Uld>fly to Caverns], instead of [New Dal>CoT].


Blizzard are fine with removing quality of life portals but they still won’t remove the draconian transmog restrictions.


i guess i’ve become accustomed to going without tips.
(yep, i’m “that one alliance mage” which stayed on Blackrock when everyone else transferred)
i haven’t had anyone from Blackrock request a port since pre-WoD.

tips are… tips, not a requirement.
a mage just sitting around doing nothing doesn’t “need” to be compensated for hitting a button.

people need to stop making silly excuses.

mmo. try engaging with people?

I’m against the change to remove portals from existing hubs, but not against consolidating the current ones in SW. It’s not just fast travel to CoT, but being able to go to any major capital from an expansion hub. They had portals going back to SW/Org in Shattrath and at the Dark Portal on the Hellfire side in TBC too. Time constraints for players is just one factor against portal removal that I brought up in my response to Salvinia, not necessarily the defining one for you, but maybe for another.

but yeah I agree with that sentiment about people who like this change are going to be the ones going back to classic.

As an aside, If it were up to me, I think it would be easier from a UX position to just have a hellfire portal instead of an NPC, it’s just easier to visually identify for travel purposes.

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Yeah it is. Gathering more info from the players that aren’t happy about this portal being removed is important so they can decide potentially whether or not to keep it. How many people are using it to get to those raids, and how many people are using it just to get to a different nearby location faster? How much time would it cut off? What’s the other nearest path they’d take? What else do they use this portal for?

And again, he’s not being rude to any of us. You guys are being a-holes to him for no reason. He’s doing his job.

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It seems like the old saying if it aint broke, don’t fix it is a great way to summarize the feeling. The idea of having all the current portals found around the world in a single hub looks good on paper. But the reality of it is that the developers have once again found a way to take more away from players than give to us. Also, the responses I’ve seen from community managers are just flimsy justifications that barely have a leg to stand on. I think for the official response to this outrage they should have stolen from the Diablo devs playbook. “Don’t you guys have mages” would have been much funnier.


You’re arguing semantics, and thus wasting your time.

LOL “legitimate questions”

No he’s asking leading questions to support Blizzard’s PR nonsense about why they are taking the portals out.

The world is big and free time is not infinite.

My question back to whoever the heck this CM is that is left. Does it make you feel good to write absolute nonsense to justify taking upping the amount of time it takes to play WoW without actually increasing you know the part where you are playing.

Transit is not and never was gameplay. Anyone who wants to appreciate how “big” the world is, can walk everywhere on foot if they want but these transparent and constant inconveniences designed to steal seconds and minutes in tiny chunks is not at all subtle and utterly morally bankrupt.

If you can’t make a game that can provide a reasonable amount of playtime that doesn’t involve unnecessary transit trudgery, then you don’t need to be making games.


I’m astounded that you feel you need to ask this question. Really? There are, what, eight different instances in CoT? You know exactly what content people are doing in CoT. Please stop being condescending.


I think this sums it up best for me. I would rather extend my time played metric by actually playing the content than be forced to extend that metric through just AFK’ing in flight.


. You guys are being a-holes to him for no reason. He’s doing his job.

This isnt rudeness, this is exasperation over a decision that, as yet, has not had any explanation as to WHY.


Whose boneheaded idea was this at blizzard? It one of the dumbest as of yet.


Yes, that is part of the problem. They have to take away in order to have something to give - far easier than having an ounce of creativity.