Stop Punishing Players Who Have Dual Roles

Sadly this is about right. The best way I’ve found to deal with all the annoyances Azerite Gear has to offer is to just ignore it - and it only gets worse in 8.2. A waste of a key and novel feature for the expansion.

Blizzard even said it themselves at one point. I think it was Lore during a Q and A video. Just don’t pay attention to the system and everything will be good. Just let it happen. I’ve adopted this attitude toward the Azerite system because it’s so obvious that it’s a mess and will become a bigger mess in the near future.

What I can recommend you do is only use your highest Azerite pieces then use the trait that can even remotely benefit them all, like the random stat increases or whatever. I’ve been doing this for a while now and my gaming experience has been solid.

8.2 will get rid of that - the outer ring trait will not have generic traits anymore.

Well, guess I’ll resort to blindfolding myself and trying to click a trait. Should work just as well if this is the case.

While I agree that Blizzard should do something to help with the cost (maybe let the traits change when I change spec)
I also agree. I main a Druid. I have kept four specs worth of gear in my bags since about BC/WoTLK days.

If they changed Azerite gear to change traits when you switched specs - the need for multiple gear sets would still be there. You still need secondary stats from the rest of the armor, primary stats from the weapon/offhand, and applicable trinkets.

Nah, I would think bragging about yourself in weak attempt to prop yourself up is pretty childish. If you couldn’t see the sarcasm then that speaks volumes. Maybe you can tell us some more of your accomplishments in WoW to make us take what you say as gospel.

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did YOU play classic? try being a resto shaman getting your pre-bis trinkets from DM-W with a group of 58 to fresh 60s, yunno the only people that’d be running DM-W. the trash ghosts up to magister would just MELT through tanks. same with stratholme, it was extremely difficult for fresh 60 tanks gearing up to complete the dungeon. the only successful 100% cleared run i did of strat was with a survival hunter tanking, fun times. WoW classic was simplistic, simplicity isn’t synonymous to easy all the times. other than that rubbish, i agree with your sentiment that it took a long time to anything done.


When ever a chump like yourself or others at Blizzard spew nonsense out like this with, I’m assuming a straight face, it makes me want to puke. I mean lets just dissect your comment.

First sentence - “Reforging is pretty complicated when you want to min-max” compared to the 2nd and 4th sentence… “Most players would go”… “bad stat in to good stat and that’s fine but its a chore.” So what is it - complicated or just a chore. Compare that with the garbage they’ve been shoving down our throat since then and what system is “less complicated” and/or even “less of a chore” - reforging or asserite armor traits?.

Fact is, those who didn’t want to min-max didn’t have to reforge and they were just fine. However, those who got a higher ilvl item but with bad stats, reforging provided a VERY SIMPLE mechanism to help alleviate that problem. For those that wanted (and still do) min-max the system of reforging was/is infinitely easier than the current system.

The only argument for removing reforging is to prevent players from getting geared to quickly and improving the “time played” metric. For you, and others at Blizzard, to defend the current system as being “simpler” or “less of a chore” then reforging is just stupid.


I’m sorry words offend you so much. It must be difficult living with a disability.

Despite having said I want reforging back, clearly I’m a shill on payroll.

Most players don’t min-max. Therefore it’s a chore for most players.

It can get pretty complicated when you factor in breakpoints, especially Haste breakpoints. As I mentioned in an early post, which you didn’t read, things like Haste breakpoints, the RoRo trinket all had a heavy impact on Reforging’s usefulness.

Yes, plugging your toon into AMR and waiting for someone’s tool to do the work was quite the easy task. They wanted to reduce bloat in WoW… “World of Menu-craft” was brought up a lot. And the amount of enhancements to gear was pruned in WOD.

This is objectively true.

That’s objectively false, but okay. Let’s keep going, almost done anyways.

I’m playing devil’s advocate. I’ve claimed numerous times in the past and in this thread that Reforging would be fine to have in BFA’s systems.

So… okay then. You can loosen the tinfoil a bit.

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wholeheartedly agree, dude is a chump. the pretentiousness stemming from that green text is just palpable…

Ah yes. The good ole shill argument. A classic taste with a bittersweet finish.

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think your guilty conscience is manifesting, lol. i didn’t call you a shill, i called you a chump. if you want me to simplify it for you further, i’m implying that your green text gives you a sense of superiority over other white text plebs like myself. i see, others see, something tells me you’re not so ignorant of yourself either.

Wait don’t you have two gear sets?

Don’t you have a phone?

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cringed when i saw that one as well. clearly we’re all dealing with a celebrity here. i feel honored to have been graced with a reply, /s

For context:

We can have a discussion or we can trade insults until the thread gets locked.

Have fun.

or we can fight the toxicity with… super likes!

I must warn you first these likes are very potent.

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Yea reported him very offensive green texter

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Honestly - it refreshing (though just a lowely MVP) to actually have someone associated in the Activision/Blizzard system to have their words match their attitude.

Most players didn’t reforge either so the chore there didn’t exist. Haste breakpoints were NOT complicated for those who are min-max’ing (i.e. doing the research and understanding their character) and as someone else pointed out - if reforging was to complicated for you then…

Again - how is this in any way shape or form different than what we currently have? It’s not - it’s even more cumbersome as the asserite trait system effects EVERYONE reguardless of them wanting to “min-max” or not. There are traits that make an item better than others even being 15 ilvl’s lower. Reforging was a simpler system because should you “choose” to you could simply re-align stats which would make that higher ilvl item worth equipping.

This is not “objectively false” what ever you are trying to say there… The removal of the reforge system and the introduction of titan-forging was done to keep that carrot on the stick mentality of never being done with your gear.

Blizzard doesn’t need any help these days with idiots playing devil’s advocate for them…