Stop removing portals

Well, I don’t know what to tell you, but that’s false for most of my alts.

NOT ONLY does the Thrallmar Mage refuse to port MOST of my alts anywhere…

The Dark Portal itself in The Blasted Lands ONLY works for me if I’m in the later version (red portal) of Blasted Lands (dumps me in Warspear, with no way back).

If I talk to Nidormi and go to pre-WoD Blasted Lands… the Dark Portal (green) is totally defunct. I walk/fly through it and nothing happens.

It’s an elek-poodoo show.


Exactly, it ties into what i said as well, because the option of leveling in a far off zone that you expect few people to be there, that travel time is a adventure you’re choosing to take even tho its not optimal and maybe isn’t the fastest way there and you plan a detour. The major difference between what they think we want and what we want, is the choice. They’re taking away the choice for us to choose that adventure. Instead forcing us. Maybe I’m choosing that zone to level in because i haven’t been there in forever and want to relive it. I would like the choice of taking a portal or taking the long way around and maybe even stopping at old cities. But now it makes me want to alt tab and watch something while I’m flying in a straight line.


yeah it honestly feels more like a chore at this point. Its not something i need to do but in the back of my head its always “i should probably do this…eh no thank you” Flying would make that choice a bit easier because it cuts the mindless travel in half. No one likes taking their time to do their chores. No one.


That is a point they will figure out far too late some day.
Theyre dragging this flying thing out just to see how many screams and walkouts will happen.
its all on the PF white knights when they finally remove flight.
they should have taken a stand while they could.
These devs blow my mind.
They were handed a cash cow they could milk out indefinitely IF they just didnt screw it up.


Once theyve destroyed everything unique about WoW, most of us wont care if we’re playing WoW or ESO.
I already nearly dont.


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No, it does not. It feels the same. But ESPECIALLY when it is a situation where I can’t get there physically from where I am.

WHY?! Must I be funneled into Stormwind instead of using portals from older content?

It reeks of arrogance and a smug sense of superiority. ‘We don’t want you doing old content’ is what it feels like. Don’t restrict older content in favor of the new, plenty of us despise the new stuff enough to spend alot of time in the old. Portals as they were helped with that. New system? Not so much.


TOTAL agree with you!
So much so that I’m sers thinking of NOT getting the next expac!
Classic FTW!

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Arise, cheekun.

Constantly removing portals has been the dumbest thing they’ve ever done. Do you know how depressing it is to be in the Pandaria Shrine and see faction flags all over the room and only have one (1) portal in that room? It is the most asinine change this expansion and there have been a lot of asinine changes this expansion.

I miss WoD.


Let’s not get crazy, now.


R.I.P. the Imperial Exchange. /sheds a tear


We could transmog all item slots regardless of armor type in WoD and all mobs dropped loot even if they were a higher level than 11+ levels than you. Yes I miss WoD. Legion took both of those things away. My scars still hurt.


A sane individual would have said “I miss MoP.” >.>


I have missed MoP every day since 6.0 dropped, sigh.


ITT: Blues getting salty for a very poor decision and they can’t handle it. Sad and pathetic. instead of the “Do you not have phones” let’s all just reply to Bornakk with “What are you 12?” Shame on you Bornakk, you are a shining example of why many hate the blues. Can’t be honest, can’t take criticism in any form while smaller studios and dev teams actually have a spine and can interact with their customers without being a salty little brat.


Shame on you for being salty and not having a spine worth anything to actually accept the removal of portals was the dumbest decision as of late…How hard is it really to admit it was the dumbest decision to date?


Maybe you need to go back to school, or better yet take a customer service seminar, because it’s painfully obvious you have no customer service training, if you were my employee you’d be gone.

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I just want to be able to easily get to “expansions”… I want a easy way to OLD dalaran. and a easy way to outland… .

I also want to be able to get from kalimdor to the eastern kingdoms and back… .i dont care if i land in rachet and searging gorge… i need to be able to transverse at LEAST to those locations from some where.


Having lived with the portal change a while, I will comment on it now. For end game content travel is mostly ok, only slightly inconvenient. I only have 1 max level character. For all of my other characters, travel is more inconvenient and annoying.

Does it make the world seem bigger? No. Because I used to go to more of the world more often. Now I think about, I should go do… no, can’t be bothered to hunt down a way to get there. It is frustrating and annoying honestly and really pains me when I play my alts.

It even annoys me on my max level character because I get bored with the end game content and want to do old content to keep my interest up. I don’t want to have to unlearn how to get places for the ways that no longer exist and relearn a new way to get to a place. Portal hunting is not a favorite game activity for me.

How do you logically think that making it harder to get somewhere makes us go there and makes the game more alive?