Stop removing portals

It would take me about 30 seconds to realize no one wants this change and to get the word out to put it back the way it was.

You assume the CMs/CSRs/etc have a lot more voice and power in the process than they do.

These changes are pipelined. They’ve been pipelined for some time. By the time they are announced as going live it’s basically, for intents and purposes, too far along to reverse them. It’s a done deal. Our feedback is always 2-3 weeks (if not months) “too late.” Assuming they even care. Which I don’t think they do. We are playing “their” game and that’s the way it is designed. They “know” what we want and what’s best for us.


But then you’d have to do something with your day! Otherwise spend all day “catching up on feedback” while watching Netflix on the 2nd screen. Or playing Overwatch, or whatever they do on their 2nd screens.

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Nintendo Switch is a great purchase for such things 8)

I think I’m actually paying a subscription that includes having every portal you plan to remove. I pay a monthly subscription to get more content NO less. Idk how you will do it and I don’t care about your excuses for more time-gated content or making the world feels “bigger”, you will still be adding those portal rooms just because it’s New content and you WILL keep those Old Portals, because you don’t get to piss on MY (OUR) game.

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I think you’ll find it’s all in the fine print. You are playing their game. They provide a service and you agree to pay them for it. If they change something that you feel is absolutely mandatory then your only recourse is to stop paying them. I’m not advocating that; only stating the facts.

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Make inscription great again!

Portal scrolls from anywhere to a handful of locations!

Go >>

In the end, Blizzard is going to do whatever they want. It’s their game. Making demands on the forums won’t get you anywhere. All we can do is tell them we’re unhappy and see what happens.

Bottom line, stop giving them your money if you don’t like what they’re doing.

yall go look at tthe newest main page post on mmochampion , these blue posts from blizzard i see on mmochampion look edited to be seen less condescending than he was in this thread.

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I beg to differ. The only reason SW/Org are “needed” is because Blizzard put things in only those two cities that players can’t get elsewhere. The other cities need some serious love.


This is me tbh. I catch myself always using ground mounts in flying zones. Or not even mounting up to run across the entire Port in Zuldazar. I like to see the art and the surrounding. I like to come across a treasure chest I haven’t gotten yet or a rare. Sure, the rewards for both are nil, but it’s just part of the exploration. I can see why other wants flying and super fast teleports, I get it. I do Hellfire Citadel weekly and every week I forget to grab the flight paths that are closer to the instance as I didn’t play WoD outside of release. I guess the run doesn’t bother me enough to remember.

Anyway… I don’t think Blizz can win at all, at this point. People are just unhappy all around. They always throw up the “well I pay $15 a month to play how I want to” well… $15 for a month of entertainment… is nothing… I probably give away more than that to homeless people on the corner or people begging for change in front of gas stations.

Sometimes I feel that it’s because they don’t want to give new players any reason to go to those cities because they’re ashamed of how much they aged or something, while orgrimmar and stormwind are highly updated the other cities have barely been touched since their creation. I mean, I personally like silvermoon but this is probably their best reason for doing something like that in my opinion

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They’re not? The only difference is the emojis are gone.

You know these things aren’t incompatible with having flight and a robust portal network, right? For example, last night I was in Halfhill when the Wandering Pilgrim arrived to tell people about the Wanderer’s Festival in Krasarang. I knew about the festival, but somehow, I’d never been in Halfhill when the Pilgrim showed up before.

So, since I had the time, I mounted my riding crane and RP walked from Halfhill, to the Brewery, to Stoneplow, and then all the way back, just to see where exactly the Pilgrim went. I took the time to take a bunch of screencaps, since back in MoP I didn’t have a system that would let me play with everything on Ultra settings. I reminisced about MoP with a friend. And then, upon my return to Halfhill, I mounted up on my flying mount and flew back to solo the Brewery.

It was fun…as a one-off thing that I chose to do. If I were forced to do things like that, though, I wouldn’t enjoy them. It’s all about player choice, and player choice is something the devs seem increasingly averse to.


We’ll have to agree to disagree. I’d rather have a single city that has everything necessary, rather than 3-4 different places to do the same thing(s).

I think they could have meaningful stories involving the other cities, since they’re not essential to the factions’ needs. Maybe not complete losses like Darnassus/UC but still that’s content waiting to be explored, since there are essential capital city functions that only happen at SW/Orgrimmar.

How difficult would it be to update things though? Are you talking about graphics? As far as I know, the other cities lack a barber shop, tmog areas, and portals.

With the hub coming, it would be great to at least have a portal to SW/Org. As you like Silvermoon, I love Iron Forge, personally, and would spend more time there if it wasn’t so inconvenient.

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Travelling from one continent to the other via a portal to CoT, saves a ton of time. I do lots of old content in CoT, because it is fun, and I collect old gear. It should not take me 20+ min of game time to get there from stormwind.

How about spend more times finish Silivermoon City so we can actually fly, that something should be on your list not removing portal is on your list. I guess Blizzard no longer understand how to finish build the game, remove is only thing they can do these days


Because it’s more convenient and cheaper to open a portal to a city of your choice than to use a hearthstone/flight whistle and pay for a flight there and/or run/fly to the local portal. Why screw everyone else over just so mages and feel even better about themselves?


I don’t get the things you all at Bliz focus on and think will be game changers for the better. Remind me to never ask you folks for directions or I will end up in the middle of a lake.


I like options. I think giving players options is a good thing. Let players AFK in their city of choice.